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Sound coming from unseen location... ...not being present has led my character to death before. I blamed the game for it.~

It's something very important for combat, but yeah... (For reference it's present in another Roguelike, called Cataclysm: DDA.)

December 23, 2017, 06:59:34 AM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM
Re: Runaway slave (spring) general hints? The hardest part is escaping...

If you do manage to escape, make a stone knife, a stone axe, and set up some light lever traps (the smallest type) to catch some birds. You're probably going to go near or into starvation, but should have a decent chance of surviving until you can bag yourself an elk or reindeer. Also consider whether to tan the hides of those miserable birds, and that takes a lot of time for a very meager result, and that elk hides may be too large to be tanned, or even skinned, with a crappy stone knife while you're starving.
Light fires when you're getting too cold.

The other alternative is riskier, but gets you a better start if you can pull it off, and that is to exact revenge on the Njerps by hit & run attacks under the cover of darkness to whittle one of them down until you can kill him and take his gear (hint: rocks can cover longer distances than a sword can reach. However, with the recent change to snow movement penalties that may no longer be possible to pull off, but NPCs still wear light vests so you can see them while they can't see you.

Forget about crops, unless you intend to steal them. You need a fairly good food base to be able to spend the time required to prepare fields, and with your poor starting agriculture skill you're not going to get decent yields from the seeds you don't have in the first place...
I usually spend the first winter preparing for fields and building up stocks of food for a two month hectic field preparation period with little except burning, preparing fields, and planting performed. My characters start in spring, and I try to get appropriate seeds during autumn and winter.

January 23, 2018, 06:12:29 PM
A lot of ideas to consider This is a list I made as I was playing in the last few years. Some things I removed because they were added
before I posted the list. Good job Sami!

I love companions!
Companions gather tree trunks into piles where you give them the order to fell trees
-Command companions to make logs/firewood/planks/etc as long as they have tools
-Companions help with herb lore from their local knowledge
-Companions could also work longer before coming back for more orders, or an option to work all day.
-Permanent companions; marriage...
-Companions help on farm; harvest, plant, thresh, milk, arrange burn piles, etc
-Hire pro cook/Skinner/trackers to supplement your skills; bonus to skill while hired
-command to drop their raw meat/skins in the nearest cellar.
-command queue

Backpacks/pouches to increase carry cap, possibly by adding a weight reduction to items within it.
-Leather pack or pouch for animal companions to increase carry cap
-Weapon sheath/quiver to draw quickly in battle/hunting

Blacksmith house in villages with forge/anvil
-Commission blacksmith to make items for you
-possibly requires quest for masterwork

ability to remove items from container and keep the items and bag; instead of losing contents

Auto ice break/move forward in watercraft during winter

Rocks placed around a fire increase burn duration
- Could use rocks to upgrade a fire to a fire pit so it doesn't take multiple tiles, or pile them on fire.

Rain/snow effecting quality of timber until dry (mostly for fire making)
-Would add the need to make wood sheds
-aging wood to increase burn value
-charcoal/natural coal

Clay working to make pots/shingles/clay structures/clay furnace ...I've started working on this already. I can't get the .png tiles to work. Any advice on getting the icons to work? ...I used rains' mods as a reference but still no luck. I think I'm missing an icon number, but not sure how to check which number it is.

I know some of this is not lore friendly, and will most likely never make it into the game. However, If you would like to make a mod from any of these ideas please message me as I would love to help/play your mod. Most of these require changes which are not readily available to mod and so they are up to Sami... for now  ;)

February 09, 2018, 04:36:46 AM
Re: Mik Remembering that the bear skull he was carrying when he was robbed makes the decision for Mik. The spirit of that bear may not find rest, but he hopes to appease the spirits with another bear's skull.

It turned out to be his last bad decision. The spirits did not favor him. He failed every spear attempt.

Mik was one of my favorites.

February 20, 2018, 06:09:42 AM
Re: Tracking Njerpez I don't think you're guaranteed to land in the middle of the tile... That said, it can be surprisingly hard to find tracks, and I sometimes wonder if there were any, of if the tile the Njerp was displayed to be on is incorrect.

I typically move to the tile adjacent to the Njerp one, move 25 tiles diagonally towards the edge of the Njerp tile, and then 50 along one edge, 50 along the next, 50 along then next, and 50 along the last one to return to what should be the starting point of the box. That assumes I actually landed at the center of the adjacent tile, though.

February 22, 2018, 08:45:11 AM
February life Hey good people and fellow adventurers,

time for a little february life update as I've seemed to be semi-absent for awhile. What went down is that I took some time to travel to Norway to meet some friends,
came back and discovered the beauty of february winter snow blankets and increasing sunglight,
equipped my new cross-country skis and had a blast with them in the woods for days,
then developed a nasty flu -- and now recovering from all that.
Because of all this I've been very slow on e-mail as well, but as the week goes on I'll be replying at least to the urgent stuff.

On coding front I'd like to fix just a little more and then release 3.50 stable while the winter still continues - cause now I've got probably the greatest skis I've ever owned.

These are Taiga cross-country/hunting skis of russian origin. The proportions comes close to the great ancestral skis of ancient Finns - and many other ugric / north eurasian peoples.
They are naturally all wooden, and after this picture was taken a decent layer of pine tar has been put on the underside, and ties attached.

February 27, 2018, 05:57:27 PM
Re: Inari of Seal-Tribe - Video Let's Play Thanks Oblong, glad you like the content. I have an older series up too that might help to sate your urges. Also apologies for the very late update on these episodes; life has been hectic of late and while some episodes have been coming out I have not been as diligent at posting them here. See below to catch yourself up to date.

Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
Episode 11:

And already uploaded and scheduled for release episodes all the way up to 15. The next one will be out in 3 days. Hope to see you along more since things are starting to hot up and we are getting ready to become a little more nomadic in the near future.

March 05, 2018, 08:31:53 AM
Add set pieces scattered in the world similar to starting scenarios. I think adding some rare and hard to find sites would add a cool element to the game.  These would be similar to some of the starting scenarios, such as you find a partially completed cabin or an abandoned trap fence.  Even just an occasional abandoned shelter would be a neat find while you're tracking an animal through the woods. 
March 11, 2018, 04:31:25 AM
Re: @Privateer @Faatal  I've verified compatibility of the modules you requested and posted them to the forum.

 Let me know if there is .. well anything ;)

March 22, 2018, 07:26:35 PM