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Re: Poems of the Fallen That is awesome. You've inspired me.

Killing livestock, I'm in too deep,
While unconscious, kicked by a sheep.

October 02, 2017, 01:38:19 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Drowning

Ominous cracking heard a second too late
Far out from the shore with my mind on a kill
But the ice could no longer hold up my weight
Just as the forest reindeer finally lay still

Breathless was I from chasing after my prey
Across two miles of forest and a mile of ice
I had forgotten what my old man would say
My mind had been on nothing but the bloody prize

But 't was not a bloody prize but a price I would pay
"It offends the spirits to bloody the ice in early spring--"
I heard dad's voice in my mind as I felt my strength sway
"--and 'tis surely your death the spirits will bring."

(Yeah, that happened, a few characters back. Just as the damn reindeer died, it became morning, the ice grew weak and I fell through. And drowned.)

October 02, 2017, 03:37:21 AM
Re: Bridge Building I had a thread about it on the old forum

Once I made a house in the middle of a lake but i dont have a screenshot of it and the character is long dead.

October 03, 2017, 12:02:40 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Njerpez fallen

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez do I mean
Hanging 'round my island's outskirts
Unaware that he'd been seen

So I took my fine broadhead
and my longbow in my hands
By nightfall would he be dead
His stain cleansed off my lands

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez did I mean
He bled out on the frozen dirt
Where he's ever since been

October 03, 2017, 07:02:40 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen The (not-so-)sage

Once I believed a sage had to be wise
then I saw this fool standing on rather thin ice
The ice broke and so fell he straight in
Got frozen and soaked right down to his skin

The bitter cold addled his quite feeble brain
And he got so tired he could have slept in the rain
Tired enough that on that spot fell he asleep
And drowned in a puddle barely three inches deep.

October 05, 2017, 02:09:11 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen I really enjoyed "Drowning". Well done, these are great.
October 05, 2017, 02:29:01 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen "The Challenge"

This story is long so please sit comfortable
be kind, listen in silence, if you are able

His name was Cosoban, Can I remember right?
Sixteen years old, ready for the trial night!

It was time when he's lost almost everything
way back to village, friends, his family ring

all clothing, all equipage and all conscious too
In start of Winter, badly hurt and that is true!

He woke up after long dream, cold and afraid
(Part of my rules when I've had him played)

But there was one thing he has not lost
his strong will for surviving at all cost

Fire was his friend but hunger, not really
he picked some berries and that wasn't silly

but more important, blade made from stone
easy be done if not pain in arm bone

limping through forest and for water looking
eating that berries, had nothing for cooking

sleep, keep warm, walk more every morning
I know, this part of story is greatly boring

come back next week, I will tell you more
if you don't like it, then please ignore.


October 06, 2017, 02:14:34 AM
Re: Blocking Weapons and Assorted Combat Discussion And this right here is what I love about the Unreal World community: we all play the game our own way, and that's not only okay: it is welcomed and celebrated.
October 06, 2017, 02:19:59 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Pardon the anachronistic Shakespearian format, and not exactly fallen, but unfortunate.

The Lay of the Sexy Fisherman

He came to the town
With perches to sell
(A big cod as well)
And threw his catch down.

The men-folk all stared
And women they squealed
At muscles revealed
And all the flesh bared.

As naked as born
His arse in the draft
His clothes had he torn
For making a raft.

October 12, 2017, 01:38:33 PM
Forget seals, anyone know good strategies for hunting beavers? I never seem to see them in the winter, can't track them in the summer (at least maybe without very high tracking skill) to see where they like to land.  Meat doesn't work as bait.  Lumber doesn't work as bait (yes, I've tried).  Do vegetables?  Does anyone know which traps can take them?  Small deadfall?  Light lever?  Is there a good way to attack them without completely ruining the hide?  Blunt arrows?
October 14, 2017, 09:42:42 PM