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Messages - JEB Davis

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Gameplay questions / Re: Shields vs projectiles vs dodging
« on: December 22, 2019, 12:50:29 PM »
Greetings, tribesmen!

Do shields in the game give you extra defence against thrown weapons and arrows? If yes, are shields worth buying for this purpose?
My character has a whopping 70% dodge with around 30% shield skill. Is blocking with a shield preferable to dodging at these skill levels in melee?
Yes, a shield is vital for protecting you against thrown weapons and arrows. When you use it, decide which parts of your body you want to protect in each situation.

For melee, with the skills you mentioned, in my opinion dodging and shield blocking would be roughly similar.

Suggestions / Re: Patreon
« on: December 14, 2019, 05:33:28 AM »
Dark Art and Dungeon Smash have said it very well already so I'll just add a small personal comment.

I avoid PayPal and only use it when there is no other option; it's just user-unfriendly. I have to remember to keep a balance in the account or it will run dry and I don't think there is any communication from PayPal that would warn me of this beforehand.

Patreon is simple and just charges to my credit card so it's basically "hands-off" for me after the initial setup, which is great.

Heck... you could get a first-hand experience by shooting Tarn Adams an email, I'm guessing he wouldn't mind helping out a fellow developer at all!      tarn (dot) adams (at) gmail (dot) com

Suggestions / Re: Patreon
« on: December 13, 2019, 04:44:36 PM »
IMHO, using Patreon could be a good move on your part, Erkka.

I use your current PayPal method for monthly donations to UrW.
And also use Patreon for the same thing with another game.

Comparing my experience with them gives Patreon a clear win.

Development News / Re: Winter Update, Steam Autumn Sale
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:08:54 PM »

And please tell us about your cat. I like cats.

Suggestions / Re: Arrowheads
« on: November 22, 2019, 08:54:47 PM »
Buoidda made a pretty cool set of mods, you may have already seen them.
Keep in mind, what you see below is for UrW v3.50 and has not been updated since that version.

Buoidda's crafts 1.5+

I did further changes for my personal mod, in which you have many options for arrows.
Here is the fletching menu. There are other items needed such as the fibres. Let me know if you're interested and I could dig those up.

// Part of Buoidda's crafts 1.5+
// JEB modified 2018-05-17
//        for UrW 3.50
// (to integrate Buoidda's with Master Mod)


// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Tipped arrow. "Arrow" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*  %-5%  /30/    [patch:5]
{Arrow shaft}      [remove] [patchwise]
{*Arrowhead}      [remove] [patchwise]         'Arrowhead'
{Feather} (3)      [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]
{Fibre from*}       [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   'Some fibre'
{Knife} <Small knife>
// JEB: was [WEIGHT:0.13]
// JEBv8.1: added %-5%

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Fur-fletched arrow. "Arrow" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   %-20% /25/    [patch:5]
{Arrow shaft}      [remove] [patchwise]
{*Arrowhead}      [remove] [patchwise]         'Arrowhead'
{*Fur}       #0.05#   [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   'Fur'
{Fibre from*}       [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   'Some fibre'
{Knife} <Small knife>
// JEB: was [WEIGHT:0.13]

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Repair arrow. "Arrow" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   %-5%  /40/    [patch:5]
{*arrow}      [remove] [patchwise]         'Arrow to reuse feathers from'
{Arrow shaft}      [remove] [patchwise]
{*Arrowhead}      [remove] [patchwise]         'Arrowhead'
{Fibre from*}       [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   'Some fibre'
{Knife} <Small knife>
// Be careful not to use your best arrows!
// JEB: was [WEIGHT:0.13], added {Fibre from*}
// JEBv8.1: added %-5%

.Wooden blunt arrow. "Blunt arrow" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]  *CARPENTRY*   %-20%    /35/    [patch:5]
{Wooden stake}      [remove] [patchwise]
{Knife}<Small knife>
[NAME:Blunt arrow]
// JEBv8.1: was %-15%

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Birch sapling arrow shaft. "Firewood" [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   %-40%  /15/  |-2|  [patch:5]
{[NEARBY_TILE:BIRCH]}               [noquality]   +'Birch nearby'
[NAME:Arrow shaft]
// JEB: was [TYPE:tool], added [PRICE:0], made Sapling lowercase

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Rowan sapling arrow shaft. "Firewood" [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   %-30%  /10/  |-2|  [patch:9]
{[NEARBY_TILE:ROWAN]}               [noquality]    +'Rowan nearby'
{[TILE:BUSHES]}               [noquality]    +'Bushes to collect saplings from'
[NAME:Arrow shaft]
// JEB: was [TYPE:tool], added [PRICE:0], was ".Sapling arrow shaft."
// JEBv8.1: was %-20%

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Split arrow shaft. "Firewood" [effort:1] [phys:stance,arms]   *CARPENTRY*  %-10%  /20/  |-1|  [patch:9]
{Board}    #1#    [remove] [patchwise]
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
[NAME:Arrow shaft]
// JEB: was [TYPE:tool], added [PRICE:0]
// JEBv8.1: added %-10%

// JEB EDITED ///////////////////////////////////////////////
.Stone arrowhead. "Hunting horn" [effort:2] [phys:hands]   *CARPENTRY*  %-10% /30/ |-2|   [patch:5]
{Stone}      #1#    [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   '+as a core'
{Rock}                   [noquality]    '+as the hammerstone'
// JEB: added [PRICE:0], weight of stone used was #0.2#


And more from another file that adds to the fletching menu:

// JEB modified 2018-05-17
//        for UrW 3.50


.Branch arrow shaft. [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed] "Firewood" *CARPENTRY* %-20% /15/ |1| [patch:5]
{Branch} [remove] [noquality][patchwise]
{Fire} '+nearby to straighten' [ground]
[NAME:Arrow shaft]
// JEB: keep to compliment Buoidda's fletching mod
// JEBv8.4: removed <Broad knife>

.Split stake arrow shaft. "Firewood" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*  %-15% /20/  |-1|  [patch:4]
{Wooden stake}    [remove] [patchwise]
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
[NAME:Arrow shaft]
// JEB patterned after Buoidda's Split arrow shaft

.Rock arrowhead. "Hunting horn" [effort:2] [phys:hands]   *CARPENTRY*  %-10% /20/ |-2|   [patch:5]
{Rock}      [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]   '+as a core'
{Rock}           [noquality]    '+as the hammerstone'
// JEB patterned after Buoidda's Stone arrowhead

//.Rock-tipped Arrow. "Arrow" [effort:1] [phys:hands] *CARPENTRY* /30/ [patch:5]
//{Arrow shaft} (1) [remove][patchwise]
//{Rock arrowhead}  (1) [remove][patchwise]
//{Feather} (3) [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]
//{Tying equipment} [remove][patchwise]
//{Knife} <Small knife>
// JEB: added [WEIGHT:], (compliments Buoidda's stone arrowhead)
// JEB: Not needed because Buoidda's "Tipped arrow" can also use JEB's Rock arrowhead

.Blunt arrow. [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]  *CARPENTRY*  %-5%  /45/  [patch:5]
{Branch}   [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]
{Feather} (3) [remove] [patchwise] [noquality]
{Tying equipment} [remove] [patchwise]
// DEFAULT (moved from WEAPON menu)
// JEB: keep to compliment Buoidda's fletching mod
// JEBv8.5: added %-5%


Suggestions / Re: Difficulty Scaling
« on: November 09, 2019, 12:42:40 AM »
Not bad. Seems that all of them (except Average World Temperature) have a rational justification. Could include Njerpezit in the Enemy Skill.

Suggestions / Re: Traps should be nerfed
« on: November 08, 2019, 05:06:34 PM »
I'd support nerfing traps again, but I've been playing for about 12 years and I'm aware that newer players tend to find the game pretty difficult already, and if the learning curve is too steep then maybe newcomers will get too frustrated. It is hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone new and figure out what would be balanced for them.

I wonder if Sami would consider giving players a difficulty option when creating a character?
- Beginner
- Average
- Expert

Modding / Re: Character Portraits
« on: November 06, 2019, 03:08:04 AM »
Sami has requested folks to contribute new character pictures in the past.
I believe the intent was to include them in the game, but there wasn't much response back then.
If you have connections to the people you mentioned, I think you should go for it!

General Discussion / Re: Njerpez in trouble
« on: October 23, 2019, 11:15:03 PM »
I wonder what would happen if... you stayed hidden and threw a knife close to him so he could get it and he didn't notice you.

Suggestions / Re: Wishlist
« on: October 14, 2019, 12:43:47 AM »
The vast majority of crossbows from the middle ages have the bolt just laying on the stock when loaded.
Tilting the crossbow sideways while it's loaded could result in the bolt falling off.
Storing such a loaded crossbow on your back is unreasonable, the bolt would fall off.
Even carrying it with one hand in a relaxed manner with it pointed down would do the same.

Iron Age crossbows? Probably less sophisticated than the medieval ones you can find pictures of.

Crossbows should always require two hands when they are loaded.

Gameplay questions / Re: Question about Combat and Accuracy
« on: October 08, 2019, 12:26:36 PM »

I think many of us would also want it this way: "If I die I want it to be my fault and not because my shots on elks miss every time and I starve." ... BUT when I think about my real life I have to admit that life doesn't treat us this way at all. And that's one of the great things about UrW for me, because sometimes the game isn't fair just like real life isn't fair.

It sounds like many of the things you mention are what you said, just bad strings of random numbers. Stick with it a bit more and the game might grow on you  :)

General Discussion / Re: Lord Mandalore reviews UnReal World
« on: September 29, 2019, 03:23:12 AM »
What has become of my beautiful comment?
What a world, what a world!

Scroll down for the inspiration if needed...







(No, I'm not calling you a girl, it's just one of my favorite movie scenes.)

Stories / Re: Rauko
« on: September 28, 2019, 02:07:57 PM »
Now all the pictures have been restored  :D

is BAC available as a git repo anywhere?

 :o  ???

A wut?

So probably not.

My first programming language was Commodore 64 Basic so the young folk current technical terms are sometimes unfamiliar.

All versions of the BAC should be in the threads here if you want to do a side by side comparison.
Brygun, I hope your mod doesn't git repo'd  ;)
I have never heard of that either.
My first programming was FORTRAN on punch cards!

General Discussion / Re: How can I send savefile to Sami?
« on: September 08, 2019, 07:51:51 PM »
One way is to find Sami in the list of Members, then click the button to email him.

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