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Messages - Sami

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Suggestions / Re: Hillforts and tribal protected areas
« on: December 29, 2020, 01:38:59 PM »
It's well established that hillforts were a thing in prehistoric Finland, and I think it'd be a fun addition to have them dotted around the landscape. Maybe with alloted "chiefs" that consider themselves an authority in the area, offering special quests and such. I know that the Driikiläiset fortified cities are kind of this, they are still not a straight representation of this phenomenon, which occured all throughout pre-historic Finland.

Hillforts are something we’ve pretty much always thought of being such an essential element that they should be added. And I guess they’ve been also suggested before.
Yet they seize to exist in the game. And that’s because, well, we’ve worked on something else instead. But still we cherish the idea of hillforts and would like them to exist in the game one day.

Suggestions / Re: Location, Location, Location
« on: December 29, 2020, 01:37:33 PM »
I've seen videos of new players who have lost track of their traps and have personally experienced the same annoying problem, that of being unable to locate a trap.

When we move around much in an area where we've laid a trap and lose track of its location our only solution is to explore the entire area and, hopefully, find it again. It would be very helpful if we could choose to enter the area near the trap, as opposed to always/only entering at the last place we exited.

But doesn’t it also work so that if you zoom out and nearby the trap, the next time you zoom in on that wilderness tile you will be placed back there? That’s the existing method you could use, but yes of course you have to remember to exit the trap site like that deliberately.

There are several difficulties and cons, discussed already in this thread, to always placing character near the traps when there are such on the zoomed-in map. The logic would be pain to make, given there are lots of trap, and some players specifically prefer to enter back where their exited. With a change new confusion would arise for some.

You can also try to select trapping at zoomed-in terrain locations which are easy to remember. IRL thing that works in the game too. Or you can add natural markers, such as felled trees and branches, like some suggested.

Also, if you scan the area walking in ever decreasing circles (or squares is easier in the game) that’s best way to locate something, rather than running around randomly. That’s also IRL thing that works in the game too.

Suggestions / Re: Finding my arrows
« on: December 28, 2020, 09:13:04 PM »
I pray to the URW Gods on High for a spell and a device (divining rod) and an animal companion command (fetch) to retrieve arrows I shot that landed off in the distance. I love my broadhead arrows and it pains me to think of them lost and alone in the wild, orphaned from all that is good and kind.

and an animal, three "an" in a row

Hehe, it’s refreshing start in this post :)

It’s archer’s life to spend a lot of time walking around finding their arrows. In the game and in real-life too. Most don’t find it all too fun, but I reckon it adds something to archery in the game too as the shots with precious arrows need more consideration. Will I find it if I shoot now?
Having the dogs as arrow fetchers feels too gamey addition for me.

Just a quick QoL improvement suggestion please; allow us to drink from a container that is located on an owned animal which is standing on a neighbouring tile.
As you know, currently we do this:
  • Take container from animal.
  • Drink from container.
  • Drop container.
  • Push container on to animal.
This 4-step process is repeated too many times every (winter) day.

Container handling from the ground, or whatever, is suggested before but the internal design of things limits the possibilities to easily allow it.

In this case, why can’t you just carry the container yourself? Easy way to ease the keypresses. If it’s too much of a burden, then pack something else that’s not needed on daily base on the animal instead.

Suggestions / Re: Different types of wood
« on: December 28, 2020, 08:52:43 PM »
Don't really know if it's already suggested but different woods like spruce wood or birch wood should be in the game I think. I realized it when I was building a bow. I thought well, I can't really make a strong bow out of pine. Obviously it doesn't need to be that detailed but I would like to see a difference between different trees in the game like a kuksa out of birch wood or something like that.

Yes, this is the direction we’re heading, but it’s a big, big transition and doesn’t come overnight. The level of detail needs to be indeed considered to serve the gameplay experience.

Buoidda already replied about the pine as bow wood, and I second. The strongest bows to be found in the world would be two-wood laminates made of compression pine and birch. Just an idea about the level of detail which would suit the game.

Suggestions / Re: tanning terminology + rinsed should not spoil
« on: December 28, 2020, 08:41:32 PM »
1) Rename the 'rinsed' * skin to 'hard' * skin and remove it's ability to spoil. Rotting at this already-tanned stage doesn't make any sense to me. Also the 'hard' adjective describes better what is expected to do next. Also IRL this is how we refer to skins at this stage.

how about the 'rinsed not spoil' bit? It was kind of the most important (also featured in title)...

Yes, maybe, I gotta sit down and check out what was our initial logic/guidelines. Takes a while to browse the code and archives with care, but I'll be doing it and the adjustments may follow.

Suggestions / Re: drying meat with a cord should degrade it
« on: December 28, 2020, 08:37:43 PM »
Feel free to contradict me, but shouldnt the process of drying meat on the cord be degrading to it? I would suggest that the tying material goes down 1 step in quality each time it's used for meat tying.

Feel free to contradict me, but shouldnt the process of drying meat on the cord be degrading to it? I would suggest that the tying material goes down 1 step in quality each time it's used for meat tying.

Lots of wear and tear of things, smaller and bigger, is ignored since it’s not that meaningful to have in use in the game. The wear and tear in this case is so minimal that it’s not quite worthwhile to pay attention to.

Heh, it’s quite interesting that this suggestion even comes up. See, not too long time ago cords were used up completely within drying and smoking processes due to game mechanics. It was happily welcomed addition that you could re-use the cords again, and again. And now, who knows if we’ll see a wave of “make the cords get destroyed again!” suggestions.

Suggestions / Re: Auto-confirm if hauling a single item
« on: December 28, 2020, 06:07:18 PM »
When grabbing a single item, player doesn't have to press Enter or Space to confirm picking up. Shouldn't hauling a single item work the same way?

Neat, simple and reasonable suggestion. We’ll see about adding this.

Suggestions / Re: tanning terminology + rinsed should not spoil
« on: December 28, 2020, 06:06:55 PM »
I have had several thoughts about the tanning of skins in this game for a long time. Here's my suggestions on how to make the tanning feel more right - at least in my experience.

Thoughtful input is always appreciated, but it's still better to pinpoint one crisp idea than a list of things.

We don't really feel like getting into changing the terms as the current terminology isn’t that much off, and people have gotten used to it over the years. The terminology could be of course defined better and better on various sectors of the game but it’s just a mess to do after something has gotten good footing.

2) Remove the need for water for cleaning skins. When I do that IRL, don't require water.

Upon first creating the tanning system we followed certain guidelines and practices and instructions on how to proceed with it. There are variations and things can be reasoned in many ways, but we gotta stick to some mechanics within the scope of possibilities. Anyhow, we’ll digest this input, and see if a need for change arises.

6) Dehairing seems to have an odd step after it. A dehaired skin is not dry, but very wet. It doesn't need to be soaked, quite the opposite. The membranes are scraped off or at least broken when they are dry. A thorough wash and salt water are beneficial after dehairing, to slow the rotting which caused the dehairing in the first place. I'd alter the soaking step to a wash and dry. (I'm aware of many methods of tanning, but in this rubbing method the game uses this would be appropriate.)

We’ll ponder this. I can’t quite recall clearly what was the original logic or instruction behind the soaking, but surely there was some purpose to have it in there.

8 ) No cutting weapon needed in dehairing.

Yep, but cutting weapons are still quite commonly used to cover some bits and pieces along the way. Doesn't hurt to have it around.

9) Tanning by smoking, in the same style as smoking meat.

Would be nice addition, and maybe – just maybe – in the future, but as we have one working tanning method already I’d rather use my limited coding time for something else.

Suggestions / Re: Animals for sale respawn
« on: December 28, 2020, 05:58:46 PM »
It would be nice if new animals for sale appear instead of ones you've bought, over time. I guess it may be implemented along with animals breeding, or even earlier.

Maybe it comes along naturally at some point when animal breeding gets going for real. However, we really don’t know when that might be. At this point we don’t see a need to artificially add animal respawn, as what’s available in the whole game world should suffice for most.

One of the commands I want to suggest is to ask companion to disengage from enemies.

Yep. That would be reasonable addition, and we’d like to get this done at some point.

Suggestions / Re: Villagers build new houses and start new settlements
« on: December 28, 2020, 05:55:13 PM »
There might be higher chances for fine and masterwork items to appear in new building. Villages expansion also gives cause to add new quests such as falling some trees and making boards.

Furthermore, villagers could start new settlements, say, once in five years, so as to enhance the impression of tribes actually strengthen and evolve.

Village life will see some improvements in the future, but this is single player character oriented game and village and community simulation is a different genre in our books. But still, for example new building to appear could be something that will be featured at some point.

Suggestions / Re: Customizable keys
« on: December 28, 2020, 05:54:25 PM »
I'd love to be able to add minor macro/toggle for certain things. Keys 4,5,6,8 are not used. Plenty of letters are unused as well.
Not sure how tedious it'd be to enable functions such as:
4. get skis and ski stick from this location
5. toggle apply/Take-off for skis and ski stick
6. Take-off and drop skis and ski stick
8. apply ski stick (for those skiing archers)

Very tedious. We won’t be seeing programmable macros in the game I believe. The interface is what it is, though some easiness to keyboard jockeys is added at times.

I’ll be checking out how this sort of waking up is coded. I believe this isn’t something that you run into very often, but if it can be easily and reliably remedied we’ll do it. For the atmosphere I personally wouldn’t mind that seriously cold character sleeps bad even though the things are slowly going to warmer direction.

Not bugs / Re: [3.63] minor consistence issue in repeat fishing
« on: December 27, 2020, 10:20:12 PM »
I see I was actually using 'a'pply and the fishing rod was first. I must have been using a rock with the repeat. Too automatic keypressing and tired. And clever me even had tested the "bug" with 'f'ishing with a rock intentionally.

Sorry for misreport.  :-[ I'll go to bed now before I get myself killed as stupidly.

Yep. I though that it's very hard to find a reason for the said phenomena to happen.
Good night :)

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