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Topics - Adamsor

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Bioluminescent mushrooms and wood
« on: November 27, 2024, 07:32:20 PM »

I want to suggest content expansion in a form of bioluminescent fungi. This video recently caught my eye and while video itself is in Polish language, at 17:25 there is a fragment with prolonged exposure of how it looks.

 What I’m talking about is Armillaria mellea or possibly in a case of the north Armillaria borealis. In video it is said that mycelium of those species can span area as big as 37 hectares in Europe and almost 1000 in America. Assuming 1000 hectares, given its growth rate, it would be as old as 10 000 years. I think it’s safe to say that such species were present 1000 years ago.

On top of that, there were legends of glowing trees and mushrooms until in XVIII century it was proven that timber supporting mine shafts indeed can glow in the dark.

So what I suggest is:
- Areas infected with Armillaria, where glowing wood could be found. Finding such area may not be so obvious considering bark need to be removed first and not all trees are infected. Possibly it could be harvested and reused by players to create some form of lantern posts. I assume it won’t glow very bright, but probably enough to create orientation spots?
- Maybe some quest involving finding such area? I think there are very clever ideas that could take place here, but I don't want to spoil the fun.

I think it would be a perfect fit for a game’s theme, where almost magical phenomena from legends comes true.

Most of the information contained in this post is based on the video (again sorry for language restriction), though I’ve been doing some research to check if this information is correct. If idea catches I can help find specific references on this topic.

I understand that such expansion may not sound as most pressing. I believe though that it's better to have more ideas/options than less.

I've been extensively fishing during winter until I got communicate that my hook snapped off. Fishing rod seemed to still have a hook so I just removed it and applied again (maybe it's bug on it's own).

After that, during fishing, I started to receive branches (there are no logs to indicate that), some of which refuse to stack with the others. No other branches do it so I wonder if those branches are "replacements" for breaking fishing rod, that is not breaking at all?

Notes: While I use modded version of the game 3.71 (BAC), fishing rod have been obtained prior to mod introduction from the village and as far as I know, mods can't change core mechanics like fishing or changing fishing hooks.

Gameplay questions / Aren't dogs die of cold?
« on: August 25, 2021, 10:42:12 PM »
Today I encountered a dog, very focused on traveling to north-west (almost straight line so it was easy to track). But so was I, following him for over 10, if not 20 map tiles. 
At one point the dog reached land's end with a frozen lake ahead. That didn't stop him venturing further, while I took safety precautions (save) to check what's going on.

After a while I was freezing to death, while the dog was perfectly fine, probably ready to travel ahead.

Aren't dogs die of cold? Do anyone have an idea, what alone dog can be doing, to be so focused on traveling in one specific direction?

Gameplay questions / Forest maid clothing
« on: October 27, 2020, 11:02:47 PM »
Spoiler: show
After doing forest maid quest there is following note:
"There are rumors of their most dearest being rewarded with clothes that never wore out, but I wouldn't know about that".
So it happens that during doing this quest I've managed to receive such clothes - fine embroidered nettle shirt. But after falling from tree it got damaged a little. So rumor about receiving clothes is true. Is the other part not or is this a bug? I'm a little bit confused so I'm writing it here, hopefully it's right forum section.

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