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Messages - Twezzk

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Doing Research
« on: December 26, 2017, 04:21:33 PM »
So first of all i will say that this question is not so related with URW but its related with finland.I could not find this information on web and i need it for my research.

So the question is what was the population of finland in viking era(early middle ages).i could find pop in 20 century,15,14 but age that im researching is from 800-1066 AD.if you can find something please reply.
I know coastal areas had most inhabitats but knowing population of continental findland would be very neat.


General Discussion / Re: Marrige
« on: December 26, 2017, 04:15:04 PM »
Well,Samis post doesnt have a negative answer (doesnt want marrige).it has only "wouldnt care"

General Discussion / Marrige
« on: December 25, 2017, 09:01:32 PM »
I think this is a very big thing to discuss.i beg everyone who actively plays URW to vote.

Gameplay questions / Re: Battleaxe or Battlesword?
« on: December 10, 2017, 09:25:00 AM »
So should i use a battlesword?

Gameplay questions / Battleaxe or Battlesword?
« on: December 09, 2017, 11:04:43 PM »
I have a 60% skill in both axe and sword skill.So should i use my masterwork battleaxe or a masterwork battlesword?
I almost every time do a counterstrike as i find it more apealing to have a chance to damage both you and your enemy than dodging.
I know spears are good for counter strike as they are longer.So is battlesword better for countering than a battleaxe as i persume that it is longer than a battleaxe (probably as it is stated in urw wiki that it is a long two handed sword).i had really good expirience with a battleaxe,but i really cant make up my mind.

A battleaxe has a good attack bonus,while the battlesword has a tremendous attack bonus by the way.i dont use a shield although i know it can be used with a battleaxe.

Gameplay questions / Agriculture
« on: December 07, 2017, 03:15:27 PM »
Can you live selling agriculture plants.i know you can feed yourself but i want to trade my spare beanss peas and not the type that just survives and keeps satisfied with that.i want to increase my "wealth"(having a lot of tools,spears,swords,silver jewelry,furs,armour...).you can call it as securing yourself if things dont go well.maybe you will say there are other better ways to make/harvest to trade    off but everyone can take an axe,split boards and trade the boards endlesly.ive been a tanner (made furs and traded them) and been a raider (which is best but it lowers the URW population to extinction).

Can you trade you agro products and have a good living?
Is making flour from grains really worth it?Does it raise the price much?

Gameplay questions / Re: Item disappear bug
« on: December 06, 2017, 10:20:09 AM »
Thanks but what happens?
How many items can you have (unstacked) before this bug happens?
Does one area count as on world tile?
How to avoid this?

Gameplay questions / Item disappear bug
« on: December 05, 2017, 07:31:44 PM »
What is a item dissapearence bug?

I read somewhere that when item number reaches 1600 on one tile something bad will happen.
I have 3500 branches on one tile.does it count like branches in my case where there is one stack and 3500 items or when there are 1600 stacks on one tile?

What is this bug,What disappears,how it happens?

Gameplay questions / Trapping,am i doing it right?
« on: December 03, 2017, 05:57:03 PM »
Hello everyone!
I have a 50% trapping skill and trap mainly foxes with paw board fox traps and often use "Hunters request to catch a fox" ritual.

So this is the way i set my paw board traps:
I pick one title on world map and zoom.i set 2 traps in that world tiltle.zoom out and move 5 world titles on world map (5 titles away from traps that were previously set),zoom and set another 2 traps on that world title.Again move 5 tiles away from that location,zoom and set  2 more traps.So that means there are 6 set traps (3 trap locations,2 traps per location) and these 6 traps make one trapping area.I then move mabye 30 or 40 world titles and do the same thing.Zoom in,set 2 traps,move 5 world titles,zoom,set 2 traps,move 5 world titles,zoom,set 2 traps.So that makes 6 traps in total with 3 locations with 2 traps on each locations.This makes on trapping AREA.

The thing is that i read that if trap is badly set it could even make animal run away from the trap.So i ask you if i have 6 traps per AREA and set 5 of them perfectly and 1 awfuly,will it make the animal(in this case the fox) run away and avoid even the ones i perfectly set?

Should i set more than 1 trap on one world title

Gameplay questions / Kotas
« on: November 24, 2017, 10:30:07 PM »
How do i build a larger kota?
The only one i can build is the one that has 4 free space inside it.its so small i cant even see thing that i drop in it.i try to build a larger on but i cant as the framework is not large enough.i saw northern tribes kotas and they are far larger than my small tent and can host entire families.

Can someone post me instruction how to build large kotas (largest available).In words would be ok but if you can post in pictures or a video i would be very thankful.

Sorry for bad english.THANKS!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Northern Tribes
« on: November 24, 2017, 11:01:56 AM »
This post has no connection with the northern tribes but i posted it and noebody answered and the questions is very interesting:

You should be able to gain weight if you eat a lot and lose if not.its not realistic eating all the time and not getting heavier.Starving for 30 days should cut your weight in half but our unreal world characters dont seem to lose a kilo.

Also a 16 year old human is still developing physcily and should gain in strenght by farming,chopping wood,hunting...(you should gain strenght as time goes)

Will this be implemented in the game?

General Discussion / Re: Northern Tribes
« on: November 23, 2017, 06:59:41 PM »
Then if the northern tribes represent Sami prople as you say,then you should add asian character portraits

General Discussion / Re: Northern Tribes
« on: November 23, 2017, 01:11:56 PM »
I have just visited wikipedia of sami people and they apear to have lived just as you said but one thing intrigues me.Every picture of a Sami man or a woman looks mongoloid (asian).mabye this is a coincidence but this is really are sami and finns so closely conected if sami look like chinese.

General Discussion / Re: Northern Tribes
« on: November 23, 2017, 10:49:54 AM »
Well northern tribes should a very high fat consumations as tey eat a lot of fish and fish is high in fat plus seals.
Inuits for example have a 50 percent energy form fat,40,30 from proteins and 10-20 percent from carbs

General Discussion / Re: Question for Sami
« on: November 22, 2017, 04:49:12 PM »
Development is focused on magic?What magic?
I see the game very realistic beucase it is.but if i see a ghost or a spirit talking to me the game would be far from realistic.ok i figure out spirit thanking you in a way of giving you more food or sucess in hunting but i wouldnt want to see them nor talk to them (mabye something like a dream could be ok)
I personaly dont like spirits and magic.i dont see and feel that when i sacrifice something that the spirits  actualy  help me but that myself (my character) feels more comfortable and more self confident and that that is the result in his sucess.

Adding magic (that can be seen pyscical or talked to) would make this realistic simulator into a fairy tale game.(this is my personal  opinion dont mean to insult the developers or anyone).

If you ask me dont add magic!!!!!

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