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Messages - The_Finn

Pages: [1]
Development News / Re: Tracks covered and decayed by snowfall and rain
« on: February 19, 2020, 09:31:10 PM »
Maybe Weatherlore will be a more useful skill, as you wouldn't want to start hunting until the rain/snow storm has passed, and don't want to start hunting just prior to a storm. I like the realism. Thanks for keeping the updates coming, Sami.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.61] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.1b
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:46:57 AM »
Suggestion. Injury remover. Cheers  ;D

Or maybe an injury editor. Sometimes, I want a difficult start with more injuries than Hurt, Helpless and Afraid gives. Thanks and awesome work, so far.

This has happened to me several times, as well. I can try and force it and upload a save game this week sometime.

Thank you and Happy New Year, brother!

Off-topic / Re: Other roguelikes
« on: February 22, 2018, 12:56:13 AM »
I always come back to Urw, C:DDA, and Rimworld (not exactly an RL, similar to DF). I'll play adom, brogue, and FTL once in a while, as well. ToME used to be awesome, not so much now.

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