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Re: Rauko Early evening brings Rauko back to the lake, and the elk hide is still good so he rinses it. Time to build a shelter because it is raining and the temperature has dropped near freezing.

Rauko rises early in the morning and butchers the tiny deer. He knows he needs a better knife for skinning and ends up with about 2 dozen cuts of meat, which he roasts after cleaning the skin. By then he's very hungry and the deer is delicious!

He finishes tanning the elk fur and is exhausted but it turns out about average quality, sleeps in the shelter, then packs up and canoes across the lake in the morning.

Arriving on the far shore, he picks some berries and sees some tracks. Then looks up and there is a wolf!

Remaining calm and going about his business seems the best thing to do, so that's what Rauko does... and the wolf also minds it's own business and nobody gets hurt.

April 01, 2018, 11:17:00 PM
Re: Rauko Continuing on south-west, another big lake will give him some relief from carrying the heavy canoe. First, he rinses the tanning fat from the small deer hide, then paddles around the lake enjoying the peacefulness of the cool morning.

Returning to shore, the hide is not ready so he takes a brief swim and nearly freezes! But the pile of spruce branches he'd made ready beforehand makes a quick fire and he's warm again.

Then it snows briefly for the first time in the year, and when it stops he finishes tanning. He tries
sleeping but the snow starts again in evening so he canoes to the southern tip of the lake. Snow turns to freezing rain and Rauko realizes he forgot to sacrifice for the killed deer... are the spirits telling him something?

He shurgs off those thoughts and presses on south-eastward, but the rain won't stop so he makes a shelter.

Rauko recites a ritual his father taught him to avoid angering underground folk, and sleeps well, waking late in the morning to light snow. The land is devoid of hills... just an expanse of trees and mires with few lakes.

April 02, 2018, 06:17:03 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.50] Calf overweight Hi Sami,

Could you check weight and amount of fur generated for calves? Seems like they have it as much as adults. I've had small reindeer doe and it's calf killed and calf weight more than it's parent, which is 196 (calf) to 180 (adult). Is that correct? Feels weird that animal with graphics 4 times smaller weights more that with normal graphics. It's bit after midwinter in game now, not sure if this may affect it.



April 03, 2018, 07:33:59 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko will be glad to reach the seashore and get the weight of the canoe off his back, regardless of
how helpful it has been to have made it. He happens upon a lake with an elk seen in the distance,
and puts his canoe into the water to cross it.

April 05, 2018, 03:44:21 AM
Re: Rauko The river ends up flowing into a large lake, and Rauko is disappointed that he has not reached
the sea. But his spirit has risen with the ease of the journey in his canoe, so he doesn't let
this bother him. Continuing across the lake, he finds the river continuing on to the west.

Downstream a few hours later he sees a swan ahead and takes it as a good sign indeed!

April 07, 2018, 03:11:47 PM
Re: Rauko A little while later there is a tall hill rising from the shore. Rauko goes ashore and climbs
for a look at the surrounding area. He sees a man who looks like a hunter moving through the
trees across the river.

He canoes across and walks until he finds boot tracks, which lead him quickly to a rough-looking
character, a tribeless wanderer. Rauko's father had told him never to trust these vagabonds...
better to strike first and not bother asking questions. There had been two times that his father
had been attacked and robbed by such men.

April 08, 2018, 05:00:46 PM
Re: Utility knives and axes in 3.50  Inside of the task(s) there is an optional property which more or less controls this.
a task with {Knife} as a requirement does not care what knife is used.
a task with {Cutting weapon} <Knife> will allow any edged tool but knife is preferred.
a task with {Knife} <Fisher's knife> will use any knife but fisherman's knife is preferred.

TBH I don't know if there is bonus or disadvantage to using preferred and if so how much.

Inside the game are some additional bits; you get more cuts with a knife than an axe, etc.
The news file has some details

** Changelog for 3.15-beta2 released on Dec-1-2012
* tool usefulness

       Some tools are more handy for certain tasks than the others. This is
          a good old, and clear game mechanism, and player is always informed
          when certain type of tool is preferred for the task.
          Usefulness of the tool foremostly affects to how long it will take to
          complete the task, but now it also affects to quality of crafted item.
          If an item is crafted with an unhandy tool the maximum possible
          quality is degraded according to tool used. The more unhandy the tool,
          the less perfect the resulting item can be expected to be.

          For example: you can't carve fine wooden bowls with a stone-axe any
          more. However, with a good quality stone-axe you may still succeed
          better than with one of average quality.

April 09, 2018, 06:48:03 AM
Cathlyn, Leader Of The Kaumo Uprising -transfered transfered from old forum :)
Shortstory of my -then- recent character.
Wanted to play one that gets mad over time.

Her name was Cathlyn of the Kaumo people.
She was only 16, when her father died.

It was a beautiful summer day, when she found him, killed by a bear.
They were out hunting, trying to gather some furs-
the foreign traders only accepted the most valuable ones for their
rare iron items, and winter is cold.. without fur, you are done for.

Her fathers torn carcass was still loosing blood, when she,
with tears in her eyes. grabbed that little gear he carried.

She saw the tracks of the beast, but without proper weapons,
it would have been suicide to follow it.

So she left...

Twenty kilometers away, there was a village, and she entered, hoping to find help.
But there was no sign of life, only 7 dead villagers, obviously they were
fighting to protect the children.. which bodies also were here.
And then, while she was still wondering..

Has the bear been here?

Has the beast slaughtered this village too, just like her father?

She heard a sound..behind her..

Swirling around, a lynx was in front of her, and all she had as defense was
a handaxe.
The lynx attacked, and Cathlyn desperatly tried to kill the maneater.

Just when the lynx pushed her to the ground, and tore open her arm, she risked
everything, and tried to hit its head.

And she hit. The lynx immediatly went to the ground, unconcious.

Nearly mad because of the pain in her arm, she hacked, and hacked on the animals skull, and finally it died.
She was out of breath, hungry, and out of options, so she cut it up, and made a fire in the village's former sauna. The smell of the roasting lynx was demonic...

For three days, she stayed first, burning the houses with theyr owners, in order to give them a fire burial- for some reason, she didnt dare to move the bodies...

After that, she looked around the village..and realised it was surrounded by fields-
all where sown!
If she would survive till harvest time, she would be out of problems for winter!
The only problem was having food NOW. The roasted lynx pieces wouldnt last forever.

So she started cutting her clothes into pieces, smiling when she thought how she would look like afterwards- half naked, and full of blood.. like a mad amazon.
She made some loop snares out of her clothes, and set up some small traps-
as the village area was open, it would be very likely that animals would cross.

She rebuild the village sauna, the only building she didnt burn to the ground-
as it had saved her life, probably. And called it her temporary "home".

On the 8th day, she encountered a Njerpez. Quite surprisingly.
She just had made a grainflail,to ensure herself that she would survive till harvest time..a symbol of hope, a crude one.
The Njerpez shouted at her, and drew a sword, grinning,
telling her that he would eat her heart.
Little Cathlyn shivered in fear, and tried to run; but the Njerpez followed her.. and when she reached the point where running would not help her anymore, she decided to stand against this threat too.
And she wondered...
WHY did the Njerpez always have the best foreign equipment?
IRON, everywhere, but for the tribes..

Little Cathlyn was lucky, one of her hits broke the Njerpez arm, and the raider turned and ran..
She followed him..maybe he had some hidden staff somewhere.. or why would the warrior be alone in the woods?
Some berry bushes entered her view..and she realised she had lost the Njerpez tracks because of them.
She sighed..well, at least she was still alive. Again. So she turned around, in order to get back to "home", when the Njerpez entered her view. He had a knive, and he was VERY upset.
"You pay. You die. I will do bad things to you corpse. And then i will search family, and kill too."

And that was the point where something broke in Cathlyn, for the second time.

5 minutes later, the Njerpez was crawling away from her. With her grainflail, she had broken both his arms and legs. He was in great pain, but Cathlyn waited, she just followed him for a while, taking her time, watching him..and when she had enough, she smashed his skull.
The Njerpez carried some food, and a mug, which would allow her to carry water around. She spit on the corpse, and went home.

The next two weeks she was busy, making traps out of the njerpez clothes, collecting stones for a cellar, maybe she would catch something bigger than a black grouse, and the meat would otherwise spoil!

On the day following the finished cellar, she climbed a nearby mountain, and there they were.
Foreigners, carrying theyr distinct blue clothes. She hurried down into the former village, gathering the 4 furs and the fine snake leather she had.. if she was lucky, they would have a bow!
The 3 traders were roaming around nearby, chattering, laughing, and.. felling trees.. in order to stay fit, they told her, grinning.
One of the traders asked her about the sword she was carrying:
"Hey young girl.. thats a fine blade you have. I sold that just recently; stole it?"
She realised..the foreign traders werent good angels that brought the great iron tools..
they just traded with everyone. And that included the menace of the Njerpez.
the furs she had werent good enough for them.. "We want good furs! Got them? No? Then get lost!"
And she left.. for home.

On the way, a plan rose in her head. Those traders were going to pay.

The only trap she hadnt done till now was her fathers speciality. A pit..with deadly spikes on the bottom. So she carved a shovel. It was ugly, but with sweat, she made 3 pits, just on the crossing of her small fence and her house.

Then, she grabbed her 2 knives, and left everything at home that wasnt utterly necessary. Including her clothes, that was everything except her knives.

Silently, she approached the traders. One was asleep, and the other two didnt notice her.
She weighed the blade in her hands..aimed..and threw it.

And missed. Damn.

The second blade, beeing her last hope, hit the sleeping trader, not doing any damage, but he jumped up, and saw her.

She ran, arrows hitting trees on her side..but she made it to the fence..and jumped into the house, closing the door, and quickly grabbed the sword-
altough she had barely an idea how to use it.
Would they be so stupid?

They were. Three sounds of crashing pits came to her ears, and she opened the door, sneaking outside. All three were in the traps!

Two were unconcious, but the third had a pierced leg, and tried to talk to her:
"Listen! Help me, please! I will not kill you!".
"Recognize that sword?", she asked, "just little time ago, someone tried to kill me with it. A Njerpez. You sold it to him, didnt you?".
"THATS CALLED BUSINESS, YOU WHORE!", the trader yelled.

"Yeah..i understand. And.. as it is your property..i will give it back to you", Cathlyn answered.

The day after, Cathlyn woke up happily, feeling as one with the world.
Equipped with several iron items, including a pretty neat hunting bow, and armor pieces, she aimed for the neighbouring cities of the driik. The trading tribe.. the tribe that owned more than three quarters of all iron of the inhemo.
She wanted to trade food, and get questions answered:
Why didnt the driik help the other tribes against the Njerpez?
Why didnt the driik throw the traders out?
And..did they also trade with the Njerpez?

For a whole week, she traveled in the driik territory. And as she saw all the riches, and asked questions, she realised that the driik were as bad as the Njerpez, and as bad as the foreigners. Opportunists...
Two cities even had walls; a fortified outpost- and the capital.. thirty people lived here, they had pigs, cows, and every piece of iron you could imagine. And prices..were HIGH.

Cathlyn was hungry. So she stole from a field, and ate the hemp leaves raw. The next day, no driik village would let her in- someone must have seen her stealing.
She tried to explain that it had been just some leaves out of hunger, but the driik guards just raised theyr bows, and told the "Barbarian scumgirl" to leave immediatly.
And so, Cathlyn went back- to her people, to the kaumo.

Half a year passed, and Cathlyn lived, and one day, she also was able to get revenge for her father- when she was with some partners out hunting, and met a bear; maybe not the one that had killed her father, but a big one at least.

She had made a plan, and when she had assembled a group of ten people, she led an attack on a nearby njerpez village.
Loosing only one partner, they gathered a lot of weapons, and food, and armor. As she was the hunting party leader, it was up to her to decide what to do with that...

Cathlyn assembled an army.
Cathlyn equipped an army.
Cathlyn fed an army.
An army, that grew every day
(sidenote. regular crashes, the first ones i ever experienced due to having 30+ party members..)
and that was clothed in IRON.

Every foreign trader they met, and every Njerpez, would not survive to warn others.
Cathlyn grew a habit, just like the Njerpez had threatened her to do, she ate one piece of every dead enemy.. to gain his strength..
They still lived in the former village, which was by now a fenced and heavily trapped area.

And on the first day of the second year,
when Cathlyn had assembled enough soldiers,
and everyone had at least a sword, they went west.
(It was a HELL of work to organize that.
Asking for names/telling to stay did help, altough^^)

One driik village after another fell, and they set up camp in the walled outpost.
The fires of the burning villages rose high in the sky, and Cathlyn knew that now, only one big target was left- the smaller villages would fall sooner or later; the land hadnt seen an army for decades.
And as they let no one escape, no one knew her army even existed.

The capitol.

They went in, hidden by the night. Cathlyn set up a fire in the towns entrance, blocking the way out.. and of course, a townsmen approached: "Hey! You are not allowed to make a fire on our property!".

"I know.", Cathlyn answered, and shot her arrow in the man's head.
Her army, afraid as always when she went..strange..refused to have anything to do with her actions.. but when the towns soldiers came, and tried to attack her, her army charged.

The battle took an hour; Cathlyn herself killed a men,
2 children, and theyr mothers.
(48 corpses...combat logs of 6 to 15 pages each turn...lag from hell...)

And when every one was dead, and Cathlyn sat on the ground,
not able to stand due to her injuries..she said..

"One final day, i hope they kill me. So i might find peace."
And roasted her first human cut of this town.

April 10, 2018, 08:48:36 AM
Re: Rauko Rauko heeds the words of his beloved father and slowly approaches with arrow at the ready.

A bit nervous, his first arrow misses badly, and the man pauses and turns, listening and looking.
Rauko is not spotted however, and his 2nd arrow hits!

Rauko charges and the battle commences!

The man tries to escape, but Rauko will not let him get away with his prized spear. Rauko picks up
the man's dropped axe. Now he will follow and finish the vagabond with arrows.

And so it happens. The spear is recovered. Rauko feels his father would be proud.

April 10, 2018, 01:53:20 PM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes It's been mentioned by Sami that rain is a .png (gui-rain.png and ele-rain.png according to a search in the truetile folder) and that those images can be edited. Maybe somebody with a hint of artistic talent beyond the stick figure drawing level could edit the images and post alternative ones with a lesser impact?
April 10, 2018, 04:00:38 PM