Topic: Accidental Conflict  (Read 5667 times)


« on: September 19, 2019, 08:06:30 PM »
I started to plant seeds not in the village but right next to it becouse there was already built prepared soil as you all know. So I built fences around my very few spot where i had spread the seeds. One side of the fence Wall was actually inside the village tiles. They didnt bother. So I could build there.

It looked like one villager was stuck inside my fences or for some reason just didnt leave for days. So in order to 'release' him i Unbuilt one piece of the fence that i had built myself within the village tiles. They got angry and told me to stop. I did it again and they attacked me. I even shot one of them with crossbow and he dropped and i cut his throat (he didnt die, at least never found the body….man i'm violent) and i ran away. After days i went to check my 'farmings' and they dont attack me anymore. Maybe i start to build traps in that town….