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Messages - shorun

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Gameplay questions / Re: Female Dogs
« on: February 26, 2018, 01:25:48 PM »
my old char had 2 dogs before he died.

when converting to the beta, one became male, the other female.

they acted exactly the same, performed exactly the same, carried exactly the same.

so, as far as i'm aware of, there is no difference. but i only had 2 weeks ingame to "test" this before i got in a fight and never woke up.

General Discussion / Re: Having a hard time finding animals.
« on: January 25, 2018, 12:21:30 AM »
Not sure if posting in the right category, correct me if not.

I'm fairly new to this game, but I believe I have grasped the basics, although having trouble finding animals to hunt. It's not hard for me to chase them down or to kill them, but I end up wasting more food trying to find animals than I get. I can't seem to find anything bigger than a badger  :'( What I do is walk around in the wilderness map hoping to encounter something because it seems like trying to track anything is a waste of time.

Can you guys give me some basic hints? How do you personally find animals in your save? And are they supposed to be so hard to find or am I doing something wrong?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

it can take a long time to find a good meal, eyesight and tracking are very important to find them. you may need to set up a few camps to extend your hunting range, a place to sleep so you can cover more ground if your home has nothing. and tracking is VERY usefull, animals will flee, especially big ones can run rather fast. but you can do more distance over time so you can tire them, to do that tracking so you dont lose them is essential. if you can't track you should not rely on active hunting to much.

the place you are staying also has an impact on what animals you will encounter, currently i'm up north (by the coast, in the middle) and there's lots of reindeer there, stags, elk, seals, bears, wolves, a few birds, hares, polecats and both type of foxes. the reindeer in such abundance i dont even hunt all that i find. i just walk around from highspot to highspot and see them in the distance, if i need food i'll go the where i've seen them and look for tracks. this works better in winter when everything leaves tracks.

also you don't need to hunt to survive. fishing (especially with nets) and farming/foraging are perfectly viable. combining is best for a full RP playtough, as you would in real life. usually those are my goals, finding the right plants/berries and sometimes encountering animals to hunt along the way, fishing with nets if the land yields to little to survive (wich doesn't really happen). that's when i'm not tending my field for those turnips i use to feed baldrick. (actually i mostly farm plants that can't be found up north, to reduce trips to those decadent southerners.)

on another note, if you switch to fishing, know that everything freezes. even the sea, all except for rapids. if you rely on fishing, live near rapids. should you chose to farm, know that wild animals will come to eat your turnips, traps are your friend. i walled my homestead to keep walking things out (an actual wall, not fence) and use loop traps to catch birds that would dare to eat baldricks turnips.

Gameplay questions / Re: About herbs/plants
« on: January 15, 2018, 05:59:52 PM »
Yes, the regrow from the plants that withered, so no additional seeds are needed.

Killing heaps of birds is bad for your karma in 3.50betaX...

this is good, i find the game should somehow punish you if you take to much.

after all, one person can't possibly eat all those birds. and one stag will set you for well over a month, that includes feeding 2 dogs with it. so i really dont see why one would catch everything they come across.

General Discussion / Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll?
« on: January 15, 2018, 05:56:16 PM »
I think he is two years old, but I forgot how to check that. Is there even a way?

your char starts at age 16, so whatever age he/she currently has, -16.

my current char is 24y old, so he's ingame for 8 years. he left behind him a trail of construction. it's horrible.

Suggestions / Re: Corpses
« on: December 02, 2017, 12:05:57 AM »
well... i have a few corpses lyring around and it does not seem to bother elk or reindeer who just wander by while i'm working. or seals who seem to like resting next to a few.

they do seem to attract a lot of scavanger birds. i've had no visits from wolves, bears, robbers or njerps. but i have never had a visit from any of those.

anyway.. diseases in summer might be a good idea

Suggestions / njerpjez spawn options.
« on: December 01, 2017, 11:59:30 PM »
can we have a setting that turns njerp spawn outside of their own territory off.

and perhaps make it possible to find the other cultures as travellers (like foreign traders) that peddle goods.

and maybe (very distant future) make it possible to invite vagebond npc's to live at one of your homesteads if you have supplies.

Bug reports / Re: No visible floor on a mountain
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:17:55 AM »
Absolutely, I agree. But nevertheless, it seems sort of sad that my floor change during seasons.

i wish my floor would change, all it does is sit there being the same all year round. it's really boring.

General Discussion / Re: Climathe
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:08:25 AM »
The seasons stay the same AFAIK (eg, you can start drying on the same day). It should however be colder on average. This might, for example, make agriculture harder because the ground would stay frozen for longer.

can confirm this. recently moved to the most northern point i could find and the snow stayed longer then i expected. only had 1 winter there so far so this may just be an extremely long winter.

General Discussion / Re: Value of things
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:06:38 AM »
I think that value of things is historical incorrect.
Furs should be not valuable at all as there was not much use of it (you dont make new clothes all the time) and fur trade was not so developed in that time.
Silver (rings,chains,bretcles) should be waaaaay more valuable given the fact that they are from silver and incredably rare (found only on foreigh traders).
Historicly siberian tribes did not value furs at all.

What do you think?

furs are not that valueable in the region itself, but because they are in high demand outside of the region. and if you can trade your fur for a good axe, why would you trow it out? it may be more valueable then the clothes you'd get from it.

there are also several mentions of the byzantines and abbasids being very intrested in northern furs, mostly for status. white fur was imported only and was a sign of your wealth.

Suggestions / Re: Paddles as weapons
« on: November 13, 2017, 12:58:38 AM »
all three attack characteristics, at least for the metal ones...

google "chinese army shovel".

we need that.

Suggestions / Re: Endgame economics - Money sink ideas
« on: November 08, 2017, 04:25:47 PM »
Buying all the jewelry you can get hold of and hoard it is a fairly good money sink that's available currently.

What's the point of this, besides the better weight/value ratio?

may i introduce you to a new concept.


Suggestions / Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats
« on: November 08, 2017, 04:24:06 PM »
You are ready to drop. You wrap yourself up in furs and...wait a that cat pee?

"your movement was spotted by felix"
"felix leaps towards your feet"

*block with fur*

Suggestions / Re: Repairing nets
« on: November 05, 2017, 03:31:59 PM »
there is a mod that allows you to make your own nets. not repair but make them new.

it's like 50 cords and 10 or 20 stones i think. and time consuming.

i fail to remember the name of the mod. even while i'm using it.

more on topic, i like the idea.

Suggestions / Re: Dialog request to work for the Village
« on: November 04, 2017, 08:53:37 PM »

if this work could allow the player to make a living, we could join a village and live there, work with em and survive that way.

i like.

Suggestions / Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats
« on: November 04, 2017, 06:23:54 PM »
cats please. more animals in general but especially cats.

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