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Throwing (key command) Can we get "1" and "2" keys (after hitting "t") mapped to throwing weapons that are already wielded?
This would be quicker and also intuitive, rather than having to pick the weapon from the list.

December 27, 2017, 08:44:42 PM
Re: Mik Another day of travel brings him back home, and he checks all his traps, which are empty.

While eating and looking out the kota door flap, Mik sees the badger. This is a good time to venture onto the ice and maybe get a shot at the little trap thief. Carrying only light gear, he's halfway across the ice and it seems safe, so he goes to check on his north-shore shelter.

No more sign of the sneaky badger, only lots of fresh tracks. This is starting to dig at Mik's pride as a hunter.

December 27, 2017, 10:35:09 PM
Re: Cookery If you want to "choose" the item(s), if I'm understanding your question, the mod environment supports;
Selecting item by weight vs unit and Using the optional tag.
for example:
Code: [Select]
//automatically pick up ask numbers
.Cooked Something. *COOKERY* /5/ \30\  [patch:10]
{Raw meat or fish} #1# [remove] [roast] [name:Cooked %s] [patchwise]


//automatically pick up ask numbers
.Cooked Something. *COOKERY* /5/ \30\   [patch:10]
{Raw meat} #1# [remove] [roast] [name:Cooked %s] [optional] [patchwise]
{Raw fish}  #1# [remove] [roast] [name:Cooked %s] [optional] [patchwise]

January 10, 2018, 08:24:22 PM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes Agree here, maybe dampen rain visual effect a bit. Would be cool if fresh rain/snow erased tracks and affected abilities though (maybe slight penalties?) or maybe that's already in game and I didn't notice
April 10, 2018, 02:47:49 PM
Modern test of period Viking shield

Good old Thegn

July 08, 2018, 08:11:35 PM
selling animals back in town I had too many dogs. They were eating more food than I could manage to supply. I felt bad about my virtual  dogs starving and I felt terrible about taking one of them out into the woods to politely ask for a set of dog fur mittens for some bear ritual I remember seeing.
July 09, 2018, 12:53:05 AM
Re: Some new player's feedback > Most obvious to me is the ability to drink seawater. Everyone knows you can't quench your thirst with that, it would only make it worse.

Surprisingly enough, this is not actually true.  The Baltic Sea, particularly in the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia (i.e., coastal Finland) is much less salty than the rest of the ocean.  There's so much river water flowing into the sea that it dilutes out the seawater substantially.  So you get freshwater fish living happily, and it is in fact drinkable.

July 23, 2018, 08:12:54 PM
Re: Rare random dead bodies There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.

September 02, 2018, 04:21:42 PM
Paikku and the Robber's Cave (comic style adventure)
Let me present an adventure with bear caves, angry spirits and robbers!

NOTE: Click images for full resolution (forums wouldn't resize them if posted directly).

September 02, 2018, 04:52:21 PM
Re: Rare random dead bodies
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.
And you would get a reward for bringing back the body for her. This would be a good quest to introduce along with a new item, either a travois drawn by an animal or a smaller one or sled (in snow) pulled by the character.

September 02, 2018, 09:32:12 PM