Topic: Saved characters (Debian Linux install)  (Read 5430 times)


« on: July 01, 2018, 10:21:45 AM »
Hi guys,
I used to play to the 3.2x versions of the game and thus had some saved characters. The saved characters used to be located at /home/.urw...)

I have just updated to the 3.5x and cannot find anymore the saving folder, nor in /home/.urw (like it is used to) nor in /usr/share/urw

To find where it could be, I started a new characted, saved it then started a search on / (root) but the name never appeared! Basic questions: are the saved files somehow encrypted now? Or hidden?

Anyone could give me a hand please?




« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2018, 11:31:16 AM »
I'm on Windoze, so it may or not apply, but characters are saved as folders named after the character at the top level, i.e. beside the UrW exe, wherever UrW is installed (D:\Games\UnRealWorld in my case). One thing to note for Unix logic based system users is that the folder name is all in upper case, so your searches have to cater for that.


« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2018, 12:04:25 PM »
Okay thanks for your answer.

Reinstallating the game, I started the game once again and checked the ABOUT part and there I found the answer (for any future reference):


At least, we now know :)
