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Spotting smoke Right now I am playing the homeland robbers quest, and it just made me think... why can't I see a smoke from the enemy cookfire?

The old man in the village mentioned that he found the robbers from the smell of their smoke... my character has high smell and eyesight and yet he seems to get no clues.

I apologize if smelling smoke already exists in the game, but I have not found it.

However, it seems a character should be able to easily pick out a column of smoke rising - especially for my character right now, as he in on a mountain overlooking a region of barren hills. 

It would be really nice if a graphic indication would appear on the worldmap to show where a campfire has been lit, especially as hunter-type NPCs in the game world can now light their own fires.  similar columns would surely appear over villages as well.  It might even be nice to have a message prompt appear as we do when a village is spotted - "You spot a column of smoke nearby".

Similarly, it would be nice if you could smell smoke when you get within 1 tile or so.  "You smell smoke on the wind."  Similar to how you can sometimes pick up tracks in an accidental fashion by walking by. 

I reckon you'd also need some method to identify a fire only once too.  It would be annoying if you keep walking by the same village tile and keep getting "I Smell smoke!!"  over and over.  Sort of the way village tiles are only "discovered" once, and tracks rarely pop up over and over from walking across the same worldmap tile.  or when you get a message saying "You hear [xyz] woodsman singing nearby"

This could also help to make the (often frustrating) robbers quest less frustrating.  A good warrior would use every clue his senses can give him.

December 25, 2019, 07:08:42 AM