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Re: Insufficient unity Learning new rituals is indeed rather slow (which I don't think is bad). My character is about 4 years in, and there are a fair number of rituals I know exist, but haven't been offered (including two of the spirit ones).

The only way I know of to get quests is to ask people how they are doing. You can occasionally get "lost character" quests in the wilderness by talking to woodsmen, but apart from that you get quests in villages.
Most quests in villages are "public", i.e. when talking to someone in that village they'll direct you to the quest giver, but some are private, i.e. revealed only if you happen to talk to that specific character.

Most quests give mundane rewards in the form of credits for goods (not animals!). Some give training (my second favorite type) in skills, some give spells (my favorite), some provide the location of a treasure, and a couple give specific rewards that seem to be essentially the same for every instance of that quest.

March 21, 2018, 08:27:10 PM
Re: Tracking a Cow That quest is probably the worst region one, as you need luck to find the tracks and have no clue as to where the blasted critter is (some quests at least gives you a terrain border).

Anyway, I go back and forth over the region one line at a time, zooming in to each tile, look forward, look backward, zoom out turn 180 degrees, move one tile, zoom in ... Once I cross the area I move one tile in the other direction. Scanning a complete area using that method takes 3-5 days. I've tried using tracking from the world map, but it adds a lot of time (probably close to doubles it), and it seems to be very unreliable.
Obviously, searching will have to be performed when there's sufficient light to see tracks, although that's not very far, with makes the quest even harder. So far I've been lucky, though, and have completed them.

If you do find the tracks, they may be called bull tracks rather than cow tracks. If that's the case Sami would like to examine a save where he can take a look at the misnamed tracks (I've made a post in the bug section about this).

March 25, 2018, 11:12:40 PM
Skill Training Guide One of the things I've been working on more lately is more consistent skill training, so I thought I'd write up a bit about how to train up skills and how difficult they are.  The general rule is that you can gain at most three percentage points every day, and the day rolls over at about 8:00 AM.  Skills with more stars next to them will be easier to train up, depending on your stats and the stats that help with that skill.

Craft & Lore skills

Agriculture - Train up through planting seeds.  Affects the yields of grown plants.  Difficult to deliberately skill train.
Building - Train up through building things.  Affects the speed of building.  Difficult to deliberately skill train.
Cookery - Train through cooking more difficult recipes.  Roasting meat won't do much, more complex recipes are more likely to train.  Somewhat useful; will affect the trade value of cooked food.
Herblore - Keep unknown plants, mushrooms, and berries in your inventory and use herblore on them every hour or so.  Trains pretty rapidly with a few items to train with.  Useful for identifying edible and medicinal plants.
Fishing - Train through fishing with a tool, pole, or nets.  Difficult to deliberately skill train, but net fishing is probably most effective.
Hideworking - Training with small game is most effective, since they tan faster and each hide gives you the same number of possible skill ups regardless of side.  Very useful for getting higher quality clothing and cords.
Timbercraft - Training with board making is most effective.  Not hugely useful, but affects the speed of timberwork and quality of boards.
Physician - Train by treating minor injuries.  Climbing trees is a reasonable way to get minor but not threatening injuries.  Frostbites from running naked in the winter work OK too.  Can now treat animals and companions as well, which might be a less dangerous way to train it.
Trapping - Can be trained by resetting traps repeatedly.  Very useful for those who want to trap; increases the chance of game entering the trap.
Tracking - Train by following a game trail and repeatedly using the tracking skill to check the direction of the tracks.  Quite useful for active hunting.
Weatherlore - I have literally never seen this skill increase, and I use it every morning.
Carpentry - Train by making crafted goods like shortbows or paddles.  Difficult to train, but quite useful for higher quality items.

Physical skills
Skiing - Just ski.  During the winter I ski around checking trap lines to train this.  Quite useful for winter travel.
Stealth - Walk around in stealth mode.  Seems to train faster when there are animals nearby.  Useful for active hunting and combat.
Climbing - Climbing fences or small cliffs trains this safely and quickly.  Useful at very high skills for climbing trees safely for better views.
Swimming - Swim along the shoreline in the summer.  Trains fairly quickly.  Not commonly used, but can save your life in some situations.

Combat skills
Difficult to train up safely.  Throwing or shooting weapons will train, but often takes hundreds of throws to get a skillup.  Dodge, unarmed, and shield are very difficult to train.

Any other suggestions?  I generally spend time on actively training herblore, skiing, stealth, climbing, club, trapping, and tracking. 

March 31, 2018, 09:34:29 PM
Re: Utility knives and axes in 3.50  Inside of the task(s) there is an optional property which more or less controls this.
a task with {Knife} as a requirement does not care what knife is used.
a task with {Cutting weapon} <Knife> will allow any edged tool but knife is preferred.
a task with {Knife} <Fisher's knife> will use any knife but fisherman's knife is preferred.

TBH I don't know if there is bonus or disadvantage to using preferred and if so how much.

Inside the game are some additional bits; you get more cuts with a knife than an axe, etc.
The news file has some details

** Changelog for 3.15-beta2 released on Dec-1-2012
* tool usefulness

       Some tools are more handy for certain tasks than the others. This is
          a good old, and clear game mechanism, and player is always informed
          when certain type of tool is preferred for the task.
          Usefulness of the tool foremostly affects to how long it will take to
          complete the task, but now it also affects to quality of crafted item.
          If an item is crafted with an unhandy tool the maximum possible
          quality is degraded according to tool used. The more unhandy the tool,
          the less perfect the resulting item can be expected to be.

          For example: you can't carve fine wooden bowls with a stone-axe any
          more. However, with a good quality stone-axe you may still succeed
          better than with one of average quality.

April 09, 2018, 06:48:03 AM
Re: Getting fatigued while... walking?
I don't know about the rest of you, but IRL carrying 50 or 100 or 200 pounds has always fatigued me when I walk around, whether at age 16 or 26 or 36, whether on dry ground or waist-deep snow. Maybe it was different in the Iron Age, who knows?
I can speak to this one.  For several years I worked as an elite wildland firefighter, battling forest fires in some of the most remote areas of the world.  We were often without support for weeks at a time, so all of our gear had to be carried in with us.  A standard day-to-day load would be about 60 pounds, and we would often carry as much as 180 pounds or more. 

I think that UnReal World actually does a decent job of modelling heavy pack loads.  Once you become accustomed to the weight, it does not necessarily continually fatigue you - however, it does slow and hinder everything that you do.  Now, of course, all elite firefighters must conform to a high standard of fitness.  Some people might say that it is unrealistic that Iron Age characters would have such high levels of fitness, but actually I think it is the opposite.  Our lifestyle as wildland firefighters is actually probably much closer to a prehistoric lifestyle than to a modern man.  All day is spent in the woods, tromping around and trying to survive.  There is no way to become more fit and mentally tough.  I would imagine that even UnReal characters with somewhat low Endurance and Strength are probably still more fit than the average sedentary modern person. 

Still, climbing up mountains whilst carrying 100+ pounds is always taxing.  A more realistic approach would probably be sort of a "weighted scale" if you will.  Weaker characters become more easily fatigued whilst bearing heavy loads, while stronger/tougher characters tire more slowly.  All characters fatigue more quickly whilst travelling across hills, and climbing a mountain should tax all but the strongest characters to the limit and take significantly more time than crossing a meadow.

April 29, 2018, 03:19:02 PM
Re: Inaccessible cave  Haha, a collapse! You have a wonderful perspective.

You used to be able to build a door into the wall to allow access. I haven't tried this in some time.

You can "deconstruct" the rock.
Open biy_glossary.txt, scroll down to just above "[SUBMENU_END:kota]"
Add a new line and put
.Big Rock .

save and close the file. Now when standing next to the Big Rock open the building menu and choose deconstruct and pick a rock

Note: use f3 on the item to see the name as it may be High Wall or something else, not played in a while.

May 01, 2018, 08:51:33 PM
Re: Inaccessible cave The door worked!  I should have probably tried that.

Thanks for the idea, I haven't tried modding yet but if I do I will post the results here as well.

May 01, 2018, 09:15:01 PM
URW on Youtube. DidYouKnowGaming? Channel DidYouKnowGaming? gave a nice shoutout to URW in their latest video "PC Game Constantly Updated For 25 Years [Dedicated Developers] - Did You Know Gaming? extra Ft. Dazz".
Funny thing here was that i was playing URW and watching YT at the same time and this video pops up, a pleasant surprise.

here's the link to the video

May 31, 2018, 01:30:02 AM
quality of life For new players:

Since the UI can be a bit unwieldy at times, here's some things I learned:

The combination of using NUMPAD+ and the TAB key is really useful to drop, equip, dress/undress/haul certain items without having to scroll through your stuff.
NUMPAD+ = select everything
SPACE = confirm
TAB = activate filter


TAB+'f' selects all food, so it is very useful to dump all the food into the cellar. TAB+'f', NUMPAD+ and SPACE do a great job here.

If I want to cook those 259 elk cuts, what I do is
press 'd' (to drop)
press NUMPAD+ (to select everything)
press TAB 'f'
press NUMPAD- (to unselect everything)
press SPACE (Now I will drop everything that is not food)
When roasting my cuts I can now use 'r' to repeat, and if I am only carrying raw meat, the process is really fast.

I do the same for tanning stuff, drop everything except hides, press 'g' to get my knife (and some fat) from the pile at my feet, and I am ready to go with 0 penalties

I do the same when trading in a village sometimes, when I drop everything I don't want to sell. I undress all clothing via SHIFT+T, TAB 'a', NUMPAD+, SPACE. Now I can let the villagers choose "which items they actually want", and I can also carry more.


The game takes materials from the ground. When crafting it is useful to first drop everything (NUMPAD+, SPACE), and then pick up some critical materials that cannot be used from the ground (like food or cords).


When cooking (or drying food) it is useful to build the cellar right next to the shelter. This way I can make a fire next to the cellar and cook while standing on the cellar. The food is prepared "inside" the cellar. If the fire is really small, the food won't burn and will be stored in the cellar without the need to move it there.


About drying food: On my first couple of games I didn't know that clothing can be used to make cords. Linen, wool, leather, and fur clothing can be transformed into cords. One cord can take 19 cuts.


Food preservation: Food on companions spoils more slowly. Shift+'g' can be used in the overland map, so whenever I am hungry, I can take some meat from my companion instead of carrying the food myself. (Also useful for trading.)


June 03, 2018, 09:29:00 PM
Re: Vagabonds
Yeah, I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.  I do feel slightly guilty, but then again, if you were starving to death in the woods... perhaps you'd do the same
You must be a poor player indeed, if you're character is constantly starving so you have to murder everyone you encounter to get something to eat...

June 09, 2018, 08:30:09 PM