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Messages - Kararas

Pages: 1 [2]
Gameplay questions / Re: meeting with water folk
« on: January 01, 2020, 10:39:01 PM »
Thank you, after a couple of attempts I found another islet in the middle of the river and met the water people. In fact, it happened a day ago, but I celebrated the new year. Thank you all for the advice)

Gameplay questions / Re: meeting with water folk
« on: December 31, 2019, 01:12:28 PM »
oh my God .. I tried for 2 real hours to do this ritual, I don’t understand ... Should I call them at midnight, late night or just night ?! I have to wait until morning, or until dawn?Should I be without things in my inventory and hands? It looks like the spirits just left me, after  killing a lumberjack ...

Gameplay questions / Re: meeting with water folk
« on: December 31, 2019, 08:53:54 AM »
Do I need to sleep on this stone? Or wait naked until they come? What should I do after activating the ritual? Nothing happens to me.

Suggestions / New diseases! More pain!(winter)
« on: December 30, 2019, 10:05:40 PM »
Oh, winter ... You know, there are a lot of illnesses from the cold, except frostbite. You can add a sore throat, pneumonia and a bunch of other "good." Drinking water from an ice-hole is not a good idea, as for me. I think boiling water or hot herbs  drinks in winter will be a fairly authentic idea. It is possible to realize a sore throat and a cold with a big cut of endurance and a fever. I think more than one person died during severe winters from illnesses.

Gameplay questions / meeting with water folk
« on: December 30, 2019, 09:03:30 PM »
Okay ... I found a detached island on the river at midnight. I was took off all the clothes (at the beginning of winter), pressed f4 and a "meeting water folk", and? Nothing. I repeated it the next night for verification, but nothing. Please help, I  I don’t understand how these rituals work :-[

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