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Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
While I usually don't vote the middle choice in polls because the vote doesn't sway it one way or another, this time I did. Here is the reason: Sami has been developing the game very nicely for a quarter-century and I'm constantly impressed with each new version. Implementing spouses sounds like a massive task that includes many other game developments, the biggest of which, IMHO, is an A.I. that can play like a complex bot in order to make a believable spouse. Because a spouse that behaves like village NPCs wouldn't really be worth it. Keep up the good work with your own priorities, Sami :-) December 19, 2017, 01:41:05 AM |
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Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
I had to vote the middle option as well, and for much the same reason as JEB Davis chose to vote that way. I would love to see spouses and eventual offspring in the future, and I agree that if it is to be implemented then it should come after some AI updates so that we don't have the old problem of "It's a nice car to look at, but it won't run without fuel!" The work that has been done to this game (read:life-changing experience) over the years is wonderful, all of it being due to the dedication and passion that Sami and Erkka have for this work of theirs, and I am more than happy to simply sit back and watch it grow organically at their behest December 19, 2017, 06:03:05 AM |
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Inari of Seal-Tribe - Video Let's Play
Hey guys and assorted UnReal Worlders. I'm back for my yearly foray into the unreal world and this time I bring you Inari of Seal-Tribe; my season 2 youtube playthrough. Better sound quality, better production quality and (hopefully) better gameplay. This time with a few mods: Honey and Mead mod from the very fine Privateer, Jaredonians Character models for a little bit of good looking character cheer, the UrW Self Sufficiency mod from Caethan. Hope to see you guys along for the ride and feel free to offer any suggestions on how you would like to see the story developing. December 24, 2017, 08:45:56 AM |
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Modding Wishlist
I thought I'd compile a list of things that would be useful (long-term) additions to the modding tools, along the lines of Rain's old list here:
Anything else other modders have been hankering for? January 03, 2018, 11:57:46 PM |
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Rid of the crash related creature and item losses
We're clearing bugs away from the path of a stable tag, which is shining in the horizon and to be attached to 3.50beta version soon enough. Lately I've tried to find ways to improve crash security to overcome creature and item losses when travelling with companions and watercrafts. Not a frequent issue, but a real annoyance if it might happen to you. And now I think a reliable and fast way to get rid of this legacy issue has been found, and will be put to effect in the next patch. There's now extra data save added upon each map load to provide crash security and to minimize certain creature and item loss potential. Previously it was quite often the case that the pets and companions you were travelling with would disappear upon a crash. The same sort of crash related disappearence might also happen to the items you were transporting with a watercraft - including the watercraft. This sort of losses should be history now. Crashes may naturally lose some progress in the game world, but all the creatures and items should stay intact and be available upon returning to post-crash UnReal World. This is a future feature, not yet functional in 3.50 beta version. January 23, 2018, 06:37:14 PM |
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Re: Tracks being covered by snow
I had a similar situation when the snow was melting away. The tracks on the snow remained on the ground even when snow was already gone. I guess it would be a nice idea that the tracks were deleted everytime when the ground changes or even when it's raining or snowing. February 07, 2018, 12:16:33 PM |
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A "calendar app" for UrW
Hello! As an excuse to try "modern JS" I made an app for tracking all the "be done in N days" events: Repo at GitHub: I'm also hosting it: Note that currently it's at version v0.1.1 - so yeah, very very bare and basic. I'm actually using it form my current play though and so far it works, but the real test will be when I hit next farming season (currently close to mid-winter point, so not much anything going on ). Feedback and contributions are welcome. February 11, 2018, 03:10:21 PM |
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Fennec's Random Plant Mod
(cross-posted from the old forum) Hi all, If you're tired of finding the same old plants in UrW - or if you'd just like to see some more variety - I've made a mod to add randomly-generated plants into the game.In addition to adding more wild plants, it also adds some other features: New grains and vegetables grown in fields and sold in villages: Poisonous plants that also have other effects (pretty pointless for plants poisonous in any form, but useful and interesting for plants that become edible when boiled): Poisonous berries: Herbs to help you reach spiritual enlightenment (okay, they're actually just drugs): Medicinal mushrooms: Additionally, all plants generated by this mod (except mushrooms and berries) provide seeds so you can grow them at your own settlement. Download the JAR file (attached to this post) and double-click it to run it. It generates four .txt files, each of which start with "flora_mod". These four files should be in the same directory where you saved the JAR file. Move these files to the UrW directory where any other mod files would go, then have fun exploring a world full of new plants! This mod simply adds more plants to the game, but it does generate enough to be a suitable replacement for the vanilla plants. If you do wish to replace the vanilla plant files entirely, start up the game, move the "flora_mod" files to the UrW directory, and remove all the existing files that BEGIN with "flora_". These default files will automatically re-appear each time the game is booted, but I would strongly recommend backing these up somewhere just in case something goes unexpectedly wrong. Also, since these files do re-appear when you boot up the game, you will have to remove them each time if you do want to remove all the vanilla plants. Finally, for my fellow programming nerds here, I have included the source code within the src folder in the JAR file in case anyone wants to see my sloppy coding. changelog: - names of picked berries are now accurate - mod should no longer generate plants that wither before they can be harvested - mushrooms are now roughly as common as in vanilla - beneficial berries and mushrooms are now somewhat more common - program can now be run by double-clicking on it - "Ok, done!" message appears as pop-up window - should be compatible with all operating systems now Known issues: - plants with names containing "snap" trigger a sound effect when interacted with. this can be fixed by manually changing the name in the flora file. - poisonous plants with additional effects may be mistakenly identified as edible before all effects are known. rare issue, but proceed with caution if "there's still more to learn". - (issue encountered on Ubuntu 14.04) flora files appear in /home directory instead of the directory containing the JAR if run with OpenJDK Runtime. this issue does not occur when using WINE. March 23, 2018, 10:06:07 PM |
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Re: NPC hunters gone wild
~snip~ Yeah, we've all been THERE! May 22, 2019, 08:13:13 PM |
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Summery summary in the midst of upcoming version hype
Yes, yes. Yet another version is cooking up. That's not news. That's how it goes with UnReal World. But what it will be about, and when to expect a release? That would be more like news. And that's what this post is about. Summer is always a busy season. There's so much happening that it's hard to even summarize what's happening. Many of the warm days and nightless nights get spent on recreational activities, but working hours in the development chambers have been also been busy and sweaty. Now lets take a look at what has happened, and to where all this is taking us. Some of this stuff may have been announced already, but it doesn't hurt to drool once again. The main focus of upcoming version is laid on NPCs. This applies to both companions you can hire for yourself, and wandering woodsmen you may meet in the wild. But that's not all. I'll cover some of the upcoming new features in the chunks of text below. I won't add screenshots this time, but a few selected historical image sources from Finnish museums and archives. Some of these may not be era-accurate, but mood and theme suitable nevertheless. Wandering NPCs will actively hunt animals, based on their cultural preferences, and also utilize the kills the best they can. This opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before. The very act of NPCs hunting is propably rarely witnessed by the player character but traces and remains found in the woods can tell a story of another human hunter at the area. Wandering woodsmen and adventurers may now also occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like the dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters. "Hunter with his gear" Photographer: Sirelius U.T. 1898 National Board of Antiquities / Suomalais-ugrilainen kuvakokoelma / SUK36:263 License: CC BY 4.0 Companion usefulness gets boosted with several new tasks they can do on demand New companion commands are: * butcher and skin carcasses * roast meat or fish * make logs and boards Companions skills naturally affect to outcome of the tasks so their expertise can be sometimes used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves. That's cool, you might think. And you also might think of few other tasks companions could do. Indeed. Same here. We actually do have a few more things regarding companions still under construction. Currently we're working on mechanisms to allow unoccupied companions automatically to help you with laborous tasks (eg. building) thus shortening the working time. Well, we haven't concentrated solely on living things. Here's a few of probably the most interesting additions and features regarding item galore; Harvesting and utilizing birch-bark It will be possible to harvest and utitilize birch-bark in crafting. Birch-bark is peeled and removed from a tree in long strips which are then wound to a ball for storage. (As a trivia, this kind of balls are called 'Sommelo' in Finnish.) It will be possible for player character now to craft birch-bark shoes, caps, boxes, baskets - and also birch-bark ropes. Ball of birch-bark, 'Sommelo'. The National Museum of Finland / Yleisetnografiset kokoelmat / VK5354:11 License: CC BY 4.0 Measure of length for tying equipment Tying equipment such as ropes and cords now have a length property, and tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based. There will be also options for joining and shorterning ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. Armour and cloth quality having impact on their protective values High quality armours and clothes now provide more protection, and the low quality ones provide less. In most cases this covers more than one coverage aspect, but always at least the most important aspect for the item in question. Footwear wearing out in use Shoes and boots now wear out in use ie. when walking or otherwise moving around by foot. Footwear material determines their durability. Reindeer fur boots, 'Nutukkaat'. The National Museum of Finland / Suomalais-ugrilaiset kokoelmat / SU4724:35 License: CC BY 4.0 Let this be enough for summery summary about what to expect. Now then there's that other question... When we're done with those "few more things" still pending to be added it is time to start wrapping things up for a beta release. I'm quite reluctant to set or mention any deadlines as they usually don't keep, but if we think it out loud then... It shouldn't take more than few weeks to finish the most urgent pending to-do's. Then a week of extensive testing and adjusting the latest additions, and then if everything goes fine it's time to start final packaging. So... ...we could be seeing first beta of the brave new version in early september. And from there on, what has been laid in there will still be evolving and growing, stabilizing and multiplying. It should be noted that the beta version will be released on Steam, and for lifetimers, and standalone (donation-based, free-of-charge) installers will follow after significantly longer time than what we have used to in the past. This is because the donation-based distribution has been receiving very marginal and insufficient support for years already, and I have to reason things out how to balance with the current distribution models. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors but that will have to await until next week - but don't hesitate to even e-mail if you feel like it. August 05, 2019, 11:53:54 AM |
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