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Messages - ModernNorseman

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I was migrating CALLE to 3.82. Downloaded your 2nd version. Found his face wasn't the same.

Cleared the truegfx, restored vanilla graphics, installed the 1st version and his face was as before.

I suspect the file name was reused or adjusted to cause this.

Advise future updates to avoid changing overwriting existing choices as players may already have them associated with a character or an NPC in their game.

Hi Brygun,

Yes, all the new portraits were variants of the previous versions, including some new alternations. The order of the pictures are is completely random, so that would definately cause older saves to have different faces for all characters. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.

Off-topic / Re: ios games like UnReal World?
« on: November 28, 2023, 09:25:03 PM »
I have an assumption that most fans of Unreal World would probably like games like Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm DDA. Both should be able to be played on iOS I believe.

Come to think of it, perhaps 1 single other factor could be that the spot I set the nettles to dry, had about 250 pieces of meat being smoked on the exact same spot. Not sure if that could be part of it.

My best bet is that it happened as I performed the action to dry the nettles after they had been soaked. This only happened this one time, the several times since I did the same, nothing of the sort happened. If I had to bet, the time the weird timeloop happened it was a very big bunch of nettles I tried to dry. As I mentioned, probably around 4000 or so. Don't know if this could have some importance.

Okay, this is a weird one.

I play as an Islander. Before I go to Driik to I soak some nettles. I travel to Driik and spend perhaps 4-5 days there, traveling from village to village, checking out what they have for trade. I trade for some items, and on the last day I trade a harsh lynx fur for a masterwork broad knife. I travel back to the Islands area, and I believe i eat and sleep as it is late night. The day after, I go to my hidden stash and drop off some items. This is for example my fur shirt and fur leggings, as I have previously traded for new wool clothing items. I place the fur clothes and my old longbow without string on it in the stash. I thereafter go to my nettles to get them to drying. I cannot be completely sure, but after drying around 3800 nettles, it seemed like my entire inventory timelooped back to before I bought the masterwork broad knife. The earlier days where I bought wool clothes are still in my inventory at that point, so this is still in my inventory, but the masterwork broad knife is gone, along with alot of meat I picked up the same day, and the harsh lynx fur I used for the trade is back in my inventory.

I completely understand that this is doozy of a bug to debug, and I had to double check several times that I hadn't just imagined things, but I'm very sure something odd happened here. Let me know if you want me to send you the save game file (seems like it's too big to upload to this post).

Hi everyone,

I have uploaded a new version containing around 3 times the amount of portraits. Hope you will enjoy :)

I have over 1700 hours in this game .. and I had no idea you could do this  ;D Oh well, the more you learn

I have noticed that when press "v" to enter the log, since 3.72 my character portrait shows up the same place on the screen as the portrait is always placed. I do however use custom made character portraits, and this might very well be the cause of the issue. Is anyone experiencing this with vanilla portraits?

Mod Releases / Re: ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 1.0 (AI Portraits)
« on: December 10, 2022, 09:54:28 PM »
Hi, @ModernNorseman !

I love this portrait pack you made. Unfortunately I found the watermark in the corner of every image to be a tad distracting. I understand why they put a watermark, but considering this is for personal use to mod a game we're all just playing by ourselves, and not some commercial project, I went ahead and did what came naturally to me and removed the watermarks using Photoshop.  ;D

If it's okay with you, I'd like to share it; however it looks like I'm unable to post external links. Would you be interested in this version? I can figure out a way to send it to you somehow if you'd like. Please let me know!

Hi ruskerdax.

I kept them on for, as mentioned, to avoid any issues regarding copywrite violations, but since you mentioned it, I went and checked up on it. says the following: "All content are licensed under CC BY 4.0.". Looking up the CC BY 4.0, it is further explained:

You are free to:
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

I would certainly think that this means, that we can remove the watermark, as long as we make sure we communicate that these has been made with the software, and that the watermark have been removed. If you send them to me, I'll make sure to upload them and specify that this is the case :)

I'm glad to be able to release version 2.0 of my portrait mod. The old version contained 327 unique portraits, this new version contains 1000 unique portraits.

As previously mentioned, unpack the file with for example winrar, and copy all the imagefiles to the "truegfx" folder in your UnrealWorld folder. It's about 150 mb, as it's actually 2000 images because portraits of men is used in three categories - east, north and west, and the images of the categories, old men and sages, are the same. Due to the size, I have used mediafire to distribute this time.

Version 2.0

All portraits have been made by using

Thank you for all the positive responses for the old version, I hope you will like this one as well.

Original post below
I always saw Unreal World as one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and thanks to a tip from forum user MilitanttiTalitintti (Many thanks!) I started to create AI generated portraits that I deemed immersive to the game, through the website With Sami upgrading the amount of available portraits ingame, it is my goal to keep this project going until all slots have been fully filled, so there will be alot of variety when meeting characters in the unreal world.

Adding these portraits is very easy - download the .rar file, unpack and copy all the images to the folder "truegfx" in your Unreal World folder, and overwrite existing files.

As for the version 1.0 there is currently 327 unique portraits. The pack of images of males are the same for all three categories (west, north, east) but renaming then can easily divide them up if you want. The amount of portraits per category are as follows:

Male: 130 portraits
Female: 60 portraits
Girl: 41 portraits
Boy: 44 portraits
Old male: 34
Sage: 18

I hope the portraits can be of joy for fellow Unreal World gamers, and I will continue the update the mod in the future to add many more portraits.

Due to the size of the folder (Approx. 50 mb), the following link will lead to downloading the folder from

@ruskerdax have created a version of these portraits created on with the watermark removed, which can be downloaded from the following link:

General Discussion / Re: Question about farming barley?
« on: June 05, 2020, 04:40:39 PM »

Yes this is completely normal. It's just as in indication as you are planting seeds, to mark where you have done it, and the seeds disappear again in a day or two. Give it some time, and you will see the plants sprouting :)

Gameplay questions / Re: Varied handaxes?
« on: May 16, 2020, 11:34:59 AM »
Try using F1 on them for additional info. As far as I remember, there is a difference between them described in there. I have a faint memory of one of them having a spike in the backend of the blade (Could remember this completely wrong though).

Gameplay questions / Re: Multiplayer - what are your opinions?
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:33:27 PM »
I have yet to try a multiplayer survival game, that makes me feel as relaxed as this game does. Heck, I can't think of a single game at all, that I can spend so much time in while actually relaxing and enjoying myself all the way.

My feeling is that gaming overall have an extreme focus on competitiveness, effectiveness and grinding for you to beat everyone else. There are always those people who spends the majority of their time getting better than everyone else. I see it in the MOBA I've played for years, a casual CS:GO game, or people actively trying to ruin each others camps in DayZ for example (And I think the communities suffer from this, with extreme toxicity as to ranking and such).

When I come home from an 40 hour working week, I really can't be bothered in the long run to get home to some competitive gaming experience, since I'm already exhausted. The reason I have put in 1200 hours in Unreal World and keeps coming back to it, is the relaxation I get from playing it and the use of my imagination while playing it - escaping from reality for a bit, while I'm just a Finnish survivor, eating a hearty stew of fish, turnips and a bit of seasoning in a cabin in the cold of winter. Even if it was just a co-op gaming experience that weren't competitive, I wouldn't be able to get as immersed if I was to be on Discord with a friend at the same time.

I've tried the same, and to my knowledge, the [noquality] principle only works on items, not foods unfortunately.
As for the weight issue, I have the same experiences you do. I can't quite figure them out.

Gameplay questions / Re: turnip seeds
« on: April 26, 2020, 04:05:28 PM »
Quick tip for those who don't know - you don't actually need a grain flail. A spear or javelin does the trick as well.

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