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General Discussion / Re: Had a dream about Unreal World
« Last post by Plotinus on June 04, 2024, 09:16:13 PM »
It means you've been playing it a lot. It happens to me too if I do something a lot
General Discussion / Had a dream about Unreal World
« Last post by Fineland on June 04, 2024, 08:34:09 PM »
Yesterday I had a dream were I was playing unreal world, whole dream was in the perspective of the game so no manually hitting keys in a dream.
In the game I was being constantly harrased by ever aggresive bears plus for some reason polar bear.
Even while I was visiting villages there were at least 5 on screen milling about until I was seen by them.
Character didnt die but constantly got damaged.
What the hell does this mean? Did any of you guys ever experience this?
Bug reports / [3.84.2] crawling while skiing
« Last post by Plotinus on June 04, 2024, 08:10:47 PM »
I was reading through some old news.txt entries, and saw that in 3.17 it was added

Code: [Select]
        1. Now you can remove skis also by [T]ake off command.
        2. Now you can't ski while crawling.
        3. Now you can't ski without ski stick.

But I can crawl while skiing. The picture and text shows me as skiing, the message log fills up with

You crawl.
You ski.
You crawl.
You ski.

My speed while crawl-skiing reduces fom 4km/hour to 1 km/hour. If I take off my skis, then my walking speed is 1km/hour and my crawling speed is 0 km/hour.
Suggestions / Re: Companions with stone axes
« Last post by Plotinus on June 04, 2024, 07:31:09 PM »
My companion says he is talented at timbercraft, but it seems he is a miracle working :)
Development News / Re: Light my shingle
« Last post by JP_Finn on June 04, 2024, 07:08:46 PM »
Shingles in roofing were lot later than iron-age /migration period in North. First record is from 1830. Article in Finnish: pärekatto
Suggestions / Companions with stone axes
« Last post by Plotinus on June 04, 2024, 06:21:36 PM »
I read in news.txt that

Code: [Select]
- fixed: companions performing some tasks too fast
         Due to miscalculations in companion time counters they managed to complete some tasks, eg. felling trees, all too fast. The issue was mostly noticed in woodworking tasks, but you may find some other companion performed tasks also to appear in slower more reasonable pace now.

I gave my companion a stone axe. He felled a tree in 1 hour, and carved a trunk into a log in 1 hour. Then he made some boards for me. The boards took a couple hours I think, and he got 3 perfect boards, 15 fine boards, and 2 decent boards.

It seems that tool suitability is not yet implemented for NPCs when it comes to how long tasks take or the quality of items they produce.
Development News / Re: Light my shingle
« Last post by Fineland on June 04, 2024, 04:12:29 PM »
For a second I thought you were going to add roof shingles to the game. Do you know where I can find any additional information on this topic? All of my searches have come up blank with disambiguation.
Suggestions / Ability to know language?
« Last post by Kouvostoliitto on June 04, 2024, 02:52:01 PM »
I got an idea. Ability to know the language. I think there are 4 cultures with different languages ​​in the area: merchants, Sámi, Finns, and Njerpez. Everyone knows sign language, but to have better contact would it be good to know a foreign language?
Mod Releases / Re: Vivi's Skill Training
« Last post by JP_Finn on June 03, 2024, 08:16:28 PM »
Have you tried Discard?
As they’re your items, the command should work. Just be mindful that the prompt will go through every item on the tile with y/n to permanently remove the item(s) from existence.
Mod Releases / Re: Vivi's Skill Training
« Last post by Cavanoskus on June 02, 2024, 11:19:48 PM »
I decided to try this mod out and now I have 2 piles of partially crafted training sessions stuck in my house and I can't get rid of them.

So what happened was this. Obviously you need "training sessions" in your inventory to be consumed by the actual training. When you train, the training recipe also produces training sessions, I guess so you don't have to manually create more yourself. This is what caused the problem, because my character stopped from exhaustion mid-training, so the training sessions that would have been created during this process were left unfinished. And I cannot finish them.

There is no option to continue crafting the partially crafted training sessions. "Continue paused process" from the build menu only works on building items. Standing on top of the partially crafted training sessions, and crafting another set, just produces more without touching the unfinished ones. And of course simply trying to pick them up just tells me I can't because they're not ready yet.

I even deconstructed the bunk and floor where the sessions were, and tried setting a fire on top of them. They didn't burn. I thought maybe this was because they inherit properties from rocks, so I changed the DIY file to make them inherit from branches instead, and lit another fire. They still did not burn.

Removing the mod was the first thing I tried, but they stayed in my house untouched even with the mod's files completely gone.

How can I get rid of them? This is really frustrating — this save had been going so well and now I'm stuck with ugly glitched transparent rock piles.

EDIT: Upon rereading this I realize I sounded a lot crabbier than I had meant to. The mod itself is ingenious and I already feel like it's enhanced my roleplaying by giving my character relevant things to do to pass the time when I otherwise would have just spammed weatherlore. I like it very much except for this one issue lol.
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