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Topics - Toaki

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Suggestions / Suggestion: Port Unreal World to the Switch
« on: January 02, 2018, 04:50:33 PM »
Hi friends,
A quick suggestion: if possible and easy to do, porting the game to the new console Nintendo Switch digital shop, could be a very good boost to sales and popularity.

Why I say this? - Because I have one Switch recently, and the Indie games are making a lot of sucess on it. Some of the most sold games in the eShop of Nintendo are ports of roguelikes and RPG's. Example: Enter the Gungeon, a roguelike dungeon crawler ported from the pc, are in the top 3 mjost sold games at the moment. Other examples of 2D retro indies in the top 5/10: Stardew Valley, Cave Story+, Steam Dug 2, Golf Story, Overcooked, Sonic Mania, etc. (and they are competing with Skyrim, Fifa, Doom, etc.) There a ton of other examples - Switch owners are mainly old guys (30+) that like hard and retro games, and indie titles/roguelikes are good for the portable mode, so they are selling a ton.

An article on Kotaku about this trend:

A ton of people that never bought these games in the pc some years ago, are now buying them in the Switch because of the portability or rediscovering them for the 1st time.

The port itself is the hard part, I know it is not easy to do, but the Switch is based on the NVidea Shield tablet, so it is famous for being easy to port stuff to with an easy API, the feedback on the net about that is very good and thats one of the reasons of ports blooming like mushrooms in the autumn in this console.

It could be a good boost to the Unreal World sales, the console is new, with few games/competition in the online shop, and the public of it love roguelikes/rpg's. In the article above and others I have read, some indie companies interviewed say that their sales were much bigger on the Switch than on Steam or any other console. Myself, I never buy digital games on consoles, but are finding myself for the 1st time buying a ton because of the portability, easy of use, and the fact that 2D indie games don't dry thye battery as quickly. I would buy Unreal World for a 2nd time in a blink if it came to the Switch even I having it in .exe and steam format already, and play it even more.

I know that making a port is not easy, but it is just an idea and feedback from a Switch user, while the money making train of this new console is running at full speed for indie games - Unreal World deserves recognition and more buys, and this could be a good medium for that.


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