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Development News / Re: Summarizing shingles, showcasing tree species based timber
« Last post by PALU on July 11, 2024, 08:49:26 AM »
A preemtive question: Are you updating the punt quest to specify and require a particular kind of tree trunk, or are you updating the fulfillment test to check against any type of trunk?
I would probably go towards a specific kind of tree, given that the quest giver is rather particular in the request, so a species restriction would seem reasonable.

Asked because it's the kind of thing that can break as a result of splitting trunks up while still easy to miss the dependency.
Development News / Summarizing shingles, showcasing tree species based timber
« Last post by Sami on July 10, 2024, 02:45:23 PM »
Let's sum up and showcase a few recently mentioned crafting related ambitions with some screenshots.

As mentioned earlier we'll be featuring a new light source, shingles. They are thin and flat oblong pieces of pine wood which were burnt to produce light - especially for lighting up houses during the dark time of the year.
         Shingles are lit by using [a]pply command. Once a shingle is burning you can drop and set it wherever the light is needed, or carry it with you. Traditionally shingles were burnt in a specific stand that kept them in a good angle for proper burning, but in the game the dropped burning shingles are imagined to be inserted between the wall logs or set firmly in place by some other means.
         One shingle burns for about 30 minutes in the game so for continuous lighting a new one needs to be lit before the previous one fades out. This sort of shingle replacement is done automatically if your character is located beside the burning shingle and there's a stack of new shingles nearby on the ground. You character then automatically replaces and lights a new shingle when necessary, and you don't need to worry about maintaining the lighting even if the task you were doing would take a long time.

Here a cabin is lighted up by two shingles burning in place. There's also a stack of shingles on the ground and if the character remains beside it a new shingle is automatically lit when the previous one fades out.

Shingles can be crafted by the player character, and they may be needed in quite amounts during the dark season. An axe and a knife and suitable block of wood are needed for splitting the shingles. The preferred tree species is pine so our shingle splitting requirements will look like this.

A block of pine wood is required for splitting the shingles.

Currently the felled trunks in the game are all of the same generic wood type, and tree species don't have much difference in crafting.
But now that is going to chance as we'll be adding tree species property for big trunks and assorted timber products. At the first stage this addition only covers big trunks and
slender tree trunks will remain generic, but in the future also the slender tree trunks will get the tree species property.
         So, upon felling big trees the tree species now gets derived into the produced tree trunk. As a result the tree trunks are now called as pine tree trunk, birch tree trunk or spruce tree tunk - depending on what species of tree was felled. There are also different tree trunk tile graphics for pine tree trunk, birch tree trunk and spruce tree trunk. The basic timber products made of big trunks eg. blocks and boards will now start to inherit the tree species resulting in eg. "pine boards" or "block of birch wood". And so the tree type will now start to affect to what type of wood is needed/preferred for crafting this or that. Some tree type preference adjustments based on this addition will be made to craftable items in the next version and it will continue to grow more detailed in the versions to follow.

Here our character has felled big spruce, pine and birch trees and they appear on the ground like this.

The coding focus remains in the pausable crafting transition, but it also seems to grow more complex and comprehensive as we advance.

These are future adjustments - not yet functional in current version 3.84.2
Guides and tutorials / Re: Carrying Penatly and fatigue tested
« Last post by JP_Finn on July 08, 2024, 05:18:50 PM »
For faster drop, you can press: d + Spacebar (then Escape to skip the printout of dropped items, if multiple pages)
And to pickup: , + Spacebar (and Escape to skip again)

+ is “select all, within the current category”. You can combine it with Tab, and individual categories for little better inventory management.
General Discussion / Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll
« Last post by Gus on July 07, 2024, 07:14:36 PM »
I am new here … Last month I start with UnReal World.
Really Amazing ! A hard learning curve ! I like to read “everything “ 🤔.
On the Wiki pages. I wish it was on a printed book.
I adore Cultures ! So this way of learning “Scandinavian” ancient Cultures is nice 👍

To start in the game wilderness is difficult, but doing several good tutorials makes it bearable to continue in this Wonderful Game !

Belgium 🇧🇪
@JP_Finn, thanks Finn.
If you want, I could provide you with the mod I made to your mods (pun intended).  ;)
Bug reports / Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.84.2] Shovel disappears (3.84.2)
« Last post by Charlie Beare on July 07, 2024, 05:02:12 AM »
Tysm, and thank you for making such a wonderful game uwu
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« Last post by Dungeon Smash on July 05, 2024, 06:33:48 AM »
It's been a while, and now I'm thinking about my young virtual survivor, sunk in virtual snow, within his virtual forest.

Squatted by the side of a frozen lake, a white vastness that greets him every morning, while embers dance out of a dead bonfire, under lazy winds. The sweat upon his face struggles against a cold, jealous atmosphere, which drinks on the heat that escapes from his limbs - certainly against his will. Another tree down, another log, another piece of wood he will turn into a cup, a plate, a toy, perhaps, if imagination helps. And maybe later on he might walk north, towards the village, trading his trinkets for a loaf of bread and a piece of fish. Small talk, some laughter, a few moments within wooden walls, and he might even remember what it means to care and be cared for. Ultimately, however, he will go back to his lake and his figurines, to the silence of still waters, to meditate on the figments of his own existence and try to bring that cacophony of thoughts and memories to a reasonable conclusion.

And I'm under the impression he would be miserable without this sort of solitude to keep him company.
Well said
Bug reports / Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.84.2] Shovel disappears (3.84.2)
« Last post by Sami on July 04, 2024, 05:32:09 PM »
Found and fixed. This was luckily a rare occurrence.

Fixed - persists in 3.84.2
Bug reports / Re: Shovel disappears (3.84.2)
« Last post by Sami on July 04, 2024, 05:14:40 PM »
Tried and was able to reproduce the issue once, the shovel disappear, but on other tries it worked just fine.
However, the partially constructed pit not appearing if the process has been going on for a very short time is not a bug.
There needs to be certain amount of digging before the pit icon appears.

But evidently something is bugged there, although it's not consistent. We'll be investigating.
Bug reports / [Fixed - persists in 3.84.2] Shovel disappears (3.84.2)
« Last post by Charlie Beare on July 04, 2024, 06:58:00 AM »
To replicate:

1. Start a pit using a shovel.

2. Pause the task within the first few minutes.

The shovel will have disappeared from the inventory, and no partially constructed pit will be made.

ONLY TESTED WITH A WOODEN SHOVEL. Also, I am running the Mac version uwu
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