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Topics - TheyCallMeSibs

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I've got a bug report for BAC that led to a "Zero qualitylist items, report!". The item in question was 'Woolen dress (w sleeves).
Investigating, all other woolen recipes (which were copies of this recipe) were working properly, but not this one.
Removing the parenthesis () from the name fixed the error occurring. I'll tweak the BAC recipe names, but this might be the first time this bug occurred.

Mod Releases / BAC 3.85
« on: December 15, 2024, 09:14:41 PM »
I've got the first version of BAC 3.85 right here :)

 - updated vanilla items to 3.85 standards
 - commented out woven boating frame and the birch bark canoe to make space for vanilla netmaking and net mending.
 - Fixed Woolen sleeved dress failing to craft and consuming materials.

Regarding the birch bark canoe: Most of these recipes look like they would break the UI with the number of items required, so it is shelved for now. But if you love building and using these, let me know. For now, just comment them in and comment something else out if you need to.

As always, let me know when you find bugs or issues. I check back here occasionally, but I am on the discord server too. Cheers!

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [solved] Bug in LoydettyTarvike() function
« on: September 14, 2024, 11:00:16 PM »
was playing some modded URW (BAC 3.84 v1.3) and crafted a dip net. Starting the craft sent off that message.
There is also a pet reindeer tied to a tree next to me, some drying elk, and a wild reindeer somewhere around me.
Any ideas? If it's BAC, I'm happy to go patch it. Happy to send a save game upon request.

.Dip net. "Fishing rod" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *CARPENTRY* /2h/
{Slender trunk}      [remove] [noquality]
{Branch}   (2)   [remove] [noquality] '+as spreaders'
{Cloth}      #4#   [remove]         '+to make catching net from cloth, fur or leather'
{Thin cordage}      =15=   [remove] [nominlen] [patchwise]      
'+for tying together'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
//Dip net can scoop ores or fish
// Arimon 3.7x:
// - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage}
// - added [nominlen] to {Thin cordage}

I went about and felled some spruce sapling in the dead of night, with zero forward visibility. I can fell the sapling just fine, but once felled, the out-of-sight image used to display the spruce sapling is one of a mature spruce, and not a spruce sapling. Once I step forward and refresh the image, all is fine again.

Behaviour documented here:

Mod Releases / BAC 3.84
« on: August 14, 2024, 06:06:35 PM »

Here's my updated version of BAC for 3.84.
- Tool smithing overhaul, with hafting integration.
- Tool wear on mod recipes.
- Menu Tetris
- Updates to vanilla recipes
- Balance tweaks to a few recipes.

- Removed test items
- Credited mod guide
- Rebalanced primitive yarn

- Added missing BIY files

- Added missing building guts (fireplace, benches etc).

Find something wrong, not working or have input? Poke me on discord or leave it here :)

Suggestions / [yield:num] improvements
« on: August 04, 2024, 04:42:16 PM »
Digging through the news led me to realize that we now have a way to create several items from slender trunks, like 3 blunt arrows or staves.
I've run into some issues with how this is implemented, though, and would recommend:
Communicate this feature to the player, for example by adding +'Slender Trunk, yields 3 arrows' to the applicable entries and adding a mention to the F1 menu.
This is obviously just a hacky solution, and adding this into other messages would be preferable.

Additionally, I found it a little confusing that I would discard an entire 2/3rds of a slender trunk if I was making one blunt arrow instead of 3. Thinking back to how you handle making armors or using cordage, there's already a system in place for using only parts of a base item. Did you consider extending this to lumber through the use of the yield tag? If the player decides to make only one item of a yield:3 recipe, you could remove 1/3 of the used base material, like removing a certain amount of lbs from a fur.

Theoretically, this could be extended to things like splitting boards or chopping blocks, where the player could choose to only create one block first, use it for firewood, then later use that tree for further blocks.
The only realism issues I see here is that a tree with several blocks removed could still yield usable boards. Then again, I can create fur items out of many tiny fur scraps...

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