[Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
[Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b
Ancient cheat menu I've been working on for the past couple of year's, noticed a lot more people playing since steam release and decided to create something more user-friendly than manually using cheat engine.
Warning: When using the injury editor, make sure your injuries are valid when adding new ones (type, severity, location, damage, side) as I have not added error checking for incomplete injuries, and they do cause a game crash when viewed.


Injury Editor:

Map tab:


Console commands:
- ~ key - Opens console. Must have Unreal world focused.
- /tpadd waypointname - Adds a waypoint at your current location to your characters waypoint file.
- /tpdel waypointname - Removes a waypoint from your waypoint list.
- /tp waypointname - Teleports to a saved waypoint.
- /tp x y - Teleports to X Y map location.
- /tpclick - Toggles localmap left-click teleportation, must be zoomed in. (when you reach map render edge, you must move manually to update the map)
- /dirclick - Toggles ability to right-click on a direction to face it.
- Skill & Attribute Editor
- Stats Editor
- General Stats (Hunger, Thirst, Nutrition, Energy, Carry Weight, Temperature, Fatigue)
- Cosmetic/Identity Stats (TribeID, Weight, Height, Phobia, Physique, Gender)
- Additional values (Starting XY location, Current XY location, Time of day, Starting skill points)
- Injury Remover
- Injury Editor
- X-Ray Vision
- Inventory Editor
- Item ID - Changes the item to another one.
- Quantity - Changes how many of these items you have in your inventory.
- Name & TribeName customization
- Teleportation
- Local-map Onclick teleportation
- Onclick direction changing
- Teleport waypoints (example: /home)
- Map tab
- Render map - Renders game map, saves as image file.
- Zoomed - Toggles zoom mode.
- Tutorial/Goal changer
Future goals:
- Item Editor
- NPC Spawner
- Fast Build/Task
- Tile Editor
- Game file exploits
- Overlayed UI
- Github repo
- Save and load character settings
- Load default items into characters .obj file
- Adding / Removing rituals
- Skill increase proficiency
Version History:
- v1.0.4b - Added patch to remove checksum error message; Updated to 3.71.
- v1.0.4 - Updated to 3.70 for steam users, forgot to do standalone for 3.63 (so use 3.62 I guess), added textilecraft to skill list.
- v1.0.3c - Updated to 3.63 for steam users, 3.62 added for standalone users.
- v1.0.3b - Fixed bug in injury editor, added Last tutorial/goal changer, condensed character page for a little more space, added map rendering/viewing on map tab
- v1.0.3 - Updated to 3.62 for steam users, added injury editor
- v1.0.2b - Revised inventory editor code and (hopefully) patched all bugs, fixed bug with text encodings, upgraded version checking substantially. Other forgotten minor-bug fixes.
- v1.0.2 - Fixed bugs with saving/loading waypoints, fixed multiple bugs in inventory editor and improved functionality, added injury remover, added xray-vision, fixed version checking
- v1.0.1b - Fixed multiple bugs in inventory editor, added button to add new items to inventory, added version checking
- v1.0.1 - Added console, inventory editor, time of day, skill points, various console commands, various bug fixes, item ID scraper
- v1.0.0 - Initial release
Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nightipoo/
Download attached to thread.
Credits: Night - Creator/Programming. Jiggie - Item ID assistance, assembly injection. Boomer/Jagsy - Game save files for referencing. Strix - Trigonometry for changing directions w/ mouse. Enormous Elk - Unreal world. Stefan - Testing. thefinn777 - Identifying and mapping cultural & tile map addresses and data.
Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed)
November 12, 2019, 06:49:07 AM