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Messages - Galgana

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Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Riverpig plants appear to be unharvestable
« on: January 11, 2025, 04:15:44 AM »
The simple answer is that riverpig lacks any properties related to plant products in the flora data located in flora_newherbs.txt
But according to brian.shapiro's flora suggestions thread on the old forum, there ought to be roots at a minimum:
"The Sami were digging for the roots that were eaten with pleasure (Nensén p. 415). Slappakråsse (Grundström 1948:393) or slabbaråsse (Grundström 1948:369), yellow and white water lilies {Nuphar lutea and Nymphaea alba). The rhizomes of these perennial water plants have a strong, bitter taste. They contain toxic alkaloids and need to be processed and detoxified prior to eating (Airaksinen et al. 1986:280, 284, 287, 291). The rhizomes were used as famine food in northern Europe (Airaksinen et al. 1986:279; Kjellman 1882; Källman 1997:122-123; Svanberg 1998:234). Water lilies were eaten by native peoples in northeastern North America (Källman 1 997: 1225), hoewver they were primarily used for medicinal purposes to treat ulcers (Turner et al. 1990:235). There is no information on the Sami use of slappakråsse."

I think it would be appropriate for these lines to be added to .Riverpig. and .Water lily.
Code: [Select]

I noticed that when my character is facing certain directions on the local terrain zoom-in map, a young spruce tile becomes doubled.
And I haven't consumed any noaidi mushrooms recently :)

This happened when my settings in urw_ini.txt had [SCALE_QUALITY:1] or [SCALE_QUALITY:2]
I have NOT encountered similar graphical issues with [SCALE_QUALITY:0]

I was exploring a mountain terrain that has a mix of pine mire and open mire surrounding it.
On the mountain's south side I noticed black lines appearing under the water tiles (examining the water confirmed they are plain water rather than being springs) wherever there was a south elevation border.

These lines seem to persist at every
  • zoom level
  • window size
  • resolution (when logical resize setting = no)
  • scale quality setting

Bug reports / [Fixed - 3.85] Village stocked mace outside on the ground
« on: January 07, 2025, 06:09:56 AM »
When I entered a Reemi village, I saw there was both a rock and a mace at a ground tile.
When I picked up the mace, it gained the (unpaid) inventory tag. Then I talked to a nearby inhabitant to enter barter mode, which confirmed I owed debt for the mace.

I think instead of a mace, there should have been either a stone or another rock for outdoor ground clutter.

I thought “Kaumo” were from Savo and Karelian were from “Reemi”.
(I was born Tavastian,  at “Koivula” and I’m still not happy about calling vihta a “vasta” in-game… j/k
Also the cultural skill points don’t make justice for the fishing and trapping heritage.

:P derp! My mistake.

Here's a list of UnReal regions corresponding to IRL for anyone interested (I copied it somewhere from Erkka):
  • Kaumo = Kainuu
  • Kiesse = Savo
  • Reemi = Karelia
  • Driik = Turku
  • Sartola = Pohjanmaa
  • Koivula = Häme
  • Northern = Sápmi

For an assignment in secondary school, I wrote a thousand-word poem about the 2012 Wifecarrying World Championship in a style inspired by the Kalevala (or at least English translations thereof).

And some descriptions based on UnReal nature have also made their way into personal projects.

The main character in my most recent writing thing is partly descended from Karelian Finns (because Kaumo = cool 8)). Some ideas concerning his development arise from reading up on Orthodox icon lore and the vitae of saints, although this guy behaves in ways very far from saintly haha.

Development News / Re: Version 3.85 beta released
« on: October 31, 2024, 01:05:10 AM »
I have a mod with recipes that 1) reduce the weight of logs and slender trunks for the sake of easier transportation 2) revert these items to their normal weight.

Of course, these products remain generic in the current beta. But once the inheritance of tree species does become fully implemented, I wonder what support the modding syntax will have for specifying the tile graphic index?
I was thinking about using [name] to retain species identity in my modded crafts, but the result will be less than ideal if I'm unable to keep the products visually uniform with unmodded stacks.

Bug reports / [remove] tag required to inherit [name]
« on: October 31, 2024, 12:56:02 AM »
I wanted to test how to handle modding with tree species, so I had my character fell a spruce tree.
But then I ran into a problem:
Code: [Select]
[SUBMENU_START:utility article]

.Wooden effigy. "Branch" *TIMBERCRAFT* /1/ [effort:0] [noquality]
//{Tree trunk} [name:%s effigy] [naming:first word]
//{Tree trunk} [name:%s effigy] [naming:last word]
//{Tree trunk} [name:%s effigy] [naming:original]
{Tree trunk} [remove] [name:%s effigy] [naming:first word]

[SUBMENU_END:utility article]
The lines I commented out were ineffective since they produced only unlabeled wooden effigys.
The last line successfully produced a spruce effigy.

Depleting the [name] source item isn't always convenient (though that'll depend on whatever is being crafted).
Will it be possible for [name] strings to be applied without the [remove] tag?

And on the side, can we get stacks of modded items ending in "-y" corrected to "-ies"?

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Bug in LoydettyTarvike() function
« on: September 15, 2024, 12:08:05 AM »
LoydettyTarvike errors are triggered by recipes that are missing components for certain base objects which have been hard-coded with detachable parts.
Ah, okay, so this happens because the item to be crafted is a "Fishing rod" and nowadays the fishing rod needs a hook, which is associated with the item properties.
As the game fails to find the hook in used the materials/parts, it reports about the failure.

Instead of "Fishing rod" for the base item, "Lippo" might be a better fit.

Modding / Re: Old carpentry crafting
« on: August 25, 2024, 01:17:09 AM »
Any DIY crafting recipes that use *CARPENTRY* skill in its header will populate the Carpentry skill menu.
Besides the Make Menu, there are 2 other methods for accessing Carpentry recipes:
  • select Carpentry on the skills screen
  • key combo Alt+Y (or a custom hotkey in case you may have edited the file ini_skills.txt under the game's main directory)

Note that BAC adds a lot of items, which may not all fit within the crafting submenu's 25-keys cap.
If the weapons you wish to craft aren't available under Skills → Carpentry, try checking the weapons crafting submenu.
And if you can't find the weapons submenu, open any menudef text files in your game directory to get some idea of the submenu names under which modded content has been organized. These names ought to correspond to the file names used in BAC's DIY text files.

Thanks for providing more insight on what remodeling mod support might look like from a developer's perspective. It really is a beast that requires careful thinking through several possible modes of approach (if it must be approached at all...!)

I currently use Weathereye's Mod Loader for Windows to set the priority of my active mods and perform other simple mod management tasks.
This tool would surely be at risk of breaking if a major rewrite of game versus modding data should be undertaken, but the pain of its loss will be lessened if mod management were to be handled natively.
(The rest of this post is largely a testimonial about how I use the the mod loader.)

Graphic edits make up the bulk of my modlist in determining overwrite priority. Outside of my game directory, I maintain a spreadsheet that keeps track of which mod source should be overwriting what image file.
But once I have the modlist order sorted out, my method veers into micromanagement: whatever images not being used in my load order get moved to the mod's name-root folder to ensure these specific files never interact with truetile + truegfx subfolders. This step may seem redundant since overwrite priority is in place, but at least I can go browsing through fairly tidy subfolders.

One ardent wish I have on the graphics-side of modding is support for additional truetile variant indices. As much as I enjoy seeing the sprite artworks that members of the community were inspired to create for replacer mods, the impossibility of simultaneously using all these files feels unfortunate.
For instance, tree terrain tiles are limited to displaying 2-3 variants at most (including broadleaf trees in winter mode), but I would love to wander through woodlands populated with a mix of Krutzel's Spirited Sprites having both its tall and standard-height trees alongside kullervo's trees.

As for crafting, it's honestly a lot easier for me to dump a distribution of BAC (or other recipe-heavy mods) into a separate folder where it remains inactive but still available as reference material. With my active "BAC lite" folder, I'm at liberty to adapt excerpts from the parent mod and reorganize recipes according to my own idiosyncratic sense of order.
I give a similar treatment to new releases of URW: my Steam installation stays clean, previous versions are backed up in compressed folders, and the copy of my updated directory with the external mod loader will have as many or as few add-ons as I desire depending on which modlist is enabled.

In general, I consider mod-induced compatibility issues to be a natural consequence that players will inevitably struggle with. Building around the existing architecture is the furthest extent of what the majority of us are capable of; both the naive newcomer and the returning veteran will be in for a shock when they realize a particular modded setup happens to clash with the introduction of new standards in the metaphorical 'building regulations'.

I try to keep my own build flexible, but there's no pressure on me because I'm the primary beneficiary whom my modding endeavors are centred around. Brygun's passion for documenting and preserving the self-sufficiency tradition has an unfortunate side-effect of painting a target on his back since it's his username that people mainly associate with the modpack (and thus, there'll be someone available to blame when something goes wrong, however unfair that attitude is.)

Now, it certainly won't be detrimental for a person to learn how to read the modding syntax or do tests to figure out how to troubleshoot, but not everybody is equally motivated to invest in these skills 'just to play a game'. This subsection of players will definitely miss out on a lot of gems that are found in the game's primary source of documentation: news.txt
It surely adds to one's enjoyment to find out how things work under the hood, but even without the external assets URW is super engaging on its own. (I personally spent 3 years completely ignorant of mods because reading forums seemed less interesting at the time...)

Streamlining mod integrations may sound nice in theory, but I'm worried that it will be a rocky road for a while before we reach a smooth grade. Rolling towards the destination might not feel worth the effort if the external tools I'm using now should cease to function before a replacement is ready - but a fear of future discomfort oughtn't impede me from enjoying what already exists in the present (especially since I exercised responsibility for preserving my current 'quality of life' through having a bunch of backups.)

I think generating guaranteed springs for these start-up scenarios would contribute to immersive design:
  • Lonely settler
  • Not all who wander are lost
  • Runaway slave
  • Abandoned camp

In these cases the ground has been created in the water for the tree to stand on
Interesting... I suppose that must be the underlying mechanism for the Netherlands-style land reclamation exploit in this old thread! ;D
It's a fun side-effect which several players would sorely mourn the loss of.

If considered necessary this could be tidied up so that the trees would appear straight out from the water, with no ground showing at all.
Now I'm wondering whether a randomly-placed tree may possibly overwrite a spring tile in the current iteration of the terrain generator.
This hypothetical situation could be attributed to bad RNG luck. But I think that accidentally erasing the chance to discover a water source is more saddening than if a player simply failed to notice water tiles which happen to be concealed by the trees or flora growing on top.

I would be satisfied with a hypothetical 'O' *MOD* parent menu. If the maximum limit were 25 submenus multiplied by 25 recipes per submenu, that should be room enough to reserve 625 modded entries.
(And the option of putting additional entries under *MAKE* and *COOKERY* menus will still exist, even if later game updates do deplete available space for custom submenus.)

But I'm wondering whether the existing menudef structure will require a new file prefix to handle items under *MOD*. Seeing that *MAKE* needs diy_, *COOKERY* needs cookery_, and the building skill menu needs biy_, it would be natural for *MOD* to need mod_.

Rather than completely cloning diy_ capabilities, it would be nice if mod_ files could, for example, extend the building entries. Currently, the building menu can only handle one recipe per construction/terrain tile type. BAC offers alternate .Shelter. recipes, but each of these must be enabled/disabled manually by editing/erasing the biy_ file prefix name in order to overwrite the default recipe when the player deems the situation to be appropriate. But this is not the only friction involved with biy mods.
If the player were to leave the modded recipe active, interacting with constructions generated on the zoom-in map would result in unintended consequences - such as failing to return the expected raw materials upon deconstruction when the game's object dictionary doesn't recognize modded item names.
In this case, it would be preferable for modded buildings built by the player to be considered distinct from buildings generated according to the default recipe.

The hafting update had overwritten the javelin sprite.

I'm attaching the old sprite in case other players wish to revert the change.

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