Topic: Allow humans to recognize baited traps  (Read 6085 times)


« on: December 20, 2018, 10:22:37 AM »
Humans recognize trap lines and avoid/deal with them, but can (accidentally or intentionally) get caught by isolated traps.
After having a merchant getting killed in an isolated trap of mine, I thought it might be possible for humans to recognize baited traps as being traps, and thus avoid them. This would still make it possible to intentionally target humans by leaving traps unbaited, but would allow you to avoid accidental human casualties by ensuring those traps are baited (at least until such a time when bait can be taken by creatures of the "wrong" size, such as birds taking meat from a pit trap without triggering it).


« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2018, 05:56:04 AM »
But I build traps for Nerjpez....



« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2018, 11:17:08 AM »
And what bait do you use for Njerps? Axes? It would make sense only edibles are considered bait when it comes to detection. I don't believe Njerps take edibles at all.


« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2018, 03:00:33 AM »
1) Its hard but not unheard of get a Nerjpez in a pit trap

2) I make traps by my homestead doors or on a shelter's narrow approaches for them to avoid, or at least make a loud noise when they trip them


« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2018, 10:47:11 AM »
1) Its hard but not unheard of get a Nerjpez in a pit trap

2) I make traps by my homestead doors or on a shelter's narrow approaches for them to avoid, or at least make a loud noise when they trip them
What is the point you're trying to get through? I fail to understand it.

I know humans can occasionally get caught in traps, and the suggestion is to provide a means to avoid that from happening if you want to avoid it. If you want it to happen it should still be possible, of course.


« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2018, 06:53:24 PM »
When sleeping it is wise to set traps around you so things cant kill you while you sleep.

That includes hostile humans like Nerjpez.


Also, some people play robbers who want to catch rich merchants. Not many do that but it also is an option.


« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2018, 07:03:30 PM »
And what bait do you use for Njerps? Axes? It would make sense only edibles are considered bait when it comes to detection. I don't believe Njerps take edibles at all.

That's kinda silly and a bad argument on your part. You're only thinking of hunting methods rather than tactical traps. You don't need bait in traps for them to catch or injure things.

In fact I've often set swarms of traps around fields are as part of a trap line with only a few of them being baited. The original proposition of humans detecting baited traps is flawed in that you would still have accidents with friendly/neutrals getting in traps when there was unbaited traps around.


Animals are attracted to things other than bait on trap. For instance they are attracted to food stores in cellars. A player can and should place traps near their cellar and there is no need to bait them. Then animals trying or even succeeding in raiding the cellar can get caught on the way in or out from the cellar.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 07:12:12 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2018, 10:58:54 PM »
No, I DO think about tactical traps, which is why I proposed a way to separate tactical from hunting traps, rather than request all traps to be human detectable.

Humans detect trap lines, and those keep hostile animals out (unless you get unlucky enough to get a wolf killed by a trap so the rest of the pack can pass). Trap mine fields for tactical purposes would be kept unbaited with my proposal, and you would naturally run the risk of non hostiles getting caught in those (same as with modern day mine fields), as there's no such thing as secret messages that are not visible to hostiles (and robbers and njerps aren't "hostile" until they aggro anyway).

The animals I've seen raiding cellars have been too small for the pit/bear traps, and the smaller traps are too weak to harm humans (at least njerps, which is what I've tested them on), so the only thing happening from humans stumbling into smaller traps is that the get triggered harmlessly (requiring you to reset them, of course).


« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2018, 11:39:17 PM »
We both agree on many uses of traps. In general the issue of  neutral and merchants going in a trap is awkward in the game.

Perhaps a change of viewing focus. Consider the following:

Could we get a setting in the game options to allow the user to on/off Neutral humans entering traps. Game default is off.

Enemies, a hostile human and all Njerpez, would  always risk the traps.

I believe in game party members, aka Allied humans and pets, already avoid the traps.

If someone did want to do a town or merchant raid they could turn on the neutral humans going in traps.


On another note my crop fields for Novrus have roughly the following traps

~40 unbaited light lever traps
~10 baited light lever traps
1-2 baited foxboards
2 spiked pits, 'cause there was a bear

Its a possible to do to add wolf/glutton level traps out there.


My homestead area has numerous other traps. IIRC it is now at least one of each type. Not all of them are baited. I would want Njerpez to be at risk or deal with >all< of them, baited or  not.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 11:40:48 PM by Brygun »