Topic: [to 3.63 only] Community mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing  (Read 381011 times)


« Reply #825 on: June 13, 2021, 10:22:00 AM »
Possible lumber exploit.

I am not sure if this has been noted earlier, or it could be a game engine limitation. I have a fairly low skilled character with only a stone axe so vanilla board making is not an option. Using diy_BAC_Lumber.txt I can split vanilla logs in half then quarters then radial boards, each step takes about 10 hours but works as expected.

Yesterday I wanted to get a short quarter log to start making a bow and I intended to use one of the quarter logs I had to get 2 short quarter logs, using the Make / Lumber menu I selected the wrong option by mistake and created 2 half logs out of 1 quarter log. This was an exploit I could easily undo as I am now in the habit of making manual backups more often, but while experimenting I also found that short quarter logs can be made into full length radial boards. It may be that the naming of intermediate parts may have to be more precise or that players may have to trust themselves not to exploit engine errors.


« Reply #826 on: June 13, 2021, 03:37:45 PM »
yeah that would be an exploit Im not sure I could fix

Base object is log and name is log so its going to get a positive result for log recipes

The point of the radial boards is two fold:
= you can make a board using a stone axe as the time is spread out over various steps and is longer time in total
= use in the clinkered punt boat

There are a few things in BAC which are honor dependent on the user. Like the washed bandages or iron "fix" entries where a exploiting user could spam huge quantities of goods. BAC is here to add a huge range of life-like crafting, encourage learning a broader set of primitive skills and activities to the game. Its not going to be a tightly sealed system.


« Reply #827 on: June 28, 2021, 06:35:59 PM »
Pending is the 3.70 changes

BAC has long been too big to avoid not over writing or moving vanilla recipes. So downloading to 3.70 will chunk up BAC until the BAC update is done. Which will be... some time... soon... with a squirrel... making tea.

My initial read of the upcoming changes implies that only a few files will be affected like cooking, building and something for textiles. So MOST of the BAC will still be accessible.

Objects already crafted in game already have their properties assigned so there shouldnt be any problem with them working.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2021, 06:59:50 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #828 on: July 04, 2021, 07:27:46 PM »
After installing this mod I can't make a wooden shovel anymore. What gives?


« Reply #829 on: July 14, 2021, 05:39:21 PM »
After installing this mod I can't make a wooden shovel anymore. What gives?

Your probably running the wrong game version for the BAC. The last game version BAC is set for is 3.63.

IF you are updating to 3.70b there will be issues until BAC is updated.


Note that once an item is created its properties remained attached in the interm you can uninstall BAC, create the item in vanilla, then reinstall the BAC.

For the shovel that should just be the diy_glossary and whatever BAC file the shovel is in.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 06:06:40 PM by Brygun »

Dungeon Smash

« Reply #830 on: July 17, 2021, 10:17:17 PM »
I've been away from the "scene" for a bit Brygun, but let me know if you need any help bugtesting/editing for the next update.  Shouldnt take me too long to remember how the modding infrastructure works.... I hope....


« Reply #831 on: July 21, 2021, 11:30:42 PM »
While attempting to craft a split spruce twig in 3.70b, I get this error:
PROPERTY FAIL! WRONG RAW: Selected item has no properties to be derived into Tying Equipment.
{Spruce twig} is rejected as an ingredient, which at first seems to be a consequence of the material updates for tying equipment in the 3.70 build.
However, the root rope recipes do work as intended even though the non-birch one calls for a rock and a stone. Perhaps the issue is with the update for spruce twigs:
- added: sleeping on spruce twigs

         Sleeping on spruce twigs now gives a little extra warmth and protection from the cold.

I tried changing the recipe header into a substitute for spruce saplings, like a young spruce bough, but saplings are not accessible as a base object in the crafting system and cannot be spawned this way. Looks like we'll have to give up on spruce twigs for cheap typing equipment.


« Reply #832 on: August 01, 2021, 01:02:11 AM »
While attempting to craft a split spruce twig in 3.70b, I get this error:
PROPERTY FAIL! WRONG RAW: Selected item has no properties to be derived into Tying Equipment.
{Spruce twig} is rejected as an ingredient, which at first seems to be a consequence of the material updates for tying equipment in the 3.70 build.
However, the root rope recipes do work as intended even though the non-birch one calls for a rock and a stone. Perhaps the issue is with the update for spruce twigs:
- added: sleeping on spruce twigs

         Sleeping on spruce twigs now gives a little extra warmth and protection from the cold.

I tried changing the recipe header into a substitute for spruce saplings, like a young spruce bough, but saplings are not accessible as a base object in the crafting system and cannot be spawned this way. Looks like we'll have to give up on spruce twigs for cheap typing equipment.

Starting to finally open the code on 3.70b. As Im not currently in an actively playing phase I will admit to being a bit slow to getting to it.

BAC you have now hasn't yet been fixed for 3.70b

That said...

3.70b biy_glossary includes making a shelter from spruce twigs so Im not sure about the issue reported by Galgana. I did a vanilla 3.70b vanilla test and it made a shelter with spruce twigs in the recipe.


« Reply #833 on: August 01, 2021, 01:03:12 AM »
I've been away from the "scene" for a bit Brygun, but let me know if you need any help bugtesting/editing for the next update.  Shouldnt take me too long to remember how the modding infrastructure works.... I hope....

I've finally cracked into the code now.

Currently that spruce twig issue looks weird.


« Reply #834 on: August 01, 2021, 02:41:04 AM »
I will be making notes on the upcoming (note the upcoming) changes to merge with the 3.70 files. Im posting them in part to help myself keep track of what Ive done to what and where things got moved.

These aren't yet released.

= main biy file check
== <withe> added to fencing and fence gate

= cookery checked
== seemed okay

= Menu def
== Fishing is a new menu name that so far I can't do anything about so Ill either have to lose one of the few letters or stuff non-fishing stuff into it
== Letters J and Q now being used for menus
== Available letters dropped from 4 to 2 (V and Y) (there is no Z nor Zuul)
== menu list alpha sorted, at least for the modded in entries

= Fishing gear
== BAC iron fish hooks and fishing rods removed as vanilla rods exist and this frees menu space
== BAC net moved into fishing gear

= Loop Snare
== New vanilla call for {Yarn} =6= with BAC continuing to use {Cord} but upping from =3= to =6= to match

= Wooden cup
== BAC continues to use a small block wood for a cup rather than use the same mass of raw material as a bowl

= Wooden Shovel
== BAC had %-30% changed to match the vanilla %10% (thats a 40 point jump on the skill affect)

= Wooden stake updated to vanilla

= Sleeping on spruce twigs
== AFAIK this is automatic but I have asked elsewhere

= Clothing needs thin cordage from 3.70

= Flora
= [straw] added to BAC find in wilds crops
= Nutrition etc checked
= BAC Hemp/Flax adjusted to vanilla plant values, had come from an older mod


Pending items

= Textilecraft skill is a thing

= retting and drying by vanilla to replace BAC steps

= Other uses of "thin cordage" pending
« Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 02:43:13 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #835 on: August 07, 2021, 12:22:13 AM »
Due to alot of different things going on in life I'm not able to do much on Unreal World at this time.

The file below has the provisional 3.70c work as listed above. Provisional as in not complete and not deeply tested.

The next things to do, like rematching the cord types, is looking like a big mind share that I just can't volunteer with all the others I need to be doing. For the time being I won't be doing other updates and Im not sure when/if I'll be back into Unreal World. Its been a good run with BAC itself being a few years since this thread was started.


« Reply #836 on: August 09, 2021, 11:57:00 AM »
I understand life can get in the way but I, for one, will miss you and BAC, if your pause becomes a stop.

For me this mod was the one that made urw worth playing, I intend to have a go at the files to see if I can work out how to get it working but I fear it might be the end of my urw journey.


« Reply #837 on: August 11, 2021, 09:58:22 AM »
Is it cool if we try to work on it ourselves and post it here? Not sure I’ll get around to it, but in case I find the time.


« Reply #838 on: August 11, 2021, 04:43:34 PM »
I would suggest that if this is going to turn into a community effort then putting it on gitlab will be a way to control changes/additions. I, or someone else, could create a public repository and anyone can submit changes, a release can be made here when things seem stable.


« Reply #839 on: August 12, 2021, 06:58:06 PM »
General idea for community continuation is fine with me.

There was since the beginning a "pass on" clause, namely that if I was gone for over a month that it could happen. I've had health issues where the end of my life was other than a 0% thing.

I'm not well versed in modern community sharing systems, like github, or the phrasing of contribution authorizations. The intent of it continuing after "my watch" is there.

<insert meme: Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, My watch is over>

I do suggest that a new thread might be a good thing to use. Post #1 is easy for new people to download the current version and only the author of Post #1 can edit that change.

