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Messages - jonottawa

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Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:43:45 AM »
For the record, I deleted a bug report I posted in error about when you greet someone and ask them who they are and tell them your name. I thought the game automatically took the option to tell them your name or ask them their name away the instant that you performed it the first time and that my game had stopped doing that for some reason. But it doesn't do that until you leave that menu and go to another menu or just ESC out of the conversation and then convo again. I dun misremembered.

Normally I don't delete my mistakes, but I don't like people browsing a thread and wasting time reading nonsense bug reports either so this post in my vanity thread (of sorts) is a compromise.

Another gameplay question which is more style/RP than game mechanics:

How do people tend to cook large batches of meat (like from an elk or a reindeer)? Do you carry it all at once? Do you set it all next to the fire and pick up batches of 10 individually? Do you set it away from the fire and travel a bit back and forth to pick up your batches of 10? Or have you all outgrown roasting and just dry all your meat?

That leads me to my drying question: Does anybody else only dry 19 cuts per tile? Do others consider the 19 cuts for 10 feet a bit cheesy, borderline exploity? Or is it intended? I wonder what the reasoning behind the 19 cuts thing is as opposed to just 10 cuts for 10 feet. It's not like rope is that much of a luxury good, so I guess for a veteran it's kind of a nonsense question. But I pose those sometimes.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 13, 2020, 04:45:49 AM »
Haha, is your character extra hairy? Maybe they thought it was an animal?

My only answer to your questions is that I don't know about the spoilage, 'wrap yourself in furs' does improve something, I think they despawn at some point, and I doubt the same ones would reappear, they wander though.

I know this didn't help you. But just so you know, I deliberately DON'T want to know analyzed details because that goes against my style of play.

I agree that you can overanalyze things and that if you deconstruct it too much you can destroy much of the beauty of the game. I haven't read your stories, but I'll check them out.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 13, 2020, 12:32:37 AM »
Okay another few gameplay questions:

Does either raw meat or cooked meat or both spoil more quickly on the ground than it does in your possession?

Is dumping raw meat or cooked meat in a hole in the ice so it won't spoil as quickly a viable thing to do?

Has anyone done an in-depth spoilage analysis? Like the exact date when food starts spoiling again and exactly how long food lasts at various times of year, and whether it's actually weather-dependent or simply date-dependent.

Does the 'wrap yourself in furs' while sleeping message confer any actual tangible bonus to the quality of your sleep or is it just flavor?

Edit: And another:

Do the foreign traders despawn or do they just move around very slowly? If they despawn, do the same ones reappear somewhere else or is that particular group with those particular items not coming back?

Hmmm, I just realized I forgot to put my clothes back on after I cooked up the reindeer. It was nice of the villagers not to mention anything.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 13, 2020, 12:11:49 AM »
Wow, I'm glad others have given that some thought.

Speaking of role-playing, what do you do when a hunting companion dies? Let's say he's from a friendly village. I didn't enjoy my one hunting companion experience so maybe y'all never use the companion feature.

I'm refining my Kipchoge hunting technique. I dropped all my gear except my staff this time. First 3 rounds and the small reindeer buck was laughing at me, but on the 4th round when 'Slightly Fatigued' arrived, I knew I had him. Fun way to hunt.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 12, 2020, 10:30:52 PM »
Actually, characters with high speed, endurance, and heavy body weight (body weight helps you carry more, which means minimal equipment weighs you down less) can run down big game like elk, reindeer, and stag.

Yes, I just chased an elk for hours (irl) and days (in-game) until I finally got her (she didn't have a scratch on her until I started beating her with my staff.) This character has mediocre weapons skills and I haven't been south to buy a dog yet (I'm still undecided on the dog, they're so overpowered for active hunting.) The tracking mini-game is one of my favorite parts of UrW.

I have another question that isn't about gameplay exactly, but:

Many villages will have a shelter or tiny tent set up. Are those for visitors to the village like the player? I realize you can sleep in the main cabin or the main tent or whatever, but I try to roleplay a little bit and that feels too cheesy to me. But I think it would be not-cheesy and not-exploity to use those shelters/tiny tents on the occasion when I'm exhausted and happen to be in a village with one. What say you, UrW forums?

Awesome Sami, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

Guess I'll try to zoom in less frequently.


Sounds good. I'm quite enjoying the new game I started. As you probably would expect, there are no map maintenance or trading issues with that game so far.

I sent it to your email, I hope that's the right one.

I just used the default compressor that came with the operating system. Do you have another good recommendation for me? I'm looking at 7-Zip but I'm not tech savvy and I don't know whether 32-bit or 64-bit is the right choice.

Thanks for taking a look at it. I appreciate it. Love the game.

The character folder is the one with the character name in all caps, I presume?

The uncompressed folder is 912MB, the compressed folder is a little over 30MB. Is there a free file sharing service you recommend or can I literally just attach it to an email?

I'm playing 3.61 (stable)

Edit: See if this link works for you:

I was LOVING this game until yesterday when I started getting frequent 'map maintenance' messages. Now I get them EVERY time I zoom in or out of a tile.

I think perhaps related to that is that in the last 2 towns I visited, when I pick up an item, it isn't listed as unpaid. Some players might enjoy that, but bartering is one of the things I love about the game and all the free stuff I can take isn't.

In another thread, Privateer mentioned that perhaps I'm zooming in/out too much and that I should just play on the zoomed out map for the most part unless I see an elk or whatever. Is this game salvageable or do I need to start over?

FWIW my computer is fairly decent (i7-8700 w/ GTX 1080, 16GB of RAM and lots of hard drive space) and I'm not running any mods or anything.

Edit: Privateer also linked this thread, which seems to pertain to the same issue:

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 10, 2020, 08:36:10 AM »
A question I think I know the answer to but wanted to confirm:

There is no penalty for zig-zagging, in that one diagonal move is considered the same distance as one vertical or horizontal move (in other words if I go Northeast 5 tiles and Southeast 5 tiles I end up at the same spot in the same amount of time having expended the same 'vigour' as if I'd just gone due East 10 tiles.) Is this correct (in both the overland map and the zoomed in map)?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 10, 2020, 08:17:27 AM »
Privateer, yes, it's when I zoom in and zoom out a lot. On this trip I'd been doing it every tile and now it's doing map maintenance every time I zoom in.

One of my few pet peeves about the game is when you see like a wolf (or a hare) in the distance and you can just march right on top of it and 'magically' teleport directly on top of him whereas he would just run away if you tried to do that in the zoomed in map. Hunting doesn't really feel like hunting when you have the ability to teleport on top of an animal. So I tend to zoom in a lot. I also like to see the trees and not just the forest. I guess I'll have to use the overland map more and accept that teleporting is part of the game.

Tom, I considered that the quest might work in rivers and was going to try to see if it would work in a one-hex river island. But I'm pretty sure the quest-giver specifically said lakes. Anyway, I appreciate that people might not want spoilers and I'll probably find it more rewarding to work it out on my own, thanks.

I think I'll continue to send my dog after reindeer and elk, just not after wolves any more. I guess if I had a gang of them they could take on wolves, but dogs are overpowered enough without having more than one of them at a time, imo. Thanks for your reply.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 10, 2020, 03:04:24 AM »
Thank-you again for answering my questions, Privateer.

And a not exactly 'gameplay' question:

Is it normal for 'map maintenance' to become more frequent as the game progresses (perhaps as more of the map is explored?)

It didn't bother me when it was once or twice an hour, but when it's every 15 seconds (as I explore new areas of the map), it's a little immersion-breaking.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 09, 2020, 11:27:04 PM »
Thanks for answering my questions! Here are some more:

Is there something better than a masterwork club and a table to turn rinsed skin into fur with? Either in speed or in result? Is a tree trunk and a stone just as effective as anything else?

If it's pitch black outside, you're travelling on the overland map (the zoomed out map) and you can't see in front of your nose, will the game let you walk into freezing cold water without giving you the pop-up warning?

If I'm using a spear with the blunt aspect, is that as effective at preserving skin quality as using something like a club or a mace (which ONLY do blunt damage) would be? Or can you accidentally do point damage even when you selected blunt?

Is there a weapon of choice to preserve skins from damage? Currently I'm using a mace, but is 5 whacks with a club going to preserve the skin better than 2 with a mace would?

I've heard that humans can (theoretically) outrun any animal over a long enough distance. Maybe that's not true. Is it true in this game? If I follow a wolf or a dog for days am I likely to eventually tire it out?

If I kill someone (say a Njerpez) who is out for a stroll with his dog, is there any way to rehabilitate/adopt the dog or do I have to either kill it too or run it off?

If you have 100% climbing skill and let's say full light green blunt protection, can you still die from falling out of a tree? Does the game EVER kill you outright from falling out of a tree? Sharing falling out of tree with catastrophic injury stories would be welcome.

Does feeding a dog elk bones reduce their performance compared to feeding them raw meat cuts? Or is it just more time consuming for them to eat? Why does a dog sometimes bark at me when I feed it bones (a few ticks after I've gotten the happy look message,) especially when I look away?

Does fishing in rapids with nets in the dead of winter damage nets more than fishing in rapids with nets in summer?

I got a quest that requires you to stand on a tiny (1 tile) island in the middle of a lake at midnight. Are there any 1 tile islands in lakes that you can access or is that quest a troll or can the island be slightly bigger than 1 tile? (You might be able to tell that I've done a lot of searching for 1 tile islands, which are fairly common in rivers but seem to be either rare or nonexistent in lakes (unless they're unclimbable from every angle.)

I had some mixed answers as to how safe it is to leave items around on the map, say at a shelter. Is it at least 100% safe to leave things in your settlement/cabin with the door closed or will NPC's open the door and go in and get stuff?

Thanks in advance again for answers to any of the above.

Gameplay questions / Various questions from a new player
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:41:18 PM »
Hello, I'm fairly new to the game and I have a few questions.

Can pets freeze to death without getting wet? (Like on the coldest night of the year.)

If I hit an animal with a javelin and it runs away, will that javelin remain in the game forever or does it disappear when that animal is killed by another animal? Or can that animal just disappear?

I've had ravens steal my food before. I've encountered robbers who beat me within an inch of my life and took stuff from me. But other than that, I've never had someone take something I left behind (at least that I noticed.) So, aside from animals stealing food and robbers demanding that you hand over some stuff or else will someone take something you left on the map somewhere? Like, if I drop a few furs at a shelter, will they ALWAYS be there when I get back or is there some possibility that they'll disappear?

Can you get randomly murdered in your sleep? Like theoretically, a fox could kill you if he found you asleep at a shelter, no?

If you choose the boost stats reward for the tutorial, what is the specific bonus? I assume you can't boost a stat if the bar is full already (like if it's at maximum)?

Is there a crafting penalty depending on the time of day? Is there a crafting penalty based on how vigourous you're feeling? Is there a crafting penalty if you're cool or cold or if you're hot and sweaty? Is there a crafting penalty based on your nutrition level (assuming you're not starving)? Or is the crafting outcome purely based on your skills, whatever penalty is displayed, and RNG? For example, if I'm tanning a skin and it says that I failed to maintain the quality of the skin, does it give me a better chance if I tan the skin as soon as I wake up, fill my stomach and drink?

Is there any disadvantage to being Hot and Sweaty? Is there any disadvantage to being Cool? Or do all disadvantages happen when you're either Cold or colder than that?

Answers to any of the above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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