Topic: Trading troubles  (Read 2385 times)


« on: January 11, 2020, 02:57:30 PM »
So I wanted to trade for a Pot from a village. They liked me because I'd previously recovered a spear for a wounded adventurer there. I'd also traded some food with them before I think.

Anyway, I had picked up the Pot and offered a Rough Shortsword which they agreed to. I canceled that trade and picked up an Elk Hide. I could not negotiate a trade for both items so I put the hide back. After that, they still believed I was trading for the Hide and the Pot. I then put the Pot back, but they still thought I was trading for both items.

I then picked up a Wooden Tub, and they thought I was trading for all 3 items. When I put the Tub back, they recognized that I'd returned the Tub but not the Pot or Hide.

I played around with various things and moving stuff around but could not get rid of the Pot and Hide trade requirement. I finally tried leaving the village without any items and they yelled at me not to leave without paying. This finally lead to a dialog option that I could not afford to pay and they should take the items back. This worked, and I was allowed to leave, but after that they are annoyed with me.

I went back to try and buy the Pot again, but now I get no dialog to trade when I pick it up. However, if I try to leave the village with it on me, they yell at me to pay. But I can't pay because when I talk to them they just tell me to pick things up, and don't recognize that I've already picked it up.

So does anyone have suggestions as to what I did wrong here? At this point, is there a way for me to maybe sneak into the village at night a steal it without angering them further?

Thank you
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 03:27:06 PM by Dsoden »

