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Messages - WOLFGEIST

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: What is the base price unit of 1?
« on: January 16, 2021, 01:43:11 AM »
Just to verify that, if you complete quests and are given trade value in a village, that trade value will be counted in squirrel hides i.e. "10 squirrel hides worth of trade value".

You talked to sage and learned the Spruce burning trick, right?

Go to the center of the quest area and zoom in, begin looking for predator tracks. If you can't find them, keep checking areas close to the center. Follow the predator tracks and you should eventually find the animal tracks in question.

General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: January 09, 2021, 11:19:23 AM »
Personally I will support whatever you folks do! UrW is one of the best games ever made.

Can't really remember, it was back in 2006, but it was when I first started getting interested in bushcraft, survival, etc so I imagined I googled "best survival game" or something to that effect.

General Discussion / Re: Loop Snares, better than Fences? A possible bug
« on: January 08, 2021, 04:44:21 AM »
Suggestion for a potential fix for this: Animals too large for loop snare traps trigger and trip the trap when adjacent to it. Or they could even have a chance to destroy it completely and eat all of the bait.

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