Rauko decides to turn back north, hoping to find some territory that is familiar.
Suddenly, traveling through a large forest mostly of spruces, a dirty-looking wildman sees them. By the time Rauko can drop his heavy gear and arm himself with shield, axe, and knife, Badgerbane has run to attack!

Rauko runs to the fight and is halfway there when his dog is hit two times by the man's two-handed axe and has trouble staying on her feet. By the time Rauko closes with the man, she has been knocked down and isn't moving.

Angered, Rauko stabs the red-clad man in the hip with a knife thrust, then moves over to protect his fallen companion. The whistling axe strikes Rauko in the side, but the wound is minor thanks to his mail. After trading blows a few times, the man stabs him deeply in the leg with a knife.
Wounded, and with his shield seriously damaged by the axe, Rauko is worried. As the fight goes on, he struggles to overcome the intense pain of his wounds.
The man strikes a blow to his shoulder, but loses his grip on the axe. Rauko's shield also slips from his grasp.

Both retrieve their dropped weapons and the wildman is quicker and Rauko sustains another hit to his thigh.
They trade blows a few more times and Rauko is knocked down, blacking out only for a moment. He rouses himself quickly and struggles to get up as he is hit again.
Blood on his hand is slippery and he can't hold his handaxe.

Rauko sees his father's face, calling to him...

He goes to be with his father.