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Messages - Plotinus

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 28
try 'a'pplying a cup of water to the sauna stove once it's hot

Gameplay questions / Re: 3.63 New fire mechanics
« on: March 05, 2021, 08:32:35 AM »
15 firewoods a day for how long?
This prevents from traveling and exploring the world.

I personaly find this masochistic. It is fun when there is new content in the game but not when common tasks require repeating same actions.
Im very casual player so may be missing some joy from game  ;D.
I've found myself using salt more often. If my current plans are to stay near home and do various tasks for 2 weeks then I smoke. If it's October-April, then I dry. If it's summer and I want to do stuff, I use salt.

Before I basically never used salt because it was expensive and smoked stuff lasts longer. Now it's sometimes a worthwhile tradeoff

General Discussion / Re: Hardest things to find...
« on: February 26, 2021, 05:27:32 PM »
One of my characters got really lucky and got 2 superior angos as a quest reward (it was in a cave with treasure)

Gameplay questions / Re: Plant withering, calendar or weather triggered?
« on: February 12, 2021, 09:40:13 AM »
I think it's both. It used to be calendar only but it used to be that i could guarantee that plants of a certain type planted before a certain date would always be harvestable, and now i can't. It used to be that you'd always get a message like "it can be harvested in a couple days. it's withering and will die in a week." which would mean it could be harvested for sure.

But now I've noticed that in spite of the "it can be harvested in a day, it is withering and will die in a week" message, if there is a sudden snow storm, then the next day it cannot be harvested at all, because the snow destroyed it.

This makes me believe that crop mechanics now are a lot more realistic model of what would happen in real life: the crop will be ready n days after you planted it (which varies a little bit due to random conditions), but can be destroyed by animals or weather before it becomes ready.

Development News / Re: Roast in embers - starting with turnips
« on: January 27, 2021, 08:54:15 AM »
Browsing the code I also came across some earlier preliminary definitions for ember-roasted turnips so we've been on the edge of adding this somewhere in the past.
I remember stewed turnips from a very old version, maybe 2.92 (and checking news.txt says they were added in 2.80 along with boiled turnips). Back then it was a menu item you could select but the interface was much less detailed than it is today. It definitely wasn't as realistic as the new embers. This was back when cooking was a blocking task, that you couldn't do something else in the middle of it.

There was also "veggie dish"

From the changelog of 3.10:

* It's now possible to bake flat bread in the embers of a
          burned-out campfire in addition to baking it in a
          fireplace - which previously was the only option.

Bug reports / Re: 3.63, sleep walking grouse
« on: January 12, 2021, 07:48:57 AM »
I encountered a sleepwalking squirrel once! Mine wasn't injured. I still have savefile for it.


My sheep is on the same tile as a driik woman. I want to unpack from my sheep, and it gives me the option to unpack from the driik woman, who is not my companion. Nothing happens when I select the driik woman option, so it's not really a bug, but it would be better if it only gave this option when it is valid: if she is my companion or if I am using a command like look or attack.

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: November 15, 2020, 08:32:06 AM »
Bogs aren't very deep the reindeer should definitely wade into it to get away.

General Discussion / Re: New fire mechanics?
« on: September 24, 2020, 08:21:21 AM »
The challenge is much harder, but it's still possible to complete it (I've done so) -- you just need to light an entire log on fire when you find one if you're getting chilly. Before, the challenge was too easy, you could light 27 branches on fire (in a 3 by 3 pattern with 3 branches in each pile) and stay sweaty for 3 days, which was unrealistic.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.63] Birch sapling appears as " Sapling"
« on: September 22, 2020, 09:27:54 PM »
I'm sending a savegame, standing next to a " Sapling". I've seen it with all my characters in this version, though, with every birch sapling, so maybe it's a Linux only bug?

Gameplay questions / Re: Jinxing traps
« on: September 21, 2020, 11:10:13 AM »
I have, rarely, seen an animal enter a trap while i was watching it, but you may be right that it is more likely if you are not watching, maybe the animal is less wary if you are not looking at it. One thing I like about this game is that the world is so deep that with things like this it is hard to say whether it is a superstition or whether the developers have thoughtfully added this behaviour for animals. They've thought of so much.

General Discussion / Re: Third party programs?
« on: September 11, 2020, 08:24:58 AM »
If you've already seen an item in the game, you can search for it msglog.txt, which is in your character directory.

searching for the string salt:
(000000):c4h9:[2]{03880609}      | 2 bags of salt

Then you take that code 0388 and 0609 and compare it to your current location. 0388 tells you how far east the item is and 0609 tells you how far south the item is (these coordinates here are in Driik).

The very last line of msglog.txt tells you where you are in right now:

(008000):r8hb:[=]{01F103A0}      | Your character has been saved.

I am 01F1 east and 03A0 south, so I am northwest of this salt by a lot (in Sartola, to be exact). The numbers are in hexadecimal so: my current location is 1*256 + 15*16 + 1 east, and I want to get to 3*256 + 8*16 + 8 east, so I subtract my location from the destination and learn I need to go 407 steps east

And the south part, destination - location: (6*256 + 9) - (3*256 + 10*16) = 617 so i need to go 617 steps south.

So 407 steps southeast and 210 more steps south.

But it is more practical to do these exact calculations once you get closer to your destination, to go "i need to go somewhere in driik" and figure out where exactly in driik once you're already there.

Gameplay questions / Re: Need help on the "Kaumo furs" quest
« on: September 09, 2020, 11:42:59 AM »
Thank you!

Gameplay questions / Re: Need help on the "Kaumo furs" quest
« on: September 08, 2020, 01:21:42 PM »
Looks like I was wrong about the forest reindeer, thanks for the information. I wonder if quality affects it and forest reindeer is on the edge of acceptable? It has been a long time since I tried a forest reindeer so maybe I got a harsh or ragged skin and didn't realise I needed to do better.

Do you remember what quality the skin was when you skinned it? Alternatively, what month of the year is it? Winter furs are thicker, warmer, more valuable.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.63] Ghost-Spruces in the forest
« on: September 08, 2020, 01:11:43 PM »
Also, about "Honorary Lifetime Supporter", it just means we paid a certain amount of money for the game. It doesn't mean we're better or worse members of the community than anybody else, just that at one point in time we were able to afford to support the game financially.

It used to be that the game had a free demo version where your character would always die after 10 days, or you could purchase a single version for a small amount of money, or you could purchase all future versions for a larger amount of money. Those of us who purchased all future versions were called "Lifetime supporters". Later, the game switched to a different pricing model and it came out on Steam and your characters don't die at 10 days old even if you never pay anything, so "Lifetime supporter" doesn't really exist anymore and the word "honorary" was added to show that "if lifetime supporters still existed, this person would be considered one of them".

The label means nothing about the quality of our postings or our value to the community, though I suppose you can say that those of us who care a lot about this game -- in my case it is the only game I have ever paid for -- have spent a lot of time caring about it and learning about it and finding out about how its mechanics work. We view bughunting as a community activity, we try to pin down the mechanism of the bug and see if we can reproduce it ourselves. Bugs that can be reproduced are easier to fix.

When we engage like this with you, you feel attacked.

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