Topic: Plasmator Expanded mod  (Read 9936 times)


« on: March 07, 2023, 11:09:55 AM »

This mod was not meant to be 100% faithful to the historical reenactment, however I searched various sources about Iron Age foods in Finland, such as rose hips, wild apple trees, juniper, as well as sour milk and fermented beverages.
In the future, I will release a completely realistic mod, to which I will also attach the sources.
In this mode I've used some tiles from vanilla game, is forbidden to use them outside URW. about my own graphic and code, feel free to use it for your own projects and mods.

This mod contain also the Bird Coop code and graphic by Privateer.

Simply copy and paste all files in the URW directory
Make a diy_glossary and diy_cookery backup first!


Fishing (improved)
Cooking (improved)

- Bugs: Bees and Snail
- Wild fruit trees: Hazelnut and wild apple
- plants and berries: Rose hip, lentils and ramsons.

NEW SEA FAUNA (now living in the in islands will be much more easier and the sea will have a lot of food to give now, and exploring those rocks in the sea will give you a lot of mussels and clams, if you have the right climbing skill...)
- Clams
- Mussels
- Crayfish
- Prawns

- Look for open mire to dig ferrous stones
- Look for caves to dig various ore like copper, silver and gold

- Smelt bog ferrous stones into impure iron, smelt again for rough iron block and forge them into pure steel bars!
- Smelt and forge precious metal ores for jewelry making, to barter on your trading routes

- Forge and shape rough blades, then bury them in a swamp to increase the carbon inside the steel and wait for some months.
- Dig out your blades and forge them into valuable tools or weapons.
- Craftable items: Knife, Seax (skramaseax), Handaxe, Carving Axe, Woodsman's axe, Battleaxe, Battlesword, Spear, Carving Knife, Small pot, Pot, Cauldron, Roundhield, Shovel.

- Make rings, brooches, sun\moon symbol pendant and brachelet with copper, silver or gold metals.
- Find and refine precious gems and put them on your ring, barter them to be a rich man, or give as a gift for your future wife\husband (if marriage will back one day :) )

- Dig on the river\lake for clay, shape it and make your clay containers! Avaiable to craft: clay cup, clay bowl, clay pot, small clay pot and the huge amphora
- Small pot and cauldron, a smaller and lighter version of the pot for your wandered characters, and a huge pot to cook great meals for your log-house guests.

- Harvest pine tar to varnish punts and rafts
- Make Charcoal for pottery, smithing and jewelry crafting.
- Look for baltic amber on the seashore and put them on your own jewelry
- Dig for worms to use as baits
- Build and place bird-houses for harvesting eggs after a while
- Look for shells and baltic amber on the seashore
- Dig for stones and rocks
- Crush bones into powder to fertilize the soil


- Craftable simple yarn clothes

RITUALS (all this stuff is still very rough, and is meant more for roleplay than other stuff, but make a nice ritual will give you some reward at this moment)
- Burial ritual
- Cremation rite
- Midsommer ritual
- Midwinter ritual
- Shaman-drum (will be used as part of ritual recipe)

- Dry mushrooms
- Seal your berries making Berries Jam
- Make butter and two kind of long lasting cheese
- Huge meals to cook in the new outstanding cauldron
- Harvest bee hives to get honey (extremely carb nutritional) or to get beeswax to seal food like Berry Jam, Cheese, and more to come, or use it as a tanning material
- Harvest snails, a new bug food to find around. Purge them, and taste this delicious stew!
- Harvest new plant like hazelnut (hight fats!), wild apple, rose hip, lentils and ramsons garlic.
- Boil bones for marrow
- Make beverage like Mead, fermented berries wine and sour milk to entertain your guests or to get drunk!
- Modified fish soups to include also shellfishes, dedicated sea soup and freshwater soup!
- Make sourdough for a lot of bread

- Make net
- Make and set crayfish\prawn traps (meaby I will remove the shrimp trap or modify a bit)

BUILDINGS (codes take from fandom wiki, Idrk who writed them)
- Dig a primitive well
- Make roads

- Bird coop (code and graphicby privateer)
- Scarecrow (will be used for training recipes on future versions)

- All water fauna (crabs, crayfish, shrimps, clams, etc..)
- Clay pot and amphora
- Altar and grave
- All flora (snail, beehive, wild fruit trees etc) - apple and hazelnut have still a very raw graphic, I will work on it soon as I can
- Shellfish trap
- Amber

I hope I din't forget anythink  :o

- Addding 5lt water requirement for final forging process
- One more process for the pottery crafting system
- Waxed leather armors
- Much more rituals and detailed recipes for officiate them

Spoiler: show
Changelog_v0.7 - Expanded Plasmator mod URW

- Creation of dedicated sub-menus for cookery craftings
- Removed seacrab and freshwater crabs, since in finland there where no native species of crabs
- cratfish can be found in both river and lake, but can be fished by trapping only in lakes
- Changed graphics for shrimps and changed name to prawn (baltic brawn)
- Added Rockpool Prawn, can occasionaly found in summer season to add some variety on the coast after crabs removal
- Fixed some mining and forging recipes, setted up noquality for all mining process
- Edited cooking recipes to adapt new sea fauna
- Added lentil soup
- Edited and fixed brass jewelry
- Added Stone cooking plate (atm is useless, will be update on some planned cookery recipes)
- Stone pot weight and capacity changed from 10-2.5 to 12-3 for balance
- Removed waxed cheese
- Added beewax requirement for fermented beverage like mead and fermented berries drinks
- Added flora_ore.txt   -  Baltic amber now spawn as mushroom. Removed possibility to find baltic amber by crafting from "Gathering"
- Fixed "shrimp" graphic
- Added "polish amber" option in jewelry to actually make baltic amber gems to put on rings
- Added hammer and goldsmith's hammer option in smithing menu
- Removed seacrab trap and fixed shellfish traps
- Added lentils soup
- Added bird coop (graphic and code by Privateer). Building the coop and feeding animals require now also some straws
- Changed related skill of forging from common to weatherlore, changed related skill of smithing from common to carpentery
- Changed name of the menĂ¹ "Rituals" to "Rites"
- Added Cremation rite, where you can get ashes to fill on a container, and then you can bury the ashes inside an amphora
- Changed related skill for rites from common to ritual

Changelog_v0.8 - Expanded Plasmator mod URW

- Created dedicated sub-menus for Armorsmith, weaponsmith and toolsmith crafting recipes
- Added Rus lamellar, lamellar with shoulders, Lamellar with tassets, lamellar tessets and lamellar shoulders (for now the recipes are empty, only graphics are implemented for now. Next release will add forging option for steel lamellae to build lamellar armours)
- Added Broadhead arrow crafting option.
  Changed requirment for arrow and broadhead arrow from rock to iron block.
  Is not so easy to make your own arrow now
- Removed dedicated cooking recipes and ported again to diy_cookery.txt since was not showing the recipes
- Added Baltic sword, Vikingr Sword, Rus Saber, Langseax, Braided shield, Rus shield, Norman sword


- Crustacean in Finland -

GUIDE TO THE MOD (to be finished)

Spoiler: show
The addition of aquatic animals in addition to the fish already present in the vanilla version makes the aquatic places even more important than in the past, and the different habitats of these animals will lead to more considered choices on where to place your camp / settlement.

Mussels and prawns are found in the sea, and are an immense source of food just waiting to be harvested and cooked.
Mussels are present practically all year round, but only in the southern and western coastal areas due to the too low salinity in the sea to the north.
They can be found mainly on rock formations on the coast or on rocks in the open sea.
Prawns are found all along the URW coast, and there are two species, baltic prawn and rockpool prawn.
Baltic prawns are easiest to find in shallow coastal waters, while rockpool prawns are rarer to find and congregate in small pools of water on rocks.

Moving on to the freshwater habitat, we can find the large and tasty crayfish, generally in rivers and lakes, although their fishing through traps is only possible in lakes due to the too much current of the rivers which would drag away the trap.
Clams are another considerable, though less abundant, food source than mussels, and are found only in rivers.

In our wanderings in the lands of URW during the warmer months, we may now encounter bee hives, or small groups of snails.
Bee hives can be found near large trees, and are very hard to find. When it is harvested, we can extract honey or beewax from a beehive.
Honey is the highest carbohydrate food in the game, spoil after 200 days, and can be made into mead, a great drink.
The beewax is instead used to seal some long-life foods, or to make armor in boiled leather in the beewax (to be implemented)

Snails, on the other hand, are a food that is easy to find in almost all territories, and must be boiled, otherwise they are poisonous.
 An excellent source of fat and protein to harvest in the wild!

Hazelnut and wild apple can now can now be found in URW.
Hazelnuts, rare enough to find, are an incredible source of fat that can fill you up more than handfuls of blueberries.
on the other hand, apple trees are very easy to find, and their juicy fruits are just waiting to be picked (try the delicious fermented apple drink!)

Now you can harvest hip roses from wild roses, juniper berries, lentils and ramsons.
Those plant where made mostly to add variety in the game and are quite similar to other similar plants in the game

« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 09:39:44 AM by Plasmator94 »


« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2023, 01:49:32 PM »
It looks very cool. I'm a graphics guy, and have a bit to point out.
Your sprites seem to use alpha, which the game does not support.

Heres a quote from the readme that explains how the background color works:
Quote from: Truetile Readme
* Background color (which appears transparent in action) is not fixed and is derived from the upper left pixel (0,0).
  Don't use image built-in transparency, but just make sure that the upper left pixel is of the color
  you want to be transparent.


« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2023, 02:01:18 PM »
It looks very cool. I'm a graphics guy, and have a bit to point out.
Your sprites seem to use alpha, which the game does not support.

Heres a quote from the readme that explains how the background color works:

Hi Krutzelpuntz, thanks for your feedback!

They just work fine on my pc when I run URW, I've used vanilla background-related object pictures and worken on them, meaby work fine just for me? I'm using latest URW version downloaded from


« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2023, 02:18:58 PM »
Hi Krutzelpuntz, thanks for your feedback!

They just work fine on my pc when I run URW, I've used vanilla background-related object pictures and worken on them, meaby work fine just for me? I'm using latest URW version downloaded from

It seems to only be a problem with seacrab.png, mussel.png and shrimp.png. Here's an example of how they would look in game, with black background.


« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2023, 02:25:45 PM »
Hi Krutzelpuntz, thanks for your feedback!

They just work fine on my pc when I run URW, I've used vanilla background-related object pictures and worken on them, meaby work fine just for me? I'm using latest URW version downloaded from

It seems to only be a problem with seacrab.png, mussel.png and shrimp.png. Here's an example of how they would look in game, with black background.

Oh I see! Thanks you, I will fix it asap :)

Bert Preast

« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2023, 07:43:55 PM »
Looks very interesting!  Great to see you intend to focus on realism, if you look after that then the balancing sorts itself out  :)


« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2023, 10:03:10 AM »
Looks like you discovered the philosopher's stone, you can make gold bars out of iron.

There are some interesting ideas that will find a place in my version of BAC.


« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2023, 10:16:39 AM »
Looks like you discovered the philosopher's stone, you can make gold bars out of iron.

There are some interesting ideas that will find a place in my version of BAC.

OOOPS!!  :o Hahaha thanks for notice me. I will make a quick fix and aa dev update in a couple of days. I've started to take off some stuff and polishing each recipes.

Feel free to add it on your BAC! And if you guys have suggestion and ideas just tell me ;)


« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2023, 05:02:48 PM »
Hello everybody, from now I will add the dev on the original post and I will update via a post on this topic.

I've just uploaded the new version 0.7, a lot of small fix done and added some stuff on rituals. Also added Farming crafting, with Bird coop (by Privateer) and a scarecrow (will be used for physicall training on future releases)

I've also made dedicated submenus for cooking recipes, so now shoul be more compatible with other mods
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 05:04:39 PM by Plasmator94 »


« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2023, 09:01:47 PM »
Hey, so i installed the most recent version of the mod and when i check some of the cooking sub-menus they are completely empty.


« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2023, 08:58:21 AM »
Hello everybody, here are some new stuff for this version 0.8. New weapons to forge, and armors, all based on actual historical finds on the period where URW is based on. Check the cheangelog for more info

Hey, so i installed the most recent version of the mod and when i check some of the cooking sub-menus they are completely empty.

With new version this is fixed
Just remove diy_harvesting, diy_preserving, diy_beverage and diy_hugemeals after you've overwritten all files with v0.8 files

This will be compatible with your older save

V0.8 Changelog
Spoiler: show

Changelog_v0.8 - Expanded Plasmator mod URW

- Created dedicated sub-menus for Armorsmith, weaponsmith and toolsmith crafting recipes
- Added Rus lamellar, lamellar with shoulders, Lamellar with tassets, lamellar tessets and lamellar shoulders.
- Added Broadhead arrow crafting option.
  Changed requirment for arrow and broadhead arrow from rock to iron block.
  Is not so easy to make your own arrow now
- Removed dedicated cooking recipes and ported again to diy_cookery.txt since was not showing the recipes
- Added Baltic sword, Vikingr Sword, Rus Saber, Langseax, Braided shield, Rus shield, Norman sword
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 06:11:08 PM by Plasmator94 »

