Gameplay questions / Wolves! Help!
« on: June 04, 2018, 07:07:49 PM »
a) How do I keep a companion from suiciding with wolves around?
b) Is there any way to keep a reindeer safe with wolves on the map?
c) Does fire scare wolves? Can they be scared away at all? Before wounding most or all of them that is...
d) Can dogs attack (or at least defend themselves) when they are on the leash? They didn't seem to do anything when I told them to attack without unleashing them.
The little story behind the question:
Wolves are seriously terrorizing me. My first and 2nd reindeer got killed by a group of 3 wolves when I first encountered those nasty fellows -- and my guy has killed 3 bears already, so he is a good hunter. The 3 wolves also killed my companion eventually, and I do hate it when that happens.
On this first encounter with wolves I solved the situation by trapping the forest and got 3 nice furs for my trouble, enough to buy a new (and even bigger) reindeer, plus a dog for good measure.
Couple of weeks later I have 3 dogs, plus my reindeer, plus a new companion, who is (was) a master with spears. We're going on a "lengthy adventure", when we run into a bunch of wolves again while exploring. I wound the first wolf on sight, but keep the dogs on the leash, I don't want the 3 of them chasing after an unknown number of wolves. The plan is to get the wounded one only. But ... my companion however, well, he promptly rushes away. I find him dead on the ground a couple of minutes later, sorry pal... I told you to come back, but you wouldn't listen...
Since trapping worked so well, and since I don't have a base in the region we are in, I decide to trap that stretch of forest and stay there until the wolves are dealt with. But first I take the dogs (and a corpse) back to the coast, make some spikes, to load on my ren and to haul my important stuff to the last known location of the wolves. I've got 3 dogs with me, and wolves are cowards, right? So we'll be fine, right?
Turns out we are not. When we arrive, it is evening, and we start to build a trap fence in the hopes of keeping the wolves away until the next day. In the middle of the night, I wake up, the wolves are here. It is winter, I can't see my own hands, I don't have a fire, and my reindeer and the 3 dogs are kept on the leash, and we are most likely surrounded by wolves. I still don't unleash the dogs, but try to retreat to a corner of the trap fence, spear in hand. Surely we can hold until morning?
There's a lot of barking, grunting, bawling, yelping, while I wield my spear while making sure not to drop any of the leashes. We wound at least two more wolves, but my reindeer is bleeding everywhere.
We retreat with the reindeer barely alive (and barely able to walk) and the plan of healing up and coming back in a week or two, in the morning, first light. So we can hopefully get the traps done before the pack homes in on my poor, heroic reindeer.
a) How do I keep a companion from suiciding with wolves around?
b) Is there any way to keep a reindeer safe with wolves on the map?
c) Does fire scare wolves? Can they be scared away at all? Before wounding most or all of them that is...
d) Can dogs attack (or at least defend themselves) when they are on the leash? They didn't seem to do anything when I told them to attack without unleashing them.
The little story behind the question:
Wolves are seriously terrorizing me. My first and 2nd reindeer got killed by a group of 3 wolves when I first encountered those nasty fellows -- and my guy has killed 3 bears already, so he is a good hunter. The 3 wolves also killed my companion eventually, and I do hate it when that happens.
On this first encounter with wolves I solved the situation by trapping the forest and got 3 nice furs for my trouble, enough to buy a new (and even bigger) reindeer, plus a dog for good measure.
Couple of weeks later I have 3 dogs, plus my reindeer, plus a new companion, who is (was) a master with spears. We're going on a "lengthy adventure", when we run into a bunch of wolves again while exploring. I wound the first wolf on sight, but keep the dogs on the leash, I don't want the 3 of them chasing after an unknown number of wolves. The plan is to get the wounded one only. But ... my companion however, well, he promptly rushes away. I find him dead on the ground a couple of minutes later, sorry pal... I told you to come back, but you wouldn't listen...
Since trapping worked so well, and since I don't have a base in the region we are in, I decide to trap that stretch of forest and stay there until the wolves are dealt with. But first I take the dogs (and a corpse) back to the coast, make some spikes, to load on my ren and to haul my important stuff to the last known location of the wolves. I've got 3 dogs with me, and wolves are cowards, right? So we'll be fine, right?
Turns out we are not. When we arrive, it is evening, and we start to build a trap fence in the hopes of keeping the wolves away until the next day. In the middle of the night, I wake up, the wolves are here. It is winter, I can't see my own hands, I don't have a fire, and my reindeer and the 3 dogs are kept on the leash, and we are most likely surrounded by wolves. I still don't unleash the dogs, but try to retreat to a corner of the trap fence, spear in hand. Surely we can hold until morning?
There's a lot of barking, grunting, bawling, yelping, while I wield my spear while making sure not to drop any of the leashes. We wound at least two more wolves, but my reindeer is bleeding everywhere.
We retreat with the reindeer barely alive (and barely able to walk) and the plan of healing up and coming back in a week or two, in the morning, first light. So we can hopefully get the traps done before the pack homes in on my poor, heroic reindeer.