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Messages - Galgana

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Did you help someone who was lost in the forest?  If you did, you probably got the 3% rise from him.  The rise is not implemented until the next time you use the skill, so you may have helped him months ago and then kicked a bird to death or something, which would then give you the 3% rise in unarmed.

I never completed any quests on this save file, as this was a freshly generated character I was using to test flora edits.

My character's unarmed skill went from 40% to 43% after I soaked 100 units of a plant.

That doesn't seem right to me because the retting action falls under the textilecraft menu. Is this intentional?
I can think of a similar example where a weapon skill improves outside of combat, e.g. flail skill when threshing from the agriculture menu.

Movement mode text is left-aligned in the status box when wading.

This doesn't match with the center alignment for other movement modes (walking, running, hiding, swimming, fallen, etc.)

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:36:06 AM »
Yarn is really cheap to trade for in villages. 1 squirrel hide can get you 150 feet of yarn, which can provide you with 25 snares for trapping.
Or you can trade those snares to get even more yarn.

To put things into perspective, 135 feet of yarn is required to make 1 cord.

Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: March 02, 2023, 08:25:23 PM »
I added double tracks for the mallard and loon, so they fit in better. I don't know if the single set tracks where on purpose though.

My rationale was that the foot shapes for waterfowl make moving on land a clumsy affair, though I will concede that ducks get by just fine for waddling.
I have to admit, I hadn't pulled up videos in the loon's case. Now that I did have a look (example), the placement of their legs further back on their bodies actually calls for for a dragging track similar to the seals' between splayed parallel footprints.

Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: March 01, 2023, 10:44:31 PM »
I drew up some track revamps in case you wanted to include them in the spirited sprites. They're mostly birds since I happened to remember I changed the ones for the capercaillie in my resprite set.
  • row 1: black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie
  • row 2: raven, eagle owl, goshawk
  • row 3: mallard, kuikka, beaver (OOPS misattribution: the attachment was originally uploaded with Fark's)
(The search engines probably think I'm some sort of talon fetishist based on how long I spent trying to find photo refs for some of these :o)

Modding / Re: Modding Tutorial and Help
« on: February 22, 2023, 11:21:59 PM »
But mother pipe or bear pipe doesnt want to give me seeds, haven't tried with other herbs, in the flora_herbs file. I've tried to close the game, make new char and remove the root tag, adding the noseed_nutrition tag. I can't for the life of me figure out how to make those herbs give seeds, after threshing the plant.

Mother pipe and Bear pipe are flower-bearing plants by default, which means they yield seeds only after their flowering period is over.

Development News / Re: Animal droppings - an indicator and a fertilizer
« on: February 21, 2023, 08:15:51 PM »
Good $#!% ;D
Will dogs get pathing logic to linger at droppings? Maybe sometimes they might even destroy them, whether it's by eating the stuff outright or rolling into it.

Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: February 20, 2023, 09:12:31 PM »
I've never actually experienced the spirits in the game, but any information about the visual descriptions would be very appreciated. I'd love to see the quest dialog you are referencing.

At the moment I don't have on hand the lines about the Forest Spirit. I do remember something about how he can change his size at will. It would be funny to have alt versions of the sprite where he's as high as a little gnome or a giant (like the preview pics of the URW v3.30 graphics update).

Forest maid:
Spoiler: show
Forest maids are pretty and secretive otherworldly forest folk who may sometimes appear to favoured wanderers, especially these days. Pretty maids in pretty dresses, that's what they look like, and what they let be seen is a real delight in the night.

I truly met a forest maid last year while working in the woods. Sleeping under the open sky I woke up one night to a pretty maid standing next to my campfire, smiling at me. Then she came and snuggled beside me. I was mesmerized by her beauty, and soon fell asleep again.
When I woke up, the fire was out, and she stood in the distance asking me to follow. It was still dark, but I went, following her far from the campsite. Suddenly she turned and I saw the backside. It looked all hollow or barklike. I startled and she just disappeared among the trees.

Spoiler: show
Spirits of the water can appear in many forms. They may dress in reeds and grass, and their voice is always bright, like a woman's. The oldest and mightiest lake dwellers are bowed long-bearded gaffers. The younger ones often appear as graceful men with reddish skin, big brown eyes and long black hair. Oh, but I'm quite sure you will recognize the spirit of the water when you meet one.

Upon meeting spirits of the water, however it happens, do nothing but wait and observe. They rarely say a word, but their appearance reveals how things are. If they look gentle, or wear decorative clothes, it means they are pleased with you and good fish catches shall be given. But if they look gloomy then it's misfortunes and hardships to be feared, or sacrifices best to be performed.

Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: February 19, 2023, 09:20:23 PM »
I feel pretty confident about winter sprites becoming implemented some time this decade. ;)
At least with deciduous trees there's already some alpha-blending going on to simulate dropping and growing in their leaves.

By the way Galgana, would you be cool with me using your waterspirit as a base for an 8 sided NPC? I like it much better than the original one
And yeah, go ahead!

Hmm, now that I think about it, IIRC unlike the case with the vanilla water spirit being just a slightly edited copy of npc-eman, Forest Maidens simply use npc-ewoman.
There's a quest dialogue that describes them having hollow backs, though I can't remember ever witnessing the spirits face away from my player character. It certainly is a detail that makes supernatural encounters rather spooky.

Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: February 19, 2023, 07:43:11 AM »
Wow, these are amazing! Congratz on sharing these critters! I'm really gonna be looking forward to seeing them in action for my next adventures in unrealworld.
Lots of love especially for the plumage on the flapping birds. :)

Regarding the alternate sheets in my sprite revamps: they won't do anything unless the user manually changes the file names to replace vanilla sprites.
It's possible to automate the necessary renamings through use of bat files. This method can be seen in action with Buoidda's Crafts, which has summer and winter versions of trees and the hare.

Another method for setting up seasonality is to separate summer and winter versions under different mod folders when using Weathereye's Mod Loader.
I hope the explanation below is clear enough to show how I use the mod loader to manage seasonal replacers:
Spoiler: show

  • PNGs for summer and winter sprite sheets must have names identical to the target vanilla files
  • load order priority given to winter versions, as in: put the winter folder at the bottom of modlist.txt
  • rename the winter folder in order to activate changes whenever appropriate for the playing session
  • press F9 to re-draw tiles in-game
The file structure would look something like this:

Code: [Select]
Unrealworld directory/
-----pngs here (summer coat)
-----pngs here (winter coat)

And the modlist.txt file can have a load order containing:
Code: [Select]

Keeping the winter folder name as ReAnimalsWino will prevent winter sprite changes from being applied because the name does not match ReAnimalsWin, which modlist.txt is looking for.
After renaming the folder, hit F9 to reload tiles in-game.
You won't need to deal with the hassle of quiting and restarting the game in order to see the changes because the modloader will be ready to update the sprite replacers. :)

Suggestions / Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short.
« on: January 28, 2023, 03:42:32 AM »
Point 1 can be resolved by editing [INVENTORY_ORDER] in urw_ini.txt
For example, this is how I have it customised:
Code: [Select]

Gameplay questions / Re: Small agriculture question
« on: November 19, 2022, 08:26:17 AM »
Milkweeds are the raw grass-type plant obtainable by harvesting with the agriculture skill.
Milkweed leaves are a raw product of the plant and are obtainable through either threshing with the agriculture skill or picking by hand.

A picked plant will grow back in the same place next year if you don't disturb the tile it occupies (i.e. by building or digging).
The same applies with withered plants, but a harvested plant never regrows unless the map tile data is reset.

The only use for harvested milkweed plants is being threshed to obtain both milkweed leaves and milkweed root.
These products can then be used as ingredients in cooking recipes.
You can grind milkweed root into flour with the agriculture skill, but a container is required to hold the flour.
The leaves can also be used as healing herbs for wound treatment with the physician skill.

The herbalism skill allows you to check what herbal effects your character is aware of. You can check patches of plants on tiles adjacent to you or whatever plants/plant products are in your inventory.
Raw effects usually will persist in cooked foods.
Boiling herbal products separately through the cooking menu often enables additional effects. Boiled leaves and flowers become an herbal beverage, while the roots, seeds and flour retain their product identity.
Boiling can also remove negative effects such poisoning or gut irritation, but you have to be careful when using plants and mushrooms you have not yet identified because some species always remain poisonous.

General Discussion / Re: Everything about Njerpezit?
« on: June 03, 2022, 11:11:24 AM »
Njerps have a tendency to fight well with swords (their cultural proficiency is 4 out of 5 according to the text file ini_skills.txt under the main game directory) but the average redshirt will be, well, average in other disciplines (default is 3 for almost all combat skills, 2 in crossbow, and 2 in flail).
Although they're famous for their lamellar armor and one-handed scimitars*, not every warrior necessarily will be using these types of equipment. It's quite possible to encounter in various states of geared-up-ness (adequately, or less so) archers, spearmen, axemen, club-handlers, as well as dogs in the warband camps that occasionally spawn as a regional event in the east, i.e. Kiesse, Reemi, Kaumo lands.

*In terms of offensive capability, the scimitars are characterized by their 5 points in edge aspect, which may inflict bleeding wounds. They also have a couple of points in blunt aspect: 2 for standard scimitar, 3 for the signature cultural version.
The Njerpez scimitar performs comparably to the broadsword (same attack and defense class ratings, equal in attack aspect points except the broadsword in addition has 3 points in point aspect) and is well-suited to a sword-and-board fighting style. But watch out when your opponent has already figured out the same thing!

You might be wondering what do the Njerps even want with the eastern part of the Unreal World. According to the lore in the GAME.NFO [F1] encyclopedia, they're competing with the local tribes (mainly Kaumo) for hunting grounds in order to get rich from the fur trade.
When the warbands are in the area, you can see in the [F6] world map where they have spread their cultural influence in the form of a purple circle.
Generally, the camp will consist of a couple of wooden buildings and a few kota tents; deconstructing the kotas will net you some loot in the form of ragged reindeer furs as long as you don't have any active BIY building mods.

It's also possible to encounter a few wandering Njerpez warriors, which can be an unpleasant surprise when you're traveling without companions. Don't rush to meet a strange man in red the moment you see one on the zoomed-out map!
But when it does happen, getting away from them can be tough; their stealth skill is above average (4 out of 5 proficiency), which makes it all the more tricky to stay hidden long enough to move out of range from their activity.

However, not every Njerp is a bloodthirsty savage. Depending on an individual NPC's personality profile, one might adhere to the adage of "discretion is the greater part of valor": sometimes you'll find a Njerp who behaves more cautiously by trying to get out of your way (with some swearing involved) if you happen to be well-armed.
More behavioral patterns are described in this spoiler-tagged excerpt from the v3.19 changelog, which can be found in the text file news.txt:
Spoiler: show
- added: NPC "prey-predator" relationships

        * NPCs now actively react to presence of other human beings, specifically those
          of another culture

          For now this is most notable when Njerpez meet other cultures, but later on the
          system will be expanded to create cultural conflicts. These NPC reactions are
          effective regardless of your character's presence so you may occasionally find
          traces of violent confrontations in the wild. Or you may now get to witness a lone
          woodsman espacing an aggressive Njerpez warrior, villagers attacking the Njerpez
          first, or your companion being attacked before you have even spotted the red shirts.

        * NPCs can have wider scope of attitudes towards other people

          In a sense variety of NPC reactions gets closer to behaviour repertoire we already
          have in use with wild animals. In addition to being blunt aggressive or peaceful
          people may now try to avoid you, stay hidden, try to chase you away or prefer to
          escape upon being spotted. And it is the Njerpez who have this new behaviour and
          attitude system currently in use.

        * Njerpez aren't always hostile, but not friendly either

          Njerpez behaviour of attacking with 100% certainty is history. Especially the lone
          warriors may very well choose to escape or stay hidden instead of attacking. Njerpez
          still don't want to interact with other cultures, but encountering them doesn't
          always lead to spilling of blood anymore. It's now possible that Njerpez circles
          around your camp while you are a sleep, and instead of waking up with an arrow
          in the eye you now just noticed his footprints. For Njerpez who are encountered in
          their war camps or villages attacking the intruders still remains a top priority.

And this is an excerpt from the v3.63 changelog covering the composition of wandering Njerp parties:
Spoiler: show
 - added: wandering Njerpez can be met in small groups too

          Njerpez warriors don't wander all alone anymore but can be met in small groups, or pairs as well. If a conflict will arise from these encounters you have to be extra careful now. A group of wandering Njerpez can also have multiple dogs with them.

 - adjusted: wandering Njerpez commonness based on the region

          Wandering Njerpez are most commonly met in the east and south-east. That's an old rule which hasn't changed, but in the previous versions the borderline of their existence and non-existence was strict and rigid. Now the wandering Njerpez commonness is more gradual, decreasing the further into the west and north you go. Now it's been also verified that Njerpez raiders don't ever try to reach regions of western and northern cultures, so that's where to settle if you want to avoid raiders completely.

Another thing to remark about the Njerpez culture's skills proficiency distribution is that they're above average in timbercraft and below average in skiing. But you won't be seeing any NPCs on skis since that feature hasn't been implemented yet.
The winter season is a popular time to go on counter-raids against the Njerpez in their own cultural territory located in the furthest southeastern part of the Unreal World landmass. They're about as susceptible as everybody else to fatigue from running in deep snow, which is quite conducive to the kiting-on-skis strategy (better be wielding a bow in the primary equip slot and go switching between ski stick and arrow in the secondary slot).

Keep in mind, though, that the v3.71 snow update makes it so that snow depth is neutralized within the immediate boundaries of a village map tile; you'll have to lure villagers out further to get them exhausted.
Night-time raids during the winter will give you the visibility advantage since the field of view for NPCs will light up zoomed-in map tiles as they wander around. It's also recommended to do some scouting yourself in better lighting conditions in order to be familiarized with the vicinity and establish some escape routes.
Perhaps you might even take the time to set up some traps, but NPCs generally are savvy about how traplines work and can disarm them. Another downside about winter is that permafrost makes it impossible to dig out trap pits.

So, who lives in a Njerp village? Besides warriors, there also are the typical tribesmen, womenfolk, and children as you would encounter on less hostile territory. But unlike other cultures, they don't keep elders around.
Some villages are fortified, which in this case means they have a fence around the village perimeter. Nothing fancy. Such settlements are indicated on the F6 map by the color red when you have toggled off the map marker display.

Once you have eliminated all the residents, you're free to try your hand at taming their livestock. But dogs will always remain loyal to their dead masters and never can tolerate accepting a new leash under these violent circumstances. As for any cattle, sheep, or pigs, there's a chance that they'll attempt to fight back upon being leashed for the first time (unlike animals acquired through honest barter), but they'll calm down if you unleash the animal and try again.

General Discussion / Re: Can you cover your eyes with Armor?
« on: June 02, 2022, 11:41:49 PM »
According to the modding syntax, eyes are not a bodypart that can be covered under the parameter [ARMOUR_COVERAGE:]. Therefore, it is currently impossible to create an armor piece capable of protecting the eyes.

For maximum coverage of the other head parts, you can layer:
  • fur hood and iron spectacle helm to protect face and skull
  • mail cowl and woollen veil to protect skull and neck
The total weight of this gear is around 8 lbs.

I consider the long mail cowl to be unnecessary for most purposes. While yes, it provides additional coverage to the shoulders* compared to the standard mail cowl, but the drawback is that it's also 2 lbs heavier.
This can make a difference when you're layering other clothes, since worn equipment begins to contribute to the encumbrance penalty when the total weight goes over 10% of your character's bodyweight.

*Most armor and clothing tops for the torso will also extend to or past the shoulders (excluding the cuirass, which provides only thorax plus abdomen protection).

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