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Re: Cord to make arrows? Are you sure you harvested the nettles, using Agriculture skill, instead of just picking them up? If you just pick them up, you get leaves, but if you use Agriculture and Harvest them, you should get nettles that you can then turn into yarn using the Extract fibers command in the Textilecraft skill menu (or do the full process if you have the time for it). If you only ever get leaves, no matter what you do, it sounds like a bug.
December 01, 2021, 07:47:33 PM
Re: German Shepherd Dog Sprite Since you asked what I think ...

I don't like it when people try to introduce things that don't belong in the historical context of the game and then 'because reasons' it. I love this game because it tries to stay true to the actual history and isn't full of modern cultural 'pollution.' Every other game in existence is polluted by 21st century orthodoxy. Leave UrW alone!

But as it happens the sprite doesn't look anything like a German shepherd so it is fairly inoffensive.

January 10, 2022, 02:08:36 AM