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Messages - Ara D.

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It has been mentioned other ways and places but I would like to see village craftsmen actually craft. Similar to the punt quest. For example Tom H. Brings his superior leathers that he's been keeping in his cellar plus some squirrel furs to the village cobbler and a week later gets new master work boots or his old pair repaired.

I could see a mechanism similar to hire a companion, I would like to make you boots but I need more leather and my fee.

Development News / Re: NPC hunters gone wild
« on: May 22, 2019, 08:15:27 PM »
Which brings up the question of stealing prey? How will a non party hunter react to me butchering his prey? Until Sami teaches them manners are they all going to be bird thiefs? On a side note that would be cool if one did steal and I could cast a spell some old man me to make them reveal themselves.

Ah but on the other side of Rocky floors if it's an earthen floor then we could dig cellars inside and have roofs over them

General Discussion / Re: "Edible"
« on: May 16, 2019, 01:18:21 PM »
Ah edible, makes me think of the time I took a tour of a private garden. I would ask if this plant or that plant was edible. Always the answer was yes. I meant is this commonly consumed, they heard will I die if I eat it. I ate so many things only fit for a hare. Just because some things are edible does not mean you should eat them. :)

General Discussion / Re: How to get burn damage?
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:19:58 PM »
Set a bunch of branch piles on the ground maybe a 3x3 or 4x4 grid patern stand in the pile and start lighting branches around you. The fire will spread, according to others you can zoom out to escape if needed.

General Discussion / Re: Exploit - overloaded traders
« on: May 10, 2019, 03:02:18 PM »
The inventory logic would be the larger problem, my role play answer to beast of burden would be to buy one on site and then resell or butcher it before returning home, thus removing the need for ships capable transporting animals

General Discussion / Re: Exploit - overloaded traders
« on: May 09, 2019, 01:19:02 PM »
 What if we give traders cows or bulls

Suggestions / Re: Rules of engagement for adventurers in the wild
« on: May 07, 2019, 08:37:05 PM »
More difficult on the coding side I'm sure but what if tribal NPCs go missing/murdered their villages become more suspicious of strangers, or items are given a taken tag, for example you try and sell an axe to the wrong village old man and he like why do have my son's axe? And is that blood stained coat his too? Hey this guy killed my son get him!

Development News / Re: Who let the dogs out...
« on: April 27, 2019, 02:48:45 PM »
No idea how to code this, but, in my experience dogs territorial limit is more geographic, stranger approaches the house dog goes to alert with low growls and barks. Where as when out for a walk with the alpha they rarely bark and challenge because we are invading another's territory or are in no dog's land. I think unreal dogs behavior is appropriate when away from the homestead, however I think their agro needs to be increased in tactical maps that includes a player built building or shelter, such as auto agroing and chasing npc and animals a set distance from the house. As to signaling that something is ok perhaps shouting the stay command settles the animal down. I know at home in the real world I correct and indicate to my dogs not bark or growl or any number if other behaviors with a sit/stay command. Also super great if we could command dogs after agroing such as no stop you dumb mutt don't go chasing half a wolf pack alone while the other half uses me for a chew toy.

Gameplay questions / Re: Can't finish the ritual-quest!
« on: April 23, 2019, 12:13:42 AM »
It definitely is general sacrifice. Also it won't allow you to sacrifice silver unless certain conditions are met. You can not sacrifice silver at will, I know this because I tried after finding my lost animals after a robbers attack.

Oh yes oh yes. Hunting is my favorite task, and a companion who can skin will be so helpful in processing reindeer herds

 :) :) :) I look forward to seeing how you model the pain of the venom. And whether it's effects are greater for dogs. Dreams of snake leather boots

Gameplay questions / Re: How to keep an animal alive in a trap?
« on: April 11, 2019, 01:37:50 PM »
I know of no ways to extend life but trapped animals live several days for me. You must have captured it several days before you checked. As to the fox improving hideworking is best for saving the hide but outside of that try a club or rock. The idea is your mace is a strong weapon and the fox has thin skin so you are damaging the hide. But yes blunt damage to the head is least likely to damage hides.

Development News / Re: Colorful domestic animal summary
« on: April 10, 2019, 05:05:14 PM »
If a wandering adventurer were to die, say from a bear attack, and his dog survives will we a find it alone and could we leash it? Also color variation is great. Will it be subtle shades of brown or will other colors be added red cow, black dog, for example.

Suggestions / Re: Finding fresh water should be more challenging
« on: March 26, 2019, 11:44:02 AM »
I partially disagree. In modern times you are absolutely correct surface water is suspect do mostly to pollution caused by people, industry, intensive agriculture, and human sewage. Iron age Finland would not have theses problems except for possible around the villages. Also to a smaller degree a person who has been drinking from natural sources in one area since birth would be better adapted to  the microbes of that water and less like to get sick form it than a foreigner who has been drinking chemically disinfected water for their whole life.

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