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Messages - Tinker

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weight This may be connected with the weight of the large amphora problem noted week ago (weighs 600 grams not the expected 12 kg). I can see no reason why the scripted weight does not work.

With the punt ny final punt is the correct weight but I cannot remember what intermediate weights were. It may not be connected to the weight of the base object, the amphora and large amphora both use tun as base one works correctly one does not.

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 05:24:30 PM »
As I understand it throwing does not use any skill, if you throw rocks they seem to use ckub skill, arrows and spears seem to use bow or spear skill, but other items are a bit vague.

Gameplay questions / Re: Injured Adventurer
« on: April 28, 2023, 05:17:54 PM »
If he offered you a treasure trove then you need to give the item he asked for, usually it is in the shelter with other stuff you can keep, he will then give you the location of the treasure. He may have offered you some other reward which you will get after returning his spear or whatever, it is your choice to keep his utem or return it.

Gameplay questions / Re: Roof Water Catcher
« on: April 28, 2023, 10:28:33 AM »
This os a feature of BAC, I have never used it for a woden builings, as Palu says there is usually enough water close by almost all building sites, but for cave dwelling the add n is invaluable, caves are often some distance from water and a day spent installing a rain catch system is a lot of time saved later when you neeed water for cooking and hideworking.

Development News / Re: Version 3.80 (beta) released
« on: April 28, 2023, 10:21:35 AM »
Wattle and daub walls were fairly universal at different periods, including northern Europe. Many celtic cultures used then in neolithic times, the Romans used a refined version with lime and straw for temporary or less important buildings. My own house was built around 1200 near Bohemia and while the main construction is timber frame the filling is split sticks, straw and what we might call mud.

Gameplay questions / Re: Injured Adventurer
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:46:39 PM »
It will not appear on the map until you find it. Normally it is near the centre of the circle and you need to narrow the options by reading the description, east of this sort of land north of some other sort or whatever it said. Then look for a few bloodscape tiles, then you know you are on the right area.
If you need to search in thick forest give up before you waste a day pointlessly searching.

Bug reports / Re: Crash to desktop
« on: April 25, 2023, 02:03:31 PM »
Still occurs with 3.80.

Seems to work OK, not fully tested of course.

The large amphora detailed above still has the wrong weight.

I have not needed to make such a pot but I just did to test this out, it does in fact appear in game as weighing 600 grams not the expected 12 kg. To be sure it is not metric conversion I checked it in imperial and it is only 1.4 pounds.

The script seems to be correct, just not working. I changed the weight from 27 to 2,7 and it still makes a pot weighing 1, 4 pounds. It seems the [weight:] parameter does not accept decimals and it does not accept numbers greater than 9, any number with 2 or more digits is the same weight, I tried several weight settings, below 9 seems to work as expected, above 10 everything weighs 1.4 kg but a some point the weight drops to 600g. This assumption is wrong as other recipes use decimals and barrels and kegs weights work correctly. I need to check them again as it could be a change in the base code is affecting all mod weights.

Just checked the tub mod, it is listed as weighing 16 and is made in game weighing 7.3 empty, so not a game mechanic problem but an error in the earthworking script. I thought it might be due to it not having the line [TYPE:container] but adding that does not help. I have totally rewritten the code, to avoid cut paste errors with none printing characters. I have put it in a different mod section to avoid something in earthenware  affecting it, it still does not work but I cannot see why.

OK, I missed that, my version does not have patch for staff, but I have changed many recipes to suit myself. You could then just add [patchwise] to the slender trunk  line under both recipes

Because the staff does not have patch in the first line, you make one staff from one slender trunk, you could add patch to the staff recipe if you want to make multiple staves from multiple slender trunks.

You are correct, it is an error. you cannot just add [patchwise] to the slender truck as the same code is used for making a staff, you should edit the stake recipe to

.Wooden stake.    [effort:1]  [patch] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *TIMBERCRAFT* (8) /30/ %40% |-2|
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>   
{Slender trunk}   [patchwise] [remove]

This then works as expected and intended.

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 17, 2023, 10:15:51 AM »
The quality of your traps seems also to be important. I have 5 poor snares that have not caught anything in two years but  the five decent snares near them have all cought about 10 hares or birds each in the same time.

It seems that spoilt meat or fish is still useable as bait, it also works for fishing bait.

As well as the weeks of waiting with no action in traps, followed by a few days of frantic activity there are some other unknown variables. I have a fence around my cave entrance with three pit traps, one has caught two bull elks, a doe elk and a reindeer, another has caught a bear, a reindeer calf and a forest reindeer but the trap between has not caught anything.

Bug reports / Re: Crash to desktop
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:05:56 AM »
Just a simple couple of lines.

.milkweed root. [patch:5] *AGRICULTURE* [noquality] /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]

.milkweed leaves. [patch:5]  *AGRICULTURE* [noquality] /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{milkweed} [patchwise] [remove]       

Due to the limitations of modding this needs to be a two step process, first you extract root from up to 5 milkweeds, then the leaves and remove the plants.

It really would be nice if mods could produce more than one item at a time.

Bug reports / Re: Crash to desktop
« on: April 11, 2023, 09:50:15 PM »
But the milkweed problem is from game recipes, I have no mod that alters milkweed plants, apart from one I added to convert plants to roots and leaves if I pick up a plant.

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