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Bear vs Archer IRL This is basically every bear encounter I have. (except he's fine) Full story: May 26, 2017, 01:12:35 AM |
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Drawings of my travels in UnReal.
HI, I didn't know where or how to post this, so it's going here. Last Inktober 2016 I did a series of drawings, and from the 16th October to the 23rd they are inspired by UnReal World and a few characters I was playing with then. Please feel free to comment and discuss. Thanks, Filip June 08, 2017, 05:23:09 PM |
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Re: Random little additions...
... It would be neat if I could trade xx lbs of Fine winter bear-skin to a craftsman (expanding on npc interaction/dialog) and return in some time to pay/pick up my new set of Masterwork Bear-skin cloth(s). July 04, 2017, 02:17:57 AM |
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...fails to deliver a summer release || ...enters summer vacation.
Code: [Select] You dream of a summer release. You know, that's what has happened to me. Like mentioned in earlier posts I dreamed of a summer release, and a proper long holiday afterwards. But...we're behind the schedule with several planned goals and just can't make it. Deadlines and summer - I should have known they don't go together. So, hopes to come up with a new patch is thus postponed after the summer. I'll be entering summer vacation shortly, for the whole august. This means I'll be more absent in regards to game related forums and e-mail activity. Coding is to be continued in the autumn then, but some additional content is still to be expected sooner... Steam Trading cards Yeeees, the trading cards. That's what we will be releasing before I leave the development chambers. It's actually the trading cards (with emoticons, badges and all that extra) which have postponed my general working schedule more than expected. Ambitions can take time, you know, but we already love the outcome ever so much. So at least for Steam players there will be something new in UnReal World to browse during the summer. A proper, loud and clear announcement of Trading Card release will be posted when the time is at hand. You can still prepare yourselves, foreign and domestic card traders -- it's going to be beautiful! Greetings from horseback Code: [Select] You aim your bow at a target from the horseback and shoot. You know, and speaking of dreaming, that has also happened to me. For as long as I've been doing primitive and traditional archer I've dreamed of one day going for horseback archery. Until this summer it's been horseback riding and archery separately, but this very year I've picked up and entered this form of archery and horsemanship I've always craved for. This is going to be a dedicated horseback archery year for me, and whether I'm on a vacation or not, we just might see the next video greetings consisting of horseback archery footage. Meanwhile, I'll leave you with these few still shots. First from the horseback, then by the tranquil summer lakes around my neighborhood. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Best wishes. We'll catch up with everything in the autumn. But I'm sure at some point I'll be tempted to post a few holiday greetings as well. July 27, 2017, 02:01:46 PM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
The (not-so-)sage Once I believed a sage had to be wise then I saw this fool standing on rather thin ice The ice broke and so fell he straight in Got frozen and soaked right down to his skin The bitter cold addled his quite feeble brain And he got so tired he could have slept in the rain Tired enough that on that spot fell he asleep And drowned in a puddle barely three inches deep. October 05, 2017, 02:09:11 AM |
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More Signs of Robber's Camps in Overland Maps
After the second "Homeland Robbers" quest frustrating me with me impossible to find robbers, it comes to mind that it shouldn't be quite that hard, at least for a highly skilled tracker. Specifically, a few things that come to mind as possibilities:
October 09, 2017, 02:58:51 AM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
Of encounters unfortunate An immense bear did once cross my path the moment he spotted me, he got quite mad Swiped at my head with his enormous claw My eye started bleeding and limited what I saw The bear pursued me as I fled towards my home But after a while lost his aggression and started to roam between slender trees and bushes of berries so red I thanked the spirits the bear was no longer mad So I was all alone as I wandered the land had no dogs, no companions, when I encountered a band of Vagabond robbers, five were they and oh! No less than four of them were armed with a bow. No longer bleeding but still could I not see more than two-thirds of what was in front of me And the injured eye not only limited my sight The throbbing pain would also make it quite hard to fight So there were five robbers, four armed with a bow But they had not seen me so I hid and, real slow, did I inch back away from these uncouth men then when outside their presence I swiftly ran And ran and ran until my home was almost there Where I could recover from the wound dealt by the bear But, alas and behold, 't was not to be Less than a mile from my home a Njerpez encountered me October 14, 2017, 10:16:42 PM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
Lessons at the campfire Oh young hunter listen well to the tales I will here tell For you can't hunt if you don't know The behaviour your prey might show Big goshawk often flies up high She hunts through the vast blue sky Ringed seal splashes up the shore then dives below the waves once more Grey seal, well, it's hard to hunt her she too has a habit of diving under Badger may look slow but beware When fleeing he's as fast as any hare Big squirrel sitting in a tree Thinking 'ha ha you can't reach me' (Catch him with a well-aimed throw or shoot blunt arrows from a bow) Beaver is gone in a flash Diving under with a splash Put a turnip in a loop snare and some day you'll catch a hare Drop a turnip on a trap pit You might just find an elk in it Forest reindeer next to a tree There must be a few more I can't see Set up a light lever for a bird Wake up to hear one getting hurt One remaining feather doesn't match An eagle owl made off with the catch Oh young hunter listen well To the tales I did here tell Learn their habits, quirks and all And to your weapons they will fall October 30, 2017, 08:25:16 PM |
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Leucism, etc.
There was a post on this on the old forums, about occasionally finding animals with some sort of pigmentation disorder like leucism, melanism. You would then be able to obtain a fur from them that would be very valuable. Thought I'd bring it up again after seeing a story about a white elk making news in Sweden ![]() November 14, 2017, 10:22:05 PM |
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Re: Orja Reemailainen
Part 4: The End My revenge had become tedious. I became careless while raiding the villages and was trapped several times in mires or outside of buildings. I had layered myself with the clothes of the dead and waded into their villages with my battleaxe dripping from the last village I had slaughtered... ![]() I continued to raid, even with light wounds. By the time the snow thawed, there were seven villages left. ![]() Once the Njerpezti were all killed, I collected all their dead from their 32 villages and stacked dumped their rotting corpses into massive piles. While wading through the remains, a great calm came upon me, and I knew the spirits were pleased. ![]() The dead were stacked and sorted... ![]() ... and I counted all I had collected from their 32 villages... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now, I am off to a bog. I plan to build a fire and cast my mother's cursed comb into the bog to let her spirit rest in peace. ![]() The empty villages that now surround me seem pointless. Even though I know I have appeased the spirits and are in unity with the world, I have no more purpose to my life. I'm done. I think I will travel back to the Reemailainen and settle down on a new homestead. Hopefully, I'll find the peace. What will become of me? ![]() December 01, 2017, 09:35:15 PM |
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