I was LOVING this game until yesterday when I started getting frequent 'map maintenance' messages. Now I get them EVERY time I zoom in or out of a tile.
I think perhaps related to that is that in the last 2 towns I visited, when I pick up an item, it isn't listed as unpaid. Some players might enjoy that, but bartering is one of the things I love about the game and all the free stuff I can take isn't.
In another thread, Privateer mentioned that perhaps I'm zooming in/out too much and that I should just play on the zoomed out map for the most part unless I see an elk or whatever. Is this game salvageable or do I need to start over?
FWIW my computer is fairly decent (i7-8700 w/ GTX 1080, 16GB of RAM and lots of hard drive space) and I'm not running any mods or anything.
Edit: Privateer also linked this thread, which seems to pertain to the same issue: