Topic: Magic Berrys!  (Read 8966 times)


« on: June 12, 2019, 08:57:46 PM »
Hi people , i found lots of areas with ready to eat berrys , but it's seedtime. Is it normal? Even the northern billberrys are ready.
I even found some god gifted blueberry shrubs near a village! Is this a bug or did the spirit gift me with early food lol. Keep in mind that my settlement is to the northest part of the map , just up the kuikka tribe. And for you guys info i will not abuse this glitch until i know whats up with it as i am a true role player. Cheers


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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2019, 12:11:53 PM »
Hi people , i found lots of areas with ready to eat berrys , but it's seedtime. Is it normal? Even the northern billberrys are ready.
I even found some god gifted blueberry shrubs near a village! Is this a bug or did the spirit gift me with early food lol. Keep in mind that my settlement is to the northest part of the map , just up the kuikka tribe. And for you guys info i will not abuse this glitch until i know whats up with it as i am a true role player. Cheers

No, this is not normal. I recall of early berries, or too-early withering berries, being reported sometimes back in the day. If I remember correctly it was related to migrated characters, or long-lived characters.

Is your character migrated, or lived many years?
In any case, you could .zip up your character folder and e-mail it over to me - or put it somewhere available for download.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 09:25:41 PM »
I've been playing around with some game files, and one of the changes was changing the month names to modern names in urw_defs.txt, and noticed that I started getting unseasonal harvest - I got broad beans, hemp (in villages) and black ear mushrooms in Swidden/April (I think what I had planted myself in my own field showed the correct time, but I'm not sure about that). Then I changed the month names back to the original, and  now it again displays the correct harvest month. Could this be related?


« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 06:02:58 PM »
Hi my character was not migrated as i do not know how to lol, i think im still at 3.50 ver , and my character is on his second year and it was seed time at the time but now its early fall month as i played stills. And it would be an honnor to send you my save sami but i do not know how and i dont know which email to send it to


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« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2019, 11:58:25 AM »
I've been playing around with some game files, and one of the changes was changing the month names to modern names in urw_defs.txt, and noticed that I started getting unseasonal harvest - I got broad beans, hemp (in villages) and black ear mushrooms in Swidden/April (I think what I had planted myself in my own field showed the correct time, but I'm not sure about that). Then I changed the month names back to the original, and  now it again displays the correct harvest month. Could this be related?

Hmm. I think it's something else. Or at least I can't think of a reason why changing month names would interfere. They are just plain text additions to game messages.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


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« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2019, 12:00:58 PM »
Hi my character was not migrated as i do not know how to lol, i think im still at 3.50 ver , and my character is on his second year and it was seed time at the time but now its early fall month as i played stills. And it would be an honnor to send you my save sami but i do not know how and i dont know which email to send it to

Aaah okay. Well, if you're playing older version then this might be something that has been fixed already, or has gone away the way or another.
We need to concentrate only on bugs encountered/confirmed in the most recent version.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2019, 05:15:40 PM »
Hmm. I think it's something else. Or at least I can't think of a reason why changing month names would interfere. They are just plain text additions to game messages.

I thought maybe there was some string matching going on that threw things off, but upon further testing, it must be something else - the hemp and broad beans have now vanished, but I still find harvestable black ear mushrooms in late Swidden/April, which shouldn't be possible according to the wiki (if they sprout in Swidden, grow 60 days and are harvestable in Fallow) - in this case, might the wiki be wrong? I also found harvestable crowberries, but they are again back to normal. So, I haven't been able to repeat whatever glitch caused this, but next time I come across it, I'll make a save game right there and then...


« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2019, 06:26:28 PM »
How does one update without losing the characters , is there any posts about that?

JEB Davis

« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2019, 12:29:09 AM »
How does one update without losing the characters , is there any posts about that?
Copy character's name folder from the old directory to the new version's directory. Simple as that!

If you use mods, you'll also have to copy them over too.


« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2019, 12:46:04 AM »
Thank you! I just updated to 3.52 it is presently winter i will tell you sami if it happends again next spring !


« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2019, 11:55:03 AM »
There really is something weird going on. I went trading in south-eastern Driik in early Seedtime/May (my base is in northwest Driik), and upon entering one village, discovered lots of peas and rye for harvest - I immediately saved the game and made a copy of my character folder, then reloaded the save - and all the harvest was gone! The field is now completely empty of rye and peas - just some dog pipes, milkweed and clayweed here and there (aren't these also out of season?). Seems like the logic is something like this: when you first enter an area where something has new sprouted, the game shows it as fully grown and harvestable - however, if you reload, or move to a new area where similar crops are growing, the game catches up on unseasonal crops and from then on, it shows the correct harvest time. I've attached a screenshot of unseasonal milkweed - these seem to persist even after reload - sadly I didn't think of getting a screenshot of the unseasonal rye harvest...
« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 09:05:18 PM by Saukko »


« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2019, 08:34:20 PM »
There really is something weird going on. I went trading in south-eastern Driik in late Seedtime/May (my base is in northeast Driik), and upon entering one village, discovered lots of peas and rye for harvest - I immediately saved the game and made a copy of my character folder, then reloaded the save - and all the harvest was gone! The field is now completely empty of rye and peas - just some dog pipes, milkweed and clayweed here and there (aren't these also out of season?). Seems like the logic is something like this: when you first enter an area where something has new sprouted, the game shows it as fully grown and harvestable - however, if you reload, or move to a new area where similar crops are growing, the game catches up on unseasonal crops and from then on, it shows the correct harvest time. I've attached a screenshot of unseasonal milkweed - these seem to persist even after reload - sadly I didn't think of getting a screenshot of the unseasonal rye harvest...

thats weird i have not seen the bug with anything else than berrys for now


« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2019, 09:02:02 PM »
Okay so Spring came after a long winter , i moved to the eastern region with my character akku which is the one who found the magic berrys , in hope to lead the war agaisnt the red ennemy! It is seed time and ihave returned to my old kuikka tribbe settlement , which is my main home , where i gatther all my loot. I returned to plant/check on the magic berrys , to my surprise , i found new areas with ready to eat blue berrys by early seedtime but the old spots with ready to eat lingonberrys and northern billberrys (sorry if i miss spell) we're now back to thei're intended cycles.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 09:47:56 PM by Purplemate »