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Topics - Plotinus

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Not bugs / [Not a bug] Falling asleep on a burning shingle
« on: November 02, 2024, 12:53:25 PM »
Not sure if bug, but it seems dangerous...

Code: [Select]
(143270):k1hm:[#]{038B0655}      | Things that are there:
(000000):k1hm:[1]{038B0655}      | 126 shingles
(000000):k1hm:[s]{038B0655}      | sleeping Driikil�is Housewife
(000000):k1hm:[b]{038B0655}      | burning shingle

Bug reports / [Fixed/added - 3.85beta] Carving trunk into log not pausable
« on: November 01, 2024, 03:14:44 PM »
Carving a tree trunk into a log is not yet pausable, so I can do it while Ready to Drop

Bug reports / [3.85] Not All Who Wander Are Lost - burnt-out-fire and flora
« on: November 01, 2024, 01:40:52 PM »
This is probably not new, I just noticed it now.

The Not All Who Wander Are Lost site generates a bunch of tiles that are on fire or were recently on fire. Tiles that were recently on fire can have plants growing on them:

Things that are here:
2 lingonberry shrubs
burnt-out fire with glowing embers

Bug reports / [3.84] Unobservered dogs don't get hungry
« on: August 20, 2024, 09:27:45 AM »
Left 3 dogs tied to a tree for a week with 3 perches. When I came back, the 3 perches were spoiled and the dogs were not hungry. I commanded them to eat the perches and they ate them.

They should have all been starving after a week and the perches should have been eaten.

This isn't a new bug, I've been noticing it for a few versions.

I was reading through some old news.txt entries, and saw that in 3.17 it was added

Code: [Select]
        1. Now you can remove skis also by [T]ake off command.
        2. Now you can't ski while crawling.
        3. Now you can't ski without ski stick.

But I can crawl while skiing. The picture and text shows me as skiing, the message log fills up with

You crawl.
You ski.
You crawl.
You ski.

My speed while crawl-skiing reduces fom 4km/hour to 1 km/hour. If I take off my skis, then my walking speed is 1km/hour and my crawling speed is 0 km/hour.

Suggestions / Companions with stone axes
« on: June 04, 2024, 06:21:36 PM »
I read in news.txt that

Code: [Select]
- fixed: companions performing some tasks too fast
         Due to miscalculations in companion time counters they managed to complete some tasks, eg. felling trees, all too fast. The issue was mostly noticed in woodworking tasks, but you may find some other companion performed tasks also to appear in slower more reasonable pace now.

I gave my companion a stone axe. He felled a tree in 1 hour, and carved a trunk into a log in 1 hour. Then he made some boards for me. The boards took a couple hours I think, and he got 3 perfect boards, 15 fine boards, and 2 decent boards.

It seems that tool suitability is not yet implemented for NPCs when it comes to how long tasks take or the quality of items they produce.

Hi, I think this might not be a bug, it might be a feature. But it's not mentioned in news.txt, so I wasn't sure if it's intentional or not. When a stone axe haft breaks, you don't get a sharpened stone axe head, you get a regular stone, which cannot be rehafted.

This makes sense to me because maybe the stone head is also no longer sharp after all these trees I've chopped with it.

Code: [Select]
Worn haft of your stone-axe breaks!
The stone drops on the ground.
Huh? It's not possible to haft stones!

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [Fixed - 3.84] a very large spring
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:33:25 AM »
Kari, a migrated character, is visiting a village which on the shore of a lake. The parts of the lake that overlap the village have been changed to a giant spring. I can provide a save if needed.

Whether i select it from the skill menu or with hot key

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [Fixed - 3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« on: May 08, 2024, 06:22:29 PM »
I generated a new character, Konsta, in this 3.84 patch 1 version. He crafted a stone axe over the course of several days. I didn't do anything unusual with him. He finally finished creating the stone axe and now he has one in his inventory. But there's still an almost-finished stone axe tile where he was crafting it.

The only thing I can think of is that the tile where he was crafting it has a shelter on it as well. Or that the recipe required the extra stone be in his inventory initially but after that it could select it from the ground. Or that he was using a rough hunting knife for the crafting so maybe that made it take long enough to overflow something. I'm not sure if any of these ideas are related though.

I can send a save over if you want.

My character Aaro is ready to drop, but he starts tanning a rinsed black-grouse skin on a log. It gets 10% done then pauses because he's so tired.

I move the log away and test whether I can continue tanning. I can't, the log is needed.  So far so good. I decide to leave it alone because I want to test if the partially-crafted hide can rot while it's on the ground in the partially crafted state.

A while later, I notice that I have a rinsed black-grouse skin in my inventory, and there's also still the one on the ground that is in partially-crafted state. I go back through my message log.txt, and it looks like it happened when it cancelled continuing the tanning.

I think there is some logic for returning ingredients to inventory so that they don't disappear if you can't start crafting the item, and it is incorrectly causing the hide to be returned to my inventory, duplicating it.

I have a save available.

Output of grep -a "black grouse" msglog.txt

This shows me first picking it up, and then dropping my whole inventory, showing there's only one rinsed black grouse-skin in my inventory at that time:

Code: [Select]
(575757):h5j0:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin will be ready in half an hour. You may not pick it up yet.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the black grouse cut.
(3C5A98):h5j1:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the rinsed black grouse-skin.

This part shows that i've started tanning it and don't have any other skins in my inventory:
Code: [Select]
(575757):h5j2:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the black grouse cut.
(143270):h5j5:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.

here's where i think the duplication happened:
Code: [Select]
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | You continue working on the initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the black grouse cut.
(143270):i5j0:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.
(575757):i5j0:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(143270):i5j6:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the black grouse cut.

grep "[h|i]5j" msglog.txt -a shows some more surrounding context, and i5j6 is the first time that i drop my whole inventory after the moment that i think it was duplicated

Code: [Select]
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Using: HIDEWORKING
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Hidework option: Tan the skin
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | You continue working on the initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin.
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Tanning process now requires you to soften the skin.
(147870):h5j8:[?]{01F70065}      | (1) You need workbench or working surface.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | (A table, bench or even a big tree trunk will do as a workbench at which manual work is done.)
(147870):h5j8:[?]{01F70065}      | (1) You need workbench or working surface.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | (A table, bench or even a big tree trunk will do as a workbench at which manual work is done.)
(A80000):h5j8:[!]{01F70065}      | Canceled.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.

Egel has learned 12 rituals so far: General sacrifice, bear skull rite, building a fire to attract forest maids, making foxes to come at the bait, fisherman's springtime sacrifice, net favorableness, meeting the water folk, blood stanching incantation, meeting the spirit of the forest, persuading the forest with a bread, releasing animal from the forest cover. He got the spirit world game course task and spent a while wandering around looking for a lost woodsman, then I put the game away.

When I reloaded the game, the task automatically completed.

I would expect the task to either automatically complete as soon as I get, if i have learned all the rituals already, or to not autocomplete if there are still some to learn, but for it to not be tied to loading the game in either case. I have a save game available if needed.

"He's around here somewhere, but I'm not sure where exactly"

When I visit a village lately, most of the villagers are not home at first -- they're 2-3 tiles away, but they start coming home as I spend more time in the village, and if I wander around the perimeter of the village, I'll usually see them coming back and can run into somebody who can tell me where the quest giver is.

I don't know if this is a bug, it could be that they're out tending their fields or pursuing their own interests, and they do come back eventually -- and it probably makes attacking peaceful villages harder., though I don't play that way.

I'm mostly noticing this with migrated characters, and these characters are all over a year old. I just tried it with a new character from 3.83 who is 17 days old and just tried taking him back to a village he'd previously visited, and update at first i thought it wasn't happening but actually the blacksmith is almost a full tile away and there's a lot of footprints much farther afield than i'd expect. So probably it's not about migration after all.

I recently sent you a character for a different bug; if you take him to a previously visited village (there are map markers, and a small trap near each village to track how long it's been since last visit), you might be able to reproduce it with him. otherwise i could save the game the next time i notice it happening.

It isn't happening all the time, but most of the time. i could provide a save of this newer character if needed


When talking to the woodsman who tells you to kill the wolf, the conversation doesn't have a goodbye option. Isntead the "Okay, okay, I heard you" option is there to be selected in an infinite loop.

You can, of course, hit escape to get out of the conversation.

The ice is very thin, so I think it's okay. Perhaps it should say "You notice a lavaret swimming under the ice." And if the ice gets too thick then you shouldn't be able to notice spawning fish anymore.

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