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Messages - Dungeon Smash

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General Discussion / Re: Take it or leave it - Forest Reindeer Meat
« on: November 04, 2018, 03:20:57 PM »
Honestly, I wouldn't bother to kill 3 or 4 reindeers in the first place... 2 is plenty, a lot is probably going to end up spoiled.  Otherwise, I agree with Caius and PALU.  Having a strong animal helps, as you can transport all the carcasses to a convenient location (cellar near water & smoker) and complete each step in batches.  Wintertime would be best as the meat will not spoil as quickly.  Otherwise, I would just prioritize what I need (hides vs meat) and try to get as much done as possible (using -pipe tea to stay awake as much as possible, if available) with the understanding that at least some of it is probably going to spoil.  In this situation, you could probably get the hides and maybe 1 or 1.5 animals worth of meat.  More with wintertime, animals for hauling, a stockpile of -pipes.

A larger head does not = more damage to target, necessarily.  A smaller impact area can often mean more penetration.  I wouldn't be surprised if arrows do more damage, since the function of the bow is to project the arrow much harder than the human arm can throw.  This is why people use bows..... otherwise we would just throw an arrow.  Think about it, or do some research.  Weight and size are certainly not the only factors... the speed at which the projectile is moving is also a factor.  Which hurts more, a bullet fired from a gun at 1000 ft/second, or a baseball hurled by a person?  and yet the baseball weighs far more and is much larger

General Discussion / Re: Official Legacy Character Thread (multiplayer urw)
« on: November 04, 2018, 03:09:59 PM »
Turn-based games (like chess) aren't as popular as any other multiplay game with time going on by itself. Who would select turn-based multiplayer in e. g. Counter Strike if it existed? No one.
I understand that multiplayer in UrW can be only furn-based because . e. g. building, sleeping etc. are speeded up.
But timing could be available as option in singleplayer.
you can already do this, by pressing 5, as JEB Davis pointed out.  Or, you can advance time one increment at a time using the Period button. 

It sounds like you basically want to play a completely different game.

Gameplay questions / Re: Healing others?
« on: October 14, 2018, 05:05:11 PM »
I thought that robbers had a distinctive look. They don't look like, say, vagabonds or traders.

 I have not gotten as far as a Robber quest. I've been trying to get the Forest Spirit to appear. I do the spell, drop a silver bracelet on an ant hill and stand there all night, to no avail. Bah...

Have you ever run from a robber encounter, gone into a village, and had the robbers follow and attack inside the village? I thought that was interesting. One more thing to increase my game anxiety. 

PS: Ok, Upon waking in the morning, I got a message that said 'You have Unity with the forest'. Surely, tonite the forest spirits will come! Anyway, I'll try again.
you have to sacrifice the silver, using the sacrificing ritual.  Not just drop it.

kicks, club, or the blunt end of a sharp weapon.  takes a little while but if the animal is already trapped, it's worth it to take your time and secure a high-quality pelt.

Mod Releases / Re: Crafts, Roleplaying stuff and Ritual 0.7 - Smith update
« on: September 29, 2018, 06:57:24 PM »
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but...

How exactly do I install this mod?

Suggestions / Re: Why Do I Need an Axe to Make a Javelin?
« on: September 22, 2018, 10:12:08 PM »
you could do it with a knife irl.

but a handaxe or carving axe are soooo much better for it. they are tougher and dont go blunt that fast. the weight of the axe is what does the work, the edge is just for getting a first cut to then push trough. what takes you 5 minutes and great effort with a knife will take 1 or 2 hits with a proper axe.
Sounds like that would be pretty easy to model in the game...

Suggestions / Re: Add pickaxe
« on: September 22, 2018, 10:10:51 PM »
There are some mods which can allow you to make different-colored log houses.

General Discussion / Re: Nutrition system
« on: September 22, 2018, 09:54:14 PM »
Very impressive!  Thank you for your detailed research.

I do think, however, that turnips are still worth it... iirc, you can get several plantings in one year of turnips, they're cheap to use as "loose change" when trading, they last forever, and they can be used to basically stretch your larder by adding mass to stews (and some of the other recipes from mods).  I could be wrong, but I think basically:
adding turnip to stew saves more important crops/ingredients for other meals.  It may not give much dividends in terms of nutrition, but helps make your character feel full, making it worthwhile to add to high-nutrition stews like bear, to basically make the bear meat last longer.  of course, in times of starvation, it's better just to eat roast bear meat, but in certain situations it could be useful.

It's just a gut feeling, maybe my rough calculations are wrong.. Maybe it still isn't worth it... but what's a stew without turnips?? :P

Sami has addressed before the idea of small trees growing to full-size trees - basically, it would take many years for a tree to grow to a usable size for logs etc.  And most UnReal characters simply don't last that long - very few players seem to keep a single character going for more than a year, or 2 years at the absolute most.  At least, that's my understanding.

Gameplay questions / Re: Is this normal? - Culture lost
« on: September 04, 2018, 10:21:06 PM »
The only Njerp warcamp I've ever seen is the one you start in with the escaping slave scenario. They are supposed to exist (Sami hasn't removed them), but I haven't seen anyone on the forum claim to have seen one since I started with UrW a number of years ago.

Culture control is based on villages of that culture exerting influence on the surroundings, and that village is typically close to the center of the region "block", although there may be several villages within a block, in particular clusters connected with roads.
There should be a village in the region that formerly belonged to your culture (or just inside the border of the current region, if the part lost isn't a whole "block", and that village ought to be abandoned if inside the region, or either abandoned or populated by "vagabonds" if outside.

There was a bug that caused depopulation of a village to sometimes remove the culture as well as a neighboring unvisited village, which then was replaced by vagabond settlement (one or a few tents and a small family), but I think that one was fixed (in my case it was my character's doing: trying to purge the world of Njerps, with the expected result: eventual death).

Anyway, I haven't seen it happen spontaneously, or heard any other case of it happening, but Njerp or beast attacks, and possibly robbers should be capable of doing it. I think you can be reasonably sure the biggest threat to your culture is your character, and if your character isn't bent in its destruction it should remain (although UrW currently doesn't have any repopulation mechanism, so every death is a permanent loss, which means gradual depopulation of villages over the very long term).
I found a njerpez warcamp with a character recently, I think when the game was in 3.50.  It was based on an island in the middle of a long river, actually quite near my settlement, in No-Man's-Land in the south eastern region.

Suggestions / Re: Rare random dead bodies
« on: September 02, 2018, 04:21:42 PM »
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.

Off-topic / Re: Happy People on Netflix
« on: August 26, 2018, 05:31:52 PM »
One of my favorite movies.  Love to watch it whilst going to sleep.

General Discussion / Re: Some new player's feedback
« on: July 27, 2018, 11:51:39 PM »
In the game, you can also look at the ice, and you might not be able to probe it with a spear, but you can use your spear to make a hole in the ice, and judge the thickness based on how long it takes to knock the hole - basically the same thing.  I would argue that the system works more-or-less intended as it is.  I admit that the "Gotcha!" effect that the OP experienced is a little unfair though.  I had the same thing happen to be once, but luckily I was carrying my punt with me and was able to simply drop it and climb aboard ;P

Suggestions / Re: selling animals back in town
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:35:03 PM »
I have suggested this before, it would be very nice to be able to sell animals.  Also, I would like to see buying/selling animals integrated into the standard item-trading format.  So for example, I could trade my dog and a spear for a cow.  Or trade a cow for an iron hauberk.

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