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Re: Where is the robber gang seems too awkward to complete I don't think I've found bear/wolf tracks on the world map in conjunction with the injured adventurer quest more than very occasionally.

The robber quest is very tedious since you have to visit every tile in the area, and even if you zoom in on every tile you may still miss both them and their tracks (the only quest worse is the animal in forest cover one). Traveling through every tile on foot ought to work as the robbers should home in on you, but it takes an enormous amount of player time to do that.

I believe you have the standard low chance to find human tracks on the overland map, but that chance is so low that it's not useful as a method of finding them, just a potential small bonus.

I agree there is a need for additional indications of their presence, such as blood scapes (as suggested), or seeing smoke/fire in the distance. Footprints in an area around the target would help as well. A smaller target circle might be another alternative.

May 04, 2023, 09:17:49 AM
Add more "manufacturer" NPCs In the category of super obvious suggestions: now that there is presumably some kind framework for the orders systems, it would be nice to see other relevant NPCs.

For example bowyers who make bows and arrows (possibly player would need to supply the arrowheads?), rough/decent clothing from female npc from villages (possibly with rather long manufacturing times as they have other things to do than make you clothes), rare dedicated seamstress NPC who make fine and masterwork clothing in at least Driik and Reemi villages. Maybe (already present) craftsman NPCs should be able to supply you with more general items like paddles, punts, yarn, snares, nets etc.? The readily available stock in villages could then be revised to be more basic accordingly (though I think they should always have some stuff there, a desperate player might want to steal an axe, for example).

It's worth noting that there would be some thematic issues with ordering fur clothing, since furs are mechanically player's prime loot and currency, but fur clothing isn't priced accordingly. For example fine reindeer fur goes for 250 value (25 value/pound) while fine fur shirt is 200 (28,58 value/pound). Maybe (forest) reindeer furs should have the price cut down to half to bring them in line with elk fur for value/pound, though I feel the added value from the expert manufacture is still rather small. The fur clothes could be also made more expensive, but fine furs (warmth 6, but very heavy) are already bit iffy for warmth when compared to rough nettle and linen clothing (warmth 2, but much lighter), so they aren't terribly useful for players except for the items for extremities.

June 19, 2023, 10:32:05 AM
Birds should be less intimidating This is something that has been bothering me for a long time. Please make it so that we can zoom out to the world map even if there is some random grouse hovering in the air nearby. Birds in the air tend to be chill about the player's presence so that they can stick nearby and you need to run away from the bird before you can zoom out. None of the birds are ever aggressive to the player either. The only potential exploit cases I can think of is that the player might zoom out to prevent a bird of prey from killing another bird or prevent it from stealing a meat cut you left lying around on the ground, which are of doubtful utility.

Similarly I'm not sure dogs should be so hung about birds of pray (i.e. bark in alarm) as they are insignificant animals to the player. It's unnecessary info clutter.

June 20, 2023, 08:45:45 PM
Sightings Now that we have a system in place for asking for blacksmiths that extends beyond connected villages, I suggest to add foreigner sightings.

Either villagers telling the character there's some foreign people sighted at X direction, Y distance away. Earlier in the day, yesterday, few days, week ago.
Or the character could ask if the folks have heard of or seen foreigners lately, same as for smiths and sages.

Extra bonus if we could get sightings of traders and invaders both.

June 23, 2023, 01:50:42 AM
Re: Sightings If we are talking foreign traders, I think they should be in the village or camped very close to it.  The idea of them wandering the forests at random, searching for lone trappers and hunters who may or may not have quality pelts is a little silly.  Also immersion breaking if you are far from any villages and foreign traders are more common than game!

Foreign traders would camp in or close to a village, and wait for trappers and hunters to come to them.  Word would get around, so the player may be told "It is said that foreign traders have set up a camp close to XXXXX village".  IMHO, they should also be found only at coastal villages or those connected to the coast by trail.

July 20, 2023, 11:09:36 PM
More information for fishing "misses" Hey, just wanted to suggest, while fishing is being worked on, that more supporting text and information while fishing could give it a lot more flavour. Things like "you see a pike swimming by" during the fishing task, or "you see several fish but nothing bites" when fishing has completed unsuccessfully.

As it is now it's very difficult to know if your fishing has any chance of succeeding, as it simply waits for three hours and nothing happens - there's no indication of whether or not there are even any fish where you're trying to catch things, and it doesn't feel like three hours have passed as nothing notable has happened.

Especially when spear fishing, for misses i would expect a lot of "you try to spear a salmon but miss", but there's never any indication there was even any fish available to spear.

Any information about spotting fish while fishing would make the task a lot more lively.

September 03, 2023, 01:20:25 AM