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Topics - Plotinus

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This is the second blizzard we've had in fallow month. I know that's not completely unusual for Finnland but my clothes have been generally warm enough and now I just can't get warm.

This is partly my fault: I'm trying to meet the water spirit and I chose to do a short swimming even though the water was bitterly cold, because I knew I was close to shore and that I would warm up once I got onto the rock, since it is almost midsummer and I have fur leggings, fur shirt, fur mittens, fur cap, and fur footwear. It wasn't snowing when I swam out to this rock and in the last version it would not have been a problem. I was warm before I stepped into the water, so my clothes should have warmed me up again when I got out of the water. Instead, I spent hours freezing and now I am freezing to death. Save available.

The reason I think this is a bug is because wet clothing isn't listed as implemented yet in news.txt and also because I've noticed some weather extremes with my other characters: temperature being way too hot in winter and so I think this is related to that.

I loaded up a character that was created in 3.63, for whom it is Late Soil month. The snow is thigh deep. It is early morning. It should be cold, but the outside temperature is maxed out, all the way in the red, and my character is sweating a lot. If temperature is a signed integer then I suspect it underflowed and wrapped around to a high temperature. I can provide a save game if you want.

I used the arch 3.70b package on Manjaro Linux, I have 8GB of RAM and 3.3 GHz CPU. Resource usage looks okay, urw's only using 5% of my cpu, and the memory usage is also fine.

In the character creation menu, everything is fine and the game responds instantly to keypresses. However once the character loads, it takes 1000 miliseconds to respond to each movement keystroke, literally five seonds to walk five spaces forward, and turning around is slow too.

Things that I have tried that didn't make it faster - i exited the game completely between each of these changes, then undid them before trying a new one:
  • changing SPEND_DELAY_ADD to be 1 (instead of 10)
  • changing OLD_HARDWARE_MODE to be YES (instead of NO)
  • [changing SCALE_QUALITY to 0 (instead of 2)

things that helped a little bit now it takes 300ms to respond to a keystroke, which is still pretty slow:
  • changing idle animation to be NO (instead of YES)

I would've tested map lighting effects but I already had that turned off.

Things that are fast:
  • character creation
  • F6 map, including typing markers
  • character inventory
  • F4 scrolling through spells
  • naming an animal
  • walking and turning on the worldmap

Things that are slow:
  • walking, turning around while zoomed in
  • F3 examining tiles

UPDATE: I loaded a different character where it is summer and the movement is fine. The character that was experience slowness was in Swidden, waist deep snow, solid crust


My sheep is on the same tile as a driik woman. I want to unpack from my sheep, and it gives me the option to unpack from the driik woman, who is not my companion. Nothing happens when I select the driik woman option, so it's not really a bug, but it would be better if it only gave this option when it is valid: if she is my companion or if I am using a command like look or attack.

Bug reports / [3.62] Villagers attacking their own reindeer
« on: July 28, 2020, 11:40:30 AM »
I entered a village to find all of them standing in their reindeer pen in attack mode. The villagers had the angry red lines around them too but some of them have calmed down I guess with saving and reloading.

Don't know if it's a bug or just a strange happening.

Code: [Select]
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | Entering settled area ...
(000000):pcha:[Y]{01540175}      | You shake the needles from your shoulders and come forward among the people. You are entering a seal-tribe village...
(3C5A98):pcha:[:]{01540175}      | You ski.
(000000):pcha:[T]{01540175}      | The cow withdraws from your way.
(000000):pcha:[T]{01540175}      | The female dog withdraws from your way.
(3C5A98):pcha:[:]{01540175}      | You ski.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | You see Seal-tribe woodsman there.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | You see aggressive, grievously wounded small reindeer doe there.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | Things that are there:
(000000):pcha:[S]{01540175}      | Seal-tribe child
(000000):pcha:[s]{01540175}      | small reindeer doe carcass
(3C5A98):pcha:[:]{01540175}      | You ski.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | You see Seal-tribe kid there.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | You see wounded Seal-tribe peasant there.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | Things that are there:
(000000):pcha:[a]{01540175}      | arrow
(000000):pcha:[s]{01540175}      | shortbow
(000000):pcha:[1]{01540175}      | 11 arrows
(000000):pcha:[n]{01540175}      | northern bow
(000000):pcha:[S]{01540175}      | South-east corner of a kota
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | Things that are there:
(000000):pcha:[w]{01540175}      | wounded Seal-tribe Woman
(000000):pcha:[h]{01540175}      | harmed reindeer doe carcass
(147870):pcha:[?]{01540175}      | You can shout to command pets out of sight.
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | SHOUT A COMMAND TO: Choose a target in sight
(600060):pcha:["]{01540175}      | -- villagers attacking their reindeer
(143270):pcha:[#]{01540175}      | Saving your character...

This happened to me back in 3.62 and then I saved the game and didn't get around to reporting it, but I still have the save.

Recently a goshawk attacked a raven, and left some bloodscapes on my property.

Here's the first one I saw
Code: [Select]
(143270):68hb:[#]{076706D9}      | You see a bloodscape here.

I followed the bloodscapes back to the a pile of feathers
Code: [Select]
(000000):68hc:[b]{076606D9}      | bloodscape
(000000):68hc:[2]{076606D9}      | 2 goshawk feathers
(000000):68hc:[4]{076606D9}      | 4 raven feathers
(663333):68hc:[&]{076606D9}      | You sneak ahead.

Then it rained for a while:
Code: [Select]
(A80000):78ha:[!]{076706DA}      | You wake up to the rain.

fast forward a day later and there are still bloodscapes all over:
Code: [Select]
(143270):78hc:[#]{076706D9}      | You see a bloodscape there.

I can provide a save

The Sauna task in advanced adventures still tells you to use a sauna scoop. It can be completed though as long as there is at least mild  steam.

When I look at the birch sapling, it just says " Sapling".

When I chop it down, I receive a birch sapling like normal and can make birch withes.

I checked with another character in Swidden month, same thing. In Fallow and Harvest months it has a different icon (with foilage) but it still reads " Sapling".

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [3.61 linux] overloaded punt froze game
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:44:39 PM »
This happened before I upgraded to the new version I just didn't get around to posting this until now.

I ran into another issue with Pekka. I had a lot of things on my punt, but I didn't get a message about it being overloaded. When I tried to zoom out with it, it froze, using all my cpu and had to be killed, and then when I reloaded it, my punt and everything on it was gone and I was wading in the zoomed out map. I zoomed in, hoping the punt might be there but it wasn't. This is the last thing I can find in the msglog.txt about what might have been on the punt:

Code: [Select]
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06070063}      | There are several objects here:
(000000):n9h8:[p]{06070063}      | punt
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 16 slender tree trunks
(000000):n9h8:[4]{06070063}      | 42 fistfuls of rye grains
(000000):n9h8:[7]{06070063}      | 73 hemps
(000000):n9h8:[2]{06070063}      | 22 homespun yarns
(000000):n9h8:[3]{06070063}      | 300 dried retted plants
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 116 barleys
(575757):n9h8:[_]{06070063}      | ...and 30 more.

These are some other things that were probably on the punt, lots of plants that I'd harvested and timber stuff, but these things which I will really miss:

Code: [Select]
(3C5A98):i9hj:[:]{06070063}      | You drop the small knife.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the shovel.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the handaxe.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the fine carving axe.
(3C5A98):i9h2:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the fine splitting axe.
(3C5A98):h9h6:[:]{06070063}      | You drop the masterwork woodsman's axe.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the pot.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the arctic fox fur.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the 3 bags.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the wooden mug.

and some modded stuff that  I will miss
Code: [Select]
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the spindle and distaff.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the heckling comb.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the stone hammer.

Suggestions / Flooding
« on: January 19, 2020, 11:40:11 PM »
I live near a river and every spring the water level rises quite high, it would flood if we hadn't built such a high bank around it. If it doesn't rain for a while, the water level drops.

It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground. Valleys between mountains would also flood suddenly if there was a lot of rain.

(000000):2bgh:[Y]{038E06C4}      | You notice here very fresh driikiläis craftsmanhuman tracks which are numerous and mixed.

Just outside a village in Driik.


Save available in case it's just this one sage. It's a new character, village start.

I know that sage's skills don't matter very much because you can't hire them but I entered this menu to see if I could ask the sage to direct me to a sage (nope), then tried out the other options. Perhaps the sage should say he is skilled at physician and herblore.

It used to be that when you applied a sauna scoop inside a sauna, you got warmer. Now you stay cold [or whatever temperature you were before].

This has been the case for a few versions now, not sure how many.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [Fixed - persits in 3.61] Everlasting dog bone
« on: December 06, 2019, 07:41:46 PM »
Pekka's dog is eating a dog bone. The dog bone never gets used up. Eventually the dog stops being hungry. The dog can eat the dog bone forever.

I thought maybe all bones were bugged so I brought a single elk bone with me on a trip, but the dog ate that normally, it got used up and then it was gone. We came home from the trip, the dog is back to eating the everlasting dog bone. I think the [former pet] reindeer bone might also be everlasting.

I can provide a save.

Bug reports / [3.60 stable linux] path-finding
« on: November 14, 2019, 07:22:04 PM »
This is Tobejas. He wants to go home.

Tobejas' home is to the south-east, where I have an active quest

To get home, Tobejas needs to go North-west, wade through a tiny bit of water, and then go mostly south, then follow the lake counter-clockwise (west) until he's below it, then he can go east and north to his village. But the hardest part for Tobejas is these 10 metres of wading. He is not sure whether the 8 metres of wading are more risk to him than swimming south-east but they both seem really risky so he is just hanging out by the shore for days. He could zoom out and use the wilderness map, no wading needed, but he doesn't know how. I left him alone for some days and came back for him, he's still here.

When Tobejas told me he was leaving, he first tried to go south-east but he saw there was a lot of water, too much for him to swim. So he followed the coast line northeast for a while. He didn't get stuck in the trees; I've cleared a single ring around the edge of my property. but before he was all the way to the northeast edge of my tile, he changed his mind and headed southeast again. He never got as far as the 5 tiles of water he'd have to wade through.

I can provide a save if you like it.

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