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Topics - LasseFin

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Looting unconcious people
« on: March 03, 2019, 09:45:41 PM »
It should be possible to loot people who are unconscious. I want to be able knock people out with a head kick (not necessarily kill them) then take all their stuff.

However, looting things from unconscious people shouldn't be instantaneous. It should take time to loot each item on the victim's body so that the victim may wake up while looting is ongoing so it's not too overpowered.

Suggestions / Everyone is a grandmaster
« on: October 29, 2018, 08:01:05 AM »
This is a minor suggestion. Right now if you ask for random people's weapon skills, you'd notice that basically every single adventurer/woodsman/hunter/foreign trader is a grandmaster in their weapon skill. It doesn't make the achievement of getting a grandmaster/master skill as satisfying.

Perhaps those roles should float around expert level, and another role called the "master" be introduced into the game who have master/grandmaster skills. You'd be able to pay them to train you in certain weapons. I think it would add an interesting side to the game.

You can drown in knee deep water if your fatigue is too high and ice breaks

Suggestions / Anachronistic swords
« on: October 06, 2017, 03:21:22 AM »
The armors right now have been rectified and now all armors seem to be historically accurate. But the swords are still very historically inaccurate!

Considering that the game takes place roughly in the 9th-11th century, the bastard sword (40-48 inches) is unlikely to exist. It's minorly plausible that some existed, but there doesn't seem to be any historical examples. Maybe this could be kept in the game and renamed to war sword and made much rarer. Broadswords should be renamed to simply sword.

The battlesword which weighs 8 lbs and is 48-60 inches in length would CERTAINLY not exist in this period. Weapons like these were used in the 16th century, which means they are even more anachronistic than plate armor.

But since giant swords are kind of cool, with its removal we should add some other cool weapon to fill the void. One plausible weapon is the glaive/halberd which some Viking sagas make reference to. Since the URW has contact to eastern peoples who historically DID use glaives, we could add this weapon. It would be a weapon of spear category that has very high attack bonus, 5 like Kaumolais spear since they're very long, but low defense bonus since they're front heavy. They would have high edge damage, medium high point damage. Njerpez should be glaive lovers since they come from the east.

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