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Messages - Bert Preast

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
This is mentioned in the changelog for the mod:

"1. Pausable crafts being gradually added may cause training sessions to be PARTIALLY CRAFTED, and can't be discarded. There is no truetile for the session tokens, so you are either stuck seeing it in your inventory forever or left somewhere you can't see forever.
This can't be fixed until Discards-discards it, or be able to reactivate the session."

Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« on: February 14, 2025, 06:24:37 PM »
I’m not 100%, but near certain that tanning doesn’t run encumbrance check. If you’re tanning elk, bear skin with a bag, birchbark basket or multiple bowl: game doesn’t prompt “with the load you’re carrying your task is more difficult “ paraphrased, I’m not  able to check the exact wording. Same as trapping. On the other hand timbercraft and fishing do prompt about the penalties, injuries, encumbrance, fatigue.

I don't think even the weight of the hide counts.  If you look at the weight you are carrying, the weight of the hide is immediately subtracted as soon as you begin a tanning process.

Suggestions / Re: Dozing
« on: December 07, 2024, 12:53:59 PM »
I believe all advanced peoples enjoyed siestas...  but then civilisation arrived  :-\

Suggestions / Re: Dozing
« on: December 05, 2024, 04:02:54 PM »
Yes but waiting costs vigour, while dozing would not.

Suggestions / Dozing
« on: December 05, 2024, 12:39:38 PM »
Sleeping replenishes vigour, but there are times when one cannot or does not want to sleep.  My suggestion would be to add dozing, representing sitting or laying with eyes closed and mind drifting.  The effect would be to pass time while maintaining the current level of vigour where it is.  It would save holding down the "." key to pass time, and should last until the next time period or until a change in the weather.

I would find it very useful when travelling long distances with only a stone axe or knife, where building a shelter can take so long that I prefer to sit quietly under a tree and wait out the rain.  Also when waiting for the next tanning stage, or waiting for the sun or moon to improve visibility before pressing on.

Being too cold should prevent dozing, in the same way that it prevents sleeping.  Lay down for a nap when you're that cold, you never wake up! 

Bug reports / Re: [3.85 Stable] Foreign Traders
« on: November 29, 2024, 01:14:02 PM »
Welcome back!  If you have four Njerp camps around you, you are probably close to the Njerp cultural area?  Sami modified things a few versions back to make Njerps far less common in the west of the map, but of course that means you find more of them in the east.

I agree foreign traders should be a rare encounter.  Personally I would like to see them confined to the Driik lands, or even better only in a couple of trading posts on the south-west coast.  It makes no sense that they would go wandering into the wilderness for a week or two on the off-chance of meeting a trapper with some spare furs.  Part of the trapping/hunting lifestyle should be loading up your furs every so often and taking them to civilisation to sell them.

I usually set up in the east, as far from any villages as I can get, and yes my hunting grounds are heaving with foreign traders - but bear in mind that foreign traders are probably the most visible creatures on the map by far, being a group of half a dozen men who unlike animals want to be seen.  We see more of them, but they are likely not the most numerous living things around! 

If the traders can't be in trading posts or around the Driik areas, I would like to see them stop moving.  If I was in a wilderness and wanted to find trappers to trade with, I would set up a camp and keep a large fire burning.  Far more likely that the trappers will see the smoke and come to see who is making it, than finding them while stumbling around the forests blindly.  Seeing smoke on the overland map would be a great addition in general, as it would have been the usual most visible sign of human habitation.

I have moaned about this loads of times, so your questions are more suggestions than bugs  :D

Off-topic / Tabernis - Carmen Reginarum (Live in the Forest) - music vid
« on: November 14, 2024, 11:40:06 PM »
Oh dear, looks like Sami and Erkka have been on the mushroom soup again:

Mod Releases / Re: Unreal World Redrawn v1.3
« on: November 08, 2024, 07:08:26 PM »
An UnReal World Spirited Redraw mod would be excellent, an all-in-one graphics overhaul.  As changes made by Sami in graphics are rare, you guys have the opportunity to pass down in the annals of videogame history by making Finland beautiful!   :)

By Jove, I think you've cracked it!  Just did a test and yes, if twigs are before branches in the items list then it selects twigs instead of branches, and requires you to hold more twigs in inventory to make the trap pit.  If branches are before twigs in the item list, then it works as designed.

Windows 10, graphics mods only.

When making a trap pit with stakes, sometimes the spruce twigs are taken from the ground as I believe is intended, but other times I have to have the spruce twigs in my inventory in order to make the trap.  I have been unable to isolate any cause, it seems like one day the twigs can be on the ground then the next I have to have them in hand.

Save available.

Mod Releases / Re: Unreal World Redrawn
« on: November 06, 2024, 03:41:19 PM »
Nice work, gentlemen!  Are we likely to see a collaboration that brings both mods together?   :)

Not bugs / Re: Steam beta branch missing
« on: November 01, 2024, 07:30:22 PM »
The access code for this release is urwversion385beta

It is there on the Steam page, but yeah it could be clearer  :)

Gameplay questions / Man traps
« on: November 01, 2024, 01:58:27 PM »
I am setting up my homestead in Njerp country, and have already had a patrol of two warriors visit me.  With the help of my trusty sheep I was able to take them down, but next time they may come when I am asleep or something which is worrying.  So, I think I have two options - build a huge wall or a huge trap-fence but without the fence bits, just traps.

I am aware that humans can pass through deadfall traps without triggering them, but does anyone know if this also applies to pit traps?  Making about 40 pit traps is a lot of work, but not nearly so much as building 40 wall sections!   

Bug reports / Minor text errors when shaman gives forest spirit quest
« on: October 31, 2024, 08:17:47 PM »
There were a couple of errors in the text, so I have edited it:

"The custom is to let the spirit do the talking.  Don't fear; let the spirit approach, and listen to how the forest feels about you.  A pleased spirit examines you with gentle big brown eyes, but an upset one faces you with a gloomy expression.  His appearance speaks for itself, and if he decides to speak then the words may lash, advise or praise you.  The favoured hunters may be told where the game roams, or made aware of other important matters."

"Do not underestimate the forest.  An angered spirit of the forest may seek revenge with sickness or getting you lost.  To stay on good terms make good use of the hunting spells, and rely on sacrifices as thanks for what you are given.  Spells and means to address the forest are numerous, but meeting the spirit proves how your alliance really holds.  That is all.  Now I only wish that one day, you can tell me that you really are the kind whom the spirit of the forest appeared for."

It maybe an idea to make a pinned thread here for minor errors in game text?

Development News / Re: Version 3.85 beta released
« on: October 30, 2024, 11:57:15 PM »
I was clumsily making a joke - we're for skins/foreskins  ;)

But I would like to back up Palu's point on the problem of having them in villages, I often start in winter in the far north-east and avoid human contact as best I can for at least the first year.  There are no rivers up there, so one of my first missions is to set traps for birds for leather for a skin, so I can go more than half a day's travel from my water source without dehydrating. 

I appreciate there are springs in the game now, but I don't look for them as I doubt they would exist in the far north-east - or at least they should be far less common than in the other regions.

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