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Bug reports / Grinding flour
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 09, 2024, 08:08:41 PM »
This one has been around for a while, finally decided to report it.

When you have a bag, or other container of grain/seeds/roots, with over ~4lbs of produce in it, and choose to grind in to a container that has less capacity than 4 lbs; you use 4 lbs of grain, and only get the maximum capacity's worth of flour.

e.g. grind barley from full bag, choose a birchbark box as target. 4lbs of barley will be used and yet you'll only get 2lbs of flour.

Choosing 2 or more stacked containers, with enough capacity to hold 4 lbs of flour; only one container will be used, the other(s) stay empty in the inventory.

Expectation here is that:
  • grinding would only use grain/seed/roots in the capacity the receiving container can hold.
  • Use multiple containers to receive the 4lbs grinding output.
  • Prompt for "How much grain/seed/roots to grind?"
Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 09, 2024, 07:53:27 PM »
I manually paused the task, slept, and resumed crafting. No other items on the ground. No extra Slender Trunks in reach either.
Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« Last post by Plotinus on May 09, 2024, 07:45:23 PM »
I have crafted some other pausable things with other characters without this occurring, so maybe only certain items are affected or there are some special conditions for it.
Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 09, 2024, 06:55:51 PM »
I have another save, not stone-axe, but 3 blunt arrows.

And not 6 completed blunts, but 3 complete and 3 largely crafted on the ground.

edit: Finished the duplicate crafting again and it only produced 1 decent blunt arrow.
Brygun, the preload of mods was in Sami’s post; response 7, to Galgana’s question about biy_glossary limitations I.e. returning original recipe ingredients, not the currently loaded recipes ingredients. Currently if you build vanilla shelter, then comment that out, enable punt shelter from BAC, deconstruct the shelter; you’ll get punt shelter ingredients, not 3 slender trunks and 20 spruce twigs that the shelter was originally built with.
Just wanted to post on this- i think an additional key for modded menus is a good idea.

I implemented my own version in my old mod extender project,

Thank you.

I recalled it existed but at time didn't need to use it myself. Couldn't remember its name or maker. Thank you for bringing it up.
Dedicated hotkey for mods would make sense.
But would that outrule current option to touch up/edit vanilla recipes?
I like that I don’t need to add new menudef to add say wooden mugs or making stakes from boards, just add those in the vanilla diy_glossary.

The most important and really only change Im asking for is a make menu the vanilla recipes updated by the dev never go into. You could edit the vanilla recipes just like now. For large mods changes in the vanilla in the update can cause a series of cascade issues. A lot of time by the caretakers has gone into shuffling things to fit into the 625 slots we have now. When "H" was picked for hafted that impacted a slot of 25 of those.

I'm only asking for a modders safe space.

Saami would go on adding things to the 625 slots as he moves along. It just that those changes wouldn't immediately collide with the large mods.

The mod space would be sitting at its version with no changes until such time as the modder gets to updating it.

Without a safe space it will be an ongoing cycle of immediate complaints and disruptions to those playing the large mods.

The management of the 625 recipes of the mod space is upto the modder. If there is a large modder, like BAC or others, its up to them to manage the mod-625.

Imagine if in the future Saami decides to start on player blacksmithing and adds his version of charcoal as one of the steps. Immediately the vanilla-charcoal isn't the same as mod-charcoal. Recipes people are in the middle of using don't work. To put in the vanilla-charcoal a menu space or menu letter was used creating problems in the shared-625 that doesn't exist if we have a mod-625 vs dev-625. With the split the mod recipes still exist and their version of charcoal is accessible for those in the middle of long tech tree work.

When a player sees an update for their mod is available they have a choice of when to make the transition. Thus a chance to finish any big project like making an iron helm.

Also for reading all the recipes at game launch, it’d make testing mods a massive pain. Edit, save mod. Shutdown, start game. Find a need to edit further.  Repeat.
No thanks!

I dont see how that would be necessary. Even now, other than menudef, you can have a game running and edit a recipe then go to the make->item and it loads the menu current in the text file. Nothing I've suggested would change that. Not sure if someone else was saying that or where this came from. You'd don't need to reload the game to check changes in a recipe.

Whether i select it from the skill menu or with hot key

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [Fixed - 3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« Last post by Plotinus on May 08, 2024, 06:22:29 PM »
I generated a new character, Konsta, in this 3.84 patch 1 version. He crafted a stone axe over the course of several days. I didn't do anything unusual with him. He finally finished creating the stone axe and now he has one in his inventory. But there's still an almost-finished stone axe tile where he was crafting it.

The only thing I can think of is that the tile where he was crafting it has a shelter on it as well. Or that the recipe required the extra stone be in his inventory initially but after that it could select it from the ground. Or that he was using a rough hunting knife for the crafting so maybe that made it take long enough to overflow something. I'm not sure if any of these ideas are related though.

I can send a save over if you want.
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« Last post by Sotimieli on May 08, 2024, 01:02:11 PM »
Created a new side character for a challenge. Wanted to do a vegetarian pacifist run. No killing, hunting or fishing or eating meat in any form. Only exception would be milk.

Two weeks in stumbled upon an abandoned settlement with a sauna and a small cottage. Settled there and traded handcrafts, my weapons and all my clothing for two sheep for milk.

Settled at the abandoned site that happened to be on a 3 tile island already cleared of trees. Perfect spot for agriculture.

Started in spring and had to scrape by eating leaves and grass to start. Milk helps immensely and now onlu 15% staving :D
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