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Messages - JohnDie

Pages: [1]
Stories / The best shot I'll probably never do again
« on: January 31, 2022, 05:00:22 AM »

I will treasure this moment forever.

Has my blessing.

It had been a possibility during my own BAC issues that medical situations might have ended my life so I already put in a clause that if I had disappeared for too long it could be taken over by someone else.

Brygun, of the BAC

Glad to hear you're alright! Stay safe out there.

@Arimon Do you think it's stable enough to use in an already on-going save or should I start a new one? This is the first mod I'll be installing so just wanted to make sure before I mess something up.

Modding / Re: Romance/Husband/Wife Quest Mod Idea
« on: January 12, 2022, 01:36:48 AM »
I would be interested in this mod myself! Was actually looking around to see if it existed but sadly it does not.

I also agree with the previous commenter that a dowry of some sorts should be paid to the village, as this is how it worked back then (I think).

I've noticed a recent mechanic where a village learns who you are and greet you by name when you return. I don't know what causes this (doing quests or just repeated trading with them?, but if this is something that the mod could somehow make use of, it would also allow for a more realistic experience, since they're not marrying off a maiden to some random person, but someone they know.

Modding / Re: German Shepherd Dog Sprite
« on: January 10, 2022, 05:04:25 AM »
Since you asked what I think ...

I don't like it when people try to introduce things that don't belong in the historical context of the game and then 'because reasons' it. I love this game because it tries to stay true to the actual history and isn't full of modern cultural 'pollution.' Every other game in existence is polluted by 21st century orthodoxy. Leave UrW alone!

But as it happens the sprite doesn't look anything like a German shepherd so it is fairly inoffensive.

It doesn't look like it, really? What do you think would make it look more so? I ask because maybe somebody else would like the sprite, and I wouldn't mind tweaking it a bit.

Also yes I agree 100% that it does not fit historically with the game, and that's why I mentioned it in the post.

Modding / German Shepherd Dog Sprite
« on: January 08, 2022, 08:51:10 PM »
Hey all, working on a German Shepherd sprite change for the dog icon. I know it's obviously not possible for this breed to be in the setting, but I love my own GSD and seeing his likeness in game brings me joy.

Sharing it here in case anyone is interested in it. Let me know what you guys think!

Gameplay questions / Re: Cord to make arrows?
« on: December 01, 2021, 08:51:44 PM »
Are you sure you harvested the nettles, using Agriculture skill, instead of just picking them up?

It had not occurred to me to use the Agriculture skill for harvesting! Thank you so much.

I've mainly done Hunting, Fishing and Lumber work so I've never really harvested anything.

Gameplay questions / Cord to make arrows?
« on: December 01, 2021, 04:41:43 PM »
Recently updated to the new Textilecraft update, and was about to make arrows when I noticed you need Yarn instead of the usual Cord.

Is there any way to turn Cord into Yarn? Can't find any Flax around and harvesting Nettle only gives me leaves.

Can't figure out how to start crating arrows again...

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