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Re: Frequent Map Maintenance
I compressed the folder (with contents) bearing the character's name, hopefully this is everything that's needed. Thanks, Motorhead. Everything needed was in there, and issue was found and is fixed now. This is Maintenance routines considered too many old maps important because of number of explored tiles, and thus didn't remove any of these unnecessary maps. This seems like rare occurrence, and mostly a result of playstyle, and fixed now making the maintenance routines a bit more eager to remove very old maps. To allow you continue playing smoothly I'd be happy to manually maintenance your MAINIO savegame at it's current state. Zip it up once again, e-mail me the download link, and seize playing until I send the fixed/maintenance savegame back to you. @Leonidas - I can do the same kind of check/maintenance to your savegame as well. Drop an e-mail. Fixed - persists in 3.50b2 March 18, 2018, 06:16:27 PM |
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Lucky treasure finds
I have a new top spot for my best treasure find. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the time hunting for a "casual treasure of Owl-tribe origin", but: lots of masterwork fur clothing, a couple of trinkets, a wooden shovel (![]() So what's the favorite treasure you've found? March 19, 2018, 05:36:54 PM |
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Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.50b2] Frequent Map Maintenance
I haven't played him since I zipped that folder, and thank you kindly for the help. I switched to playing another character in the mean time, but it would be great to have Mainio back, as he's the guy that can really hit targets with the bow. Alright @MrMotorhead, here comes maintenanced Mainio back to you: (That is WeTransfer link) I hope he will be doing better with the maps now, abd should there be further maintenance problems with this character feel free to e-mail me directly. March 19, 2018, 09:14:14 PM |
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Re: @Privateer
@Faatal I've verified compatibility of the modules you requested and posted them to the forum. Let me know if there is .. well anything ![]() March 22, 2018, 07:26:35 PM |
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Fennec's Random Plant Mod
(cross-posted from the old forum) Hi all, If you're tired of finding the same old plants in UrW - or if you'd just like to see some more variety - I've made a mod to add randomly-generated plants into the game.In addition to adding more wild plants, it also adds some other features: New grains and vegetables grown in fields and sold in villages: ![]() Poisonous plants that also have other effects (pretty pointless for plants poisonous in any form, but useful and interesting for plants that become edible when boiled): ![]() Poisonous berries: ![]() Herbs to help you reach spiritual enlightenment (okay, they're actually just drugs): ![]() Medicinal mushrooms: ![]() Additionally, all plants generated by this mod (except mushrooms and berries) provide seeds so you can grow them at your own settlement. Download the JAR file (attached to this post) and double-click it to run it. It generates four .txt files, each of which start with "flora_mod". These four files should be in the same directory where you saved the JAR file. Move these files to the UrW directory where any other mod files would go, then have fun exploring a world full of new plants! This mod simply adds more plants to the game, but it does generate enough to be a suitable replacement for the vanilla plants. If you do wish to replace the vanilla plant files entirely, start up the game, move the "flora_mod" files to the UrW directory, and remove all the existing files that BEGIN with "flora_". These default files will automatically re-appear each time the game is booted, but I would strongly recommend backing these up somewhere just in case something goes unexpectedly wrong. Also, since these files do re-appear when you boot up the game, you will have to remove them each time if you do want to remove all the vanilla plants. Finally, for my fellow programming nerds here, I have included the source code within the src folder in the JAR file in case anyone wants to see my sloppy coding. changelog: - names of picked berries are now accurate - mod should no longer generate plants that wither before they can be harvested - mushrooms are now roughly as common as in vanilla - beneficial berries and mushrooms are now somewhat more common - program can now be run by double-clicking on it - "Ok, done!" message appears as pop-up window - should be compatible with all operating systems now Known issues: - plants with names containing "snap" trigger a sound effect when interacted with. this can be fixed by manually changing the name in the flora file. - poisonous plants with additional effects may be mistakenly identified as edible before all effects are known. rare issue, but proceed with caution if "there's still more to learn". - (issue encountered on Ubuntu 14.04) flora files appear in /home directory instead of the directory containing the JAR if run with OpenJDK Runtime. this issue does not occur when using WINE. March 23, 2018, 10:06:07 PM |
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Re: Rauko
He arrives near the lake-mouth of the river by canoe at a village the local Kuikka call "Hiisi's stream", which he has visited many times in his travels. Rauko trades some clothing and a staff for lots of food and a dozen arrows. Also 2 heavy elk furs for a glutton fur and fishing rod. They have nice bows, but none better than what he already owns. He has lightened his load by 40 pounds with those trades! Rauko has no skill with swords and has taken 2 scimitars, a shortsword, and a big sword from his enemies. The friendly Kuikka suggest he travel south along the coast to the Driikaiset, who would have valuable rare goods worth trading for the swords. This sounds like good advice to Rauko and he plans to do so. Meantime, Koupia needs a message delivered to Ilpo in a nearby village to the south-east. The message (something about pine tree spirits) is delivered and reply returned. He gets more food and a loop snare as thanks from Koupia. (Hiisi's stream is at the quest marker on map in previous post.) ![]() March 25, 2018, 03:56:18 PM |
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3.50 stable version released on Steam and for Lifetime members
After quite a long period of balancing and wrestling with glitches in the preceeding beta versions we are now ready to tag version 3.50 stable and... Version 3.50 (stable) is now released on Steam and for Lifetime members. Here you can find UnReal World Steam page, and the version is also available for lifetimer members at the designated forums section. Standalone installer versions at the homepage will be put available some days later. Here are the fixes/additions since 3.50 beta 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: 3.50 (stable) changelog - added: treat bleeding wounds of your pets and companions It is now possible to try to stop bleeding of the wounds of your pets and companions. The attempt is started by using physician skill, or opening [F7] wounds screen, when facing a bleeding pet or companion. If bleeding wounds are found you'll be asked whether you wish to try to treat them. The actual wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity. The actual game mechanics of applying physician skills to your pets and companions are the same as treating your own wounds. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on. - added: crash security to overcome creature and item losses when travelling with companions and watercrafts There's now extra data save added upon each map load to provide crash security and to minimize certain creature and item loss potential. Previously it was quite often the case that the pets and companions you were travelling with would disappear upon a crash. The same sort of crash related disappearence might also happen to the items you were transporting with a watercraft - including the watercraft. This sort of losses should be history now. Crashes may naturally lose some progress in the game world, but all the creatures and items should stay intact and be available upon returning to post-crash UnReal World. Finally, let us remind that force quitting seems to be the most usual type of unexpected UnReal World termination and this addition should not in the least to be taken as an encouragement for safer force quitting. - balanced & fixed: weight of some clothes Some were found too heavy, and a few were found too light. The corrections go as follows (with old weight in parenthesis): * Woollen tunic - now weighs 4.6 lbs (was 5) * Nettle cloak - now weighs 2.6 lbs (was 6) * Woollen cloak - now weighs 5.3 lbs (was 6.5) * Fur cloak - now weighs 11.5 lbs (was 14) * Woollen overcoat - now weighs 6.3 lbs (was 5.5) * Fur overcoat - now weighs 13.5 lbs (was 15) * Leather leggings - now weighs 6.3 lbs (was 2.9) * Fur leggings - now weighs 7.4 lbs (was 3.5) - fixed [rare condition]: all too frequent map maintenance with some old characters - fixed [rare condition]: sages offering the old style teaching of new ritual for some migrated characters - fixed: triggered traps sometimes appearing as readied and erect - fixed [rare condition]: too fast melting of ice in the spring - fixed: animals tied in place with a rope remaining tied even if the rope was destroyed (eg. by a fire) - fixed [rare condition]: spiritworld related entries cluttering the data stack and causing misleading hoarding warnings - fixed: animal pens in the villages appearing too close to the western border The problem was that your dog might end up located in the village animal pen when entering the village from the west. - fixed: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION setup option not checking whether the carcass actually could be skinned Now the confirmation, if enabled, is asked when applicable only if the carcass actually can be skinned. - fixed: wounded adventurer quest sometimes generating too lightly wounded adventurers This made the intended quest giver adventurers not speak about their hardships at all even though the villagers would hint about it. - fixed: milk from rams and bulls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 25, 2018, 08:18:47 PM |
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Re: Robbers ruin my early game
@Kaleva I recall once i had a streak where my characters always were getting robbed. Some young ones and others with more in-game time as well. Once i got robbed 3 times while travelling straight south. The third time they said to me something like "You've got nothing worthy, so go away quickly". Most died over starvation and the rest seriously wounded trying to fight. The point is that i stopped playing the game for a while and then played it back. Got more than ten characters since then in many areas and different "professions" as well. No sight of robbers. Edit: Spoiler: show March 29, 2018, 06:32:36 PM |
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Re: Rauko
Rauko bids the Kuikka goodbye and sets off, carrying his heavy canoe south-east toward what he hopes will be the sea and trading with the Driiklaiset people. The canoe is quite a heavy burden and he wonders would it be best to leave it behind? Well, at least some of the heavy furs are not on his back anymore! Still morning, and he sees a herd of reindeer but passes by... By midday he is tired and stops in the trackless wilderness, baits a loop-snare with blueberries, and finishes tanning that rabbit fur, which doesn't turn out so well. He sleeps until dusk. Continuing into the dark, he sees a squirrel and fox but can not catch them. He finds a grove and sleeps until morning. Morning brings an elk. Rauko sneaks, but not too close. His 2nd arrow is a long shot that cripples the bull elk! Now the chase should be easy enough to recover the first arrow along the way. ![]() The elk limps away toward the lake... and the chase ends: ![]() March 29, 2018, 11:45:38 PM |
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Re: Rauko
After roasting about 200 elk cuts, he leaves the partially tanned hide and most of his possessions at the lake shore and backtracks toward Kuikka territory to trade the meat before it spoils. It is mid-morning and he's starting to get tired. On the way he sees a badger nearby. It's raining, he's weary, it's afternoon, and there is no village in sight. Unable to go on, he drops to the ground and sleeps until waking to the continued rain. Finally in the dim evening light he sees the light of fires in the village! Rauko trades every piece but one for a nice wolf fur, then falls asleep in their kota. In late morning, Rauko wakes and hurries back toward the lake, hoping the tanning is not spoiled. After passing by one deer herd, he sees a 2nd herd and thinks it would be smart to hunt one because he saved none of the roasted elk meat. So...just a small one that he can carry with him to the tanning lake. ![]() March 31, 2018, 03:19:56 PM |
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