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Messages - Night

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Mod Releases / Re: [3.71] [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
« on: November 25, 2021, 12:44:37 PM »
~Updated, same version checking issue.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
« on: November 25, 2021, 04:20:43 AM »
Updated to 3.71; No address changes (as far as i can tell) just a problem with version checking. I'll be migrating features from this project over to URWME when I update that project for the current patch, mostly to centralize all my projects into one area, and also to hopefully to gain more traction with using the mod extenders features.

Made a small whoopsie and forgot to check the code patches, which did indeed change in location so I updated those real quick and reuploaded.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
« on: November 25, 2021, 04:00:59 AM »
@Atarantir It's possible, we could talk more in depth about what you want to do over discord. I've got a lot of other projects I need to finish though, so I don't know how much time I'd be able to put into it until other stuff gets finished.

discord (Night#9736) or skype (xxvnightvxx)

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
« on: November 22, 2021, 10:09:51 PM »
3.71 is a small patch but it seems to be not compatible anymore. It refuses to open now stating mismatched versions, unless I am doing something wrong?

No I haven't made the update to 3.71 yet. I'll likely do it today.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
« on: November 22, 2021, 10:03:13 AM »
Someone can share the 3.63 version pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o

Totally forgot I have previous versions archived, I went ahead and put 3.63 steam version as an attachment, but it should work on the standalone (i think) @Atarantir

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Weird timeskip to day 499
« on: November 08, 2021, 03:53:29 AM »
I also seem to have ran across this bug unknowingly, just checked my ancestors out and found this guy.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
« on: October 31, 2021, 03:54:40 AM »
It looks like a checksum verification was added and changing values to a certain amount gives you constant error messages when zooming in and out.  I've been playing around with this and it happens using URWCharacterMenu or if I change things manually with Cheat Engine.  For instance, setting all of your stats to 18 will cause it, but setting one back to 17 will get rid of it.  Similarly for skills, setting them all to 100 will cause it, but setting half of them to 90 fixes it.  I haven't played since earlier this year, so it may not be introduced with 3.70, but I've never run into it before and I didn't see much with googling it.

Thanks for the post. I made a quick patch to mitigate the error messages, but there's probably a reason he added them (maybe for fixing corrupt characters due to other bugs?). Going over the limits may or may not have an impact elsewhere in the game, so max them at your own risk.

~Updated to 1.0.4b

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4
« on: October 24, 2021, 02:51:00 AM »
~Updated to 3.70, forgot 3.63 standalone so I left the 3.62 version up.

If theres anything majorly broken let me know.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: "Savegame needs a remedy" after BSOD
« on: October 23, 2021, 10:20:19 PM »
Hi everyone,

My game crashed after a BSOD and then displayed the error "Savegame needs a remedy" after starting back up again.
My hopes aren't high, but just thought I'd post here and see if anything could be done about it.

Savegame on Google Drive:

I was able to load into your world after replacing your character files "LEDRICK" with a replacement character. But from what I saw in cheat engine it didn't look like your character had any data saved to it. Probably due to the BSOD while the game was saving/writing to the files.

Unlikely they will be able to restore the character if there isn't a backup of the data stored somewhere.

Suggestions / Re: Groundworking and levelling terrain for building
« on: October 23, 2021, 09:51:25 PM »
On my todo list for mod extender features, should be less work than containers.

While trying to resize the window while the character is "looking" around, the window fails to resize correctly and acts buggy.

Steps to reproduce:
  • use the 'look' command (L key)
  • resize game window

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70b Beta] [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
« on: October 21, 2021, 11:17:43 PM »
~ Updated to 3.70 stable

Modding / Re: [Info] [3.70] Cheat Engine Addresses
« on: October 21, 2021, 08:49:00 PM »
~Updated to 3.70
might have 1 or 2 addresses that need to be fixed
edit2: fixed hunger address.
edit3: fixed energy and fatigue address.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] [3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3c
« on: October 12, 2021, 02:40:03 AM »
If you need some help. I can try to learn the basics and provide some assistance.

Drop me a message on discord (Night#9736) or skype (xxvnightvxx) if you'd like.

Stories / Re: The Oath [Vegetarian/Pacifist challenge]
« on: August 27, 2021, 10:39:20 AM »
The item limit is around 1600 squares planted (or squares that have stuff you dropped on it), so it takes a lot of work to hit it, but if you plant a 40x40 square then you will get lots of messages about having too many items on this tile and needing to spread your stuff out. In the old days, you'ed just start losing items, but now the warnings happen way before the item loss starts so it's safe.

Not related to OP but, was wondering about the limit, thanks for the info.

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