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Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
How long does it take for human bodies to decay?  Do they every "go away" on their own?
As far as I've seen there is no such thing as natural decay (of any bodies). However corpses CAN be eaten, but it doesn't seem to happen often (as bodies tend to just lie around for years). It's been mentioned that starving dogs eat corpses (including human ones), but to do that you need to starve the dogs first (which, apart from animal cruelty, involves keeping up with constant barking), and I've experimented with feeding Njerp and robber corpses to the carrion birds (i.e. raven), to some effect. It takes something like 3-5 raven "sessions" to eat a Njerp corpse completely, leaving nothing left, but it's not that easy to get them to feast.

August 17, 2017, 10:57:59 AM
Re: Injuries and maiming That is a great article! Saving that. :)

What maybe cool is to have a setting to adjust the realism of in game damage. If a player wanted to play with severed and maimed limbs they could turn the setting to the max.

August 17, 2017, 06:08:03 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
Also, for my previous question about murdering an unarmed old man, that was not an issue of ease, it was an issue of ethics. Is it right? Some would say he doesn't deserve two houses and five fields, but some would say I don't either, and they're already his. Will he ever die of old age?

He won't die of old age.
As to the ethics of attacking an unwitting victim can only be answered by you. Maybe he will be your best friend in the game, a reliable hunting companion, a comfort during flu season, Or maybe he's a giant douche.. Who knows :D

August 18, 2017, 09:21:39 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers @caius THe roleplayer suggests fire, fire fixes everything. Except loneliness.

You can burn corpses and they will go away, Saami added this as a way of cremating your dead dog, since you can't bury them.

August 18, 2017, 09:54:49 AM
Re: Need a Fisher's Knife Thanks I literally just found a fine one near my settlement.
August 18, 2017, 02:18:54 PM
Re: Curious About Quest Rewards (spoilers hopefully) Hare paws have something like 3 or 5 uses, but I've only used them accidentally. I can think of two very good uses:
1. Critical combat attacks.
2. Crafting something valuable and difficult.
I don't know how well it works, though.

Most skill lessons have been for weapons, but I've occasionally gotten other skills. Definitely fishing, and I think trapping as well, and probably one or two others (hide working?).

August 19, 2017, 12:40:44 AM
Re: Mik His need for food satisfied by the stag, and it's hide tanned, he continues his explorations.
On the north shore of a large lake he makes a shelter after observing a goshawk and it's prey.

He then sets several snare traps and spends a few days there. Success!!!

Mik decides to stay here a while.

August 19, 2017, 06:11:28 PM
Re: Fur protection/warmth values
I don't think there is any, so far I can only tell you that all you need for torso and leg armor are 2 bear furs made into all possible clothing to get maximum protection, rest probably easy to fill with bear leather and some iron cowls/helmets.

Thanks, I actually know what the best things are. I have all generic fur/leather/iron/mail/lamellar/linen/nettle/wool values, for they are available in any OBJ file. Also, in my games I always wear bear and elk (depending if I have to maximise warmth or protection) so I have those values too (and I know that stag/elk/reindeer are exactly equal). So I'm "settled" in my game optimisation. What I never did was making clothes out of other hides, and this means I don't have the values in the OBJ file.

I wanted to propose a re-calibration of some furs based on this:

Which would make wolf as warm as bear or even as deer (the maximum available), and arctic fox even warmer. This could help re-valuating hides that are more difficult to get (arctic fox is rare, and wolves are, IMHO, more dangerous of bears because of pack behaviour. I can kill bears with any character now but wolves are still scary).

I will slowly do this work and update the wiki :D

August 23, 2017, 06:00:37 PM
Late Night Encounter Paimen Sartolainen couldn't ignore the spirits prompting anymore.  He had spent 2 summers mostly near his settlement hunting, minding his growing flock of sheep, farming his fields, and tending his snares, traps, and trap fences.  He certainly wasn't a warrior, but had become a master at hunting (stealth and bow) and a grandmaster working with hides.  So, when the spirits told him to seek furs at the Kaumo, he couldn't put off the impression anymore...

August 23, 2017, 08:56:42 PM
Re: Late Night Encounter ...
So he packed up his gear, bundled in furs, loaded his 2 bulls, and set out once the lakes froze hard.  He was going to winter in the unexplored Kaumo and trap and hunt until the spirits were pacified.  After several days of slow skiing across the land, he was exhaused one morning after travel through the night.  So he wrapped himself in furs and slept well until he awoke refreshed late one night.  After only a short time traveling, he stumbled across a band of foreigners.  Normally, he had traded with these visitors in the past, but these new ones were strangers.  Even more, he had little to trade.  But, the foreigners were loaded with goods and seemed unaware of Paimen as he stumbled out of the forest near their camp. 

It was then that the guardian spirits showed Paimen that these foreigners were evil.  Paimen knew he had to remove them from the forest and take their goods for the good of the land.  Paimen knew he had no hope to fight these traders, but he could stalk them like filthy foreigners they were.  So with his bow and with his spear, Paimen stalked them through the trees and killed them one at a time...

August 23, 2017, 09:11:05 PM